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Wrought iron gates: photos of elegant metal structures
Wrought iron gates are devices that provide free passage through a fence or gate. They can be of different designs. Today, many people are arguing about whether there is a need for its organization. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to take into account several factors that make it possible to select the correct forged wickets: photo, material of manufacture and design features.
Forged wicket - a device for passing through a fence or hedge
The main advantages of wrought iron gates for home
Any products and devices that are used in construction have their own advantages, as well as some disadvantages. This statement also applies to forged structures. Before purchasing such a wicket, it is recommended to learn more about its advantages.
Forged metal gates are particularly durable
The main advantage of such a passage, located in the door leaf or in the fence, is that it is made of metal. Such material is characterized by wear resistance and long service life. To protect against atmospheric precipitation that causes corrosion, the structure is often treated with various compounds.
Forged gates with a wicket inside can be used in regions that are distinguished by harsh climatic conditions. Metal structures are not afraid of temperature fluctuations. They perform their functions equally well at both -30 and 30 ° C.
Wrought iron gates can be combined with fences made of any materials
Note! Another advantage of such products is that they are universal designs. Wrought iron gates can be used in combination with fences made of various building materials such as brick, polycarbonate, corrugated board, and wood.
These products are made in a variety of styles and can include not only traditional patterns, but also complex ornaments. Forged gates with a built-in wicket can be decorated in the same style or act more original and make a contrasting, eye-catching passage in the construction canvas.
Wrought iron gates can decorate and complement the appearance of the site
This gate can be painted in any color. The most popular are various dark shades. For the decoration of small curly elements that are part of the pattern, you can choose a gold or silver color. This combination looks very presentable and will delight the owner's eyes for many years.
Disadvantages of wrought iron gates for private and country houses
High aesthetics of forged structures, as well as the fact that they perfectly cope with their direct functions - all this determines their popularity in the modern construction market. They are, of course, a good solution that allows you to beautifully decorate the passage area.
The appearance of forged gates depends only on your imagination
In fairness, it should be noted that these products, like any others, are not without drawbacks. For example, the main disadvantage of such gates is their rather high cost. The price primarily depends on the complexity of the forging. Photos of these constructions perfectly demonstrate the variety of artistic solutions in this case. The cost is also influenced by the following factors: the amount of material, dimensions and functionality.
The disadvantages of these structures can also be attributed to their large weight. This complicates the transportation and installation of the product. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance how the installation will take place and which version of the wicket is suitable for a particular case. Solid products weigh much more than open ones, and this should be taken into account when choosing a design. This is clearly seen in the photo of forged gates and gates. The price of a sketch, which can be ordered from specialists, also differs depending on what type of gate was chosen.
The more artistic elements a forged gate has, the more time it takes to make it
The last disadvantage of such structures is the long production process. Due to the large number of curly elements, it takes quite a lot of time to make. In addition to the above, there are no more negative aspects of forged gates.
Varieties of forged gates: photos of various designs
Structures that are used for passageways in gates and fences are classified according to several parameters. First of all, according to the material from which they are made. And also these devices are differentiated according to a feature that emphasizes how visible they are. Do not forget about their dimensions. According to the degree of visibility, there are products:
Through the open type of forged wicket you can see what is on the site
Open wickets... Such forged structures are also called through. This can be explained quite simply: they are not a continuous canvas. Such models consist of metal rods that do not have a bonding screening, therefore, the territory of the site is visible through them. Photos of forged gates of this type allow you to appreciate their elegance and originality.
Closed structures... In addition to forged metal elements, blind gates include a protective sheet cover. The material for shielding such doors can be an ordinary metal sheet of any texture.
Note!When installing blind structures, materials such as polycarbonate, wood and corrugated board are actively used.
The closed type of forged wicket does not allow outsiders to look at the site
The advantage of blind doors is obvious: they protect the area from the glances of passers-by. This determines the popularity of this type of wicket. Photos of forged products of this type make it possible to examine them in natural conditions at the installation site. This allows you to make the right decision and not make mistakes when ordering a design.
Combined wickets. Such products combine the features of the two previous types.Most often, combined wickets have a deaf design with an open part at the bottom, which is decorated with openwork forging. However, the through part can also be located in the upper zone.
Forged wickets of the combined type combine elements of an open and a closed version
Types of wickets by functional purpose and dimensions
These products are classified according to their functional purpose, according to which they can be differentiated into 2 types:
to enter;
for entry.
The width of a forged wicket can be more than 3 meters
The width of the entrance devices is traditionally smaller than those used for driving. As a rule, this parameter does not exceed 1.5 m. Entrance structures can be up to 3 m wide (sometimes more, depending on the need). Wrought iron gates and wickets for a private house are also classified according to their height. According to this indicator, wickets are divided into the following types:
low - no more than 1 m;
medium - from 1 to 1.8 m;
high - more than 1.8 m.
An open gate looks best with a fence of the same type
Deaf product options look harmoniously in combination with the same fences. Moreover, this does not mean that such fences are less presentable. They can be decorated with artistic forging, but such elements must be correctly positioned on the canvas. Color harmony is also important in this case. In turn, open models of wickets go well with the same fences. In order to learn how to recognize and correctly apply different models of these structures, it is recommended to study the photo of a gate with wickets.
Beautiful wrought iron gates, their photos and features. Benefits. Varieties. Choice of style and colors. Self-assembly tips.
Wickets can be installed both in the gate and as a passage through the fence. In the second case, they can be located behind the house, performing the function of a back door. Separately, it should be said that sliding structures are very popular. Photos of forged sliding gates with a wicket allow you to clearly evaluate their advantages.
You can decorate the gate using original forged elements
Forging elements can be located in a vertical or horizontal plane and decorated with additional curly components. To create an original decor, forged figurines of flora and fauna representatives, various signs and emblems are used.
Gate with a wicket for a private house: material of manufacture
The development of the industry has influenced the emergence of new materials that look good together with forged rods and artistic metal elements. The most acceptable option is the use of polycarbonate, which has a wide range of colors. Classic combinations also do not go out of fashion and are quite common, although they are more expensive (for example, wood with metal).
Note!If you decide to make a combination of forged metal rods and a wooden canvas, then it is worth remembering that the fence will need to be completed in the same style.
When creating a wicket, forged elements can be combined with other types of materials.
In the case of a limited budget, you need to pay attention to simpler and more affordable options for gates and gates. Polycarbonate used as a screen is considered the most cost-effective solution. Such material is a stylish and modern design option for wrought iron gates and gates (photos confirm this).
In some cases, polycarbonate sheets are combined with metal sheets. Such a solution will be original, but it requires an understanding of the principles of material compatibility.
When creating a forged open wicket, only metal is used
Another popular material used in combination with metal forging is corrugated board. The cost of such gates and fences is slightly higher than in the case of polycarbonate shielding, but, nevertheless, it is acceptable for many buyers. The structure of this type is assembled from rectangular shaped pipes and sheathed with metal cladding material. Separately, it should be said that these sheets are resistant to corrosion and have increased strength, as they are made of galvanized steel.
What decor can forged gates have: photos of common designs
The choice of the decor of the wicket is a very important task, since the product should not only be combined with a hedge or gate, but also harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site. Of course, first of all, it is worth determining what type of structure will be mounted. Open options look more sophisticated due to their lightness. They are decorated with classic forged elements, and can also have a complex pattern.
The designs of through types of wickets can be very different
Through lattice products are divided into several types, depending on what type of lattice was used in their formation. Today, structures are common, the lattice structure of which is represented by geometric shapes. These can be rectangles, squares, as well as rhombuses and circles. It is worth noting separately that there are wickets that have an unconventional design. Photos of gates and wickets with various grilles allow you to make the right choice of design.
Lattice products are classified according to one more feature - the decoration of the upper segment. The top can be flat or have a raised surface. And also it is often decorated with various curly elements (for example, arcs or peaks). The domestic market offers a wide variety of models that differ in decor (this is confirmed by photos of gates with wrought-iron gates). The price of these products depends on the intricacy of the pattern and the amount of material.
Locks are often installed on forged gates, security cameras and other equipment
Various locks can be installed on the gate. Mechanical devices are most commonly used, but electrical varieties are also found. In addition, such structures are often equipped with additional elements that simplify their use and increase the degree of security. For example, a video surveillance system is very popular.
Note!If you decide to do such a design with your own hands, then do not forget that all additional elements must be indicated in the sketch of the forged wicket without fail.
It should be said that these structures are often equipped with lanterns that provide the necessary lighting. Various surveillance equipment such as cameras and motion sensors are also popular.
Lighting fixtures are also installed on forged metal gates
The choice of style for forged structures: wickets, gates, fences
The stylistic direction of the design is selected depending on various factors. It is very important that the gate is combined with the fence or looks beautiful and organic in an ensemble with it. It is also worth paying attention to the decor of the site and residential buildings located within it. And, finally, much depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the territory.
Wrought iron gates can be presented in various styles
Today wickets with forged figured elements are produced not only in old, classical styles. The price of a wrought-iron gate with a wicket made in this way is quite high. Therefore, modern designs are also very popular. Entrance or drive doors can be made in the following styles:
Wickets with a large number of forged elements are difficult to make with your own hands
The first two directions are distinguished by their luxurious design, as can be seen when looking at photos of forged gates. It is rather difficult to create such a design with your own hands, since it includes a large number of complex artistic elements. Often such products are found in ancient estates and places that are designated as architectural monuments. Of course, the cost of these gates is very high.
The designs made in the modern style look stylish and original. The peculiarity of this direction lies in the fact that intertwining geometric shapes can be traced on the canvas of the gate. The price of a wrought-iron gate made in the Art Nouveau or Postmodern style is more acceptable.
For areas in a modern style, it is better to use wickets in a minimalist design.
Minimalist wickets are best suited for installation in areas that have a modern design. Such products are distinguished by their straightness and completeness of forms. In this case, the design may contain laconic lines or similar, repeating simple patterns, as well as an accentuating geometric figure.
A few tips for choosing wrought iron gates and gates: photos and prices
When choosing a forged structure, you need to pay attention to its appearance: it must be in harmony with the backyard area. The technical characteristics of the models also play an important role. Of course, these products, regardless of type, have a longer service life when compared with conventional fences. Nevertheless, the material must be highly durable and resistant to negative environmental influences.
All elements of the wicket must be coated with an anti-corrosion agent
Note! Before purchasing this or that model of the wicket, it is recommended to ask the seller if it has anti-corrosion protection.
Galvanized structures are the most attractive and can be used even in difficult climatic conditions. Before purchasing a product, it is advisable to study the photo of a wrought-iron gate with gates inside. A gate that has such a passage is the most common solution. These constructions are used everywhere.
You can develop the design of a forged gate yourself
Today there is a possibility of making forged products according to individual drawings. This solution allows you to make a unique design that will emphasize the individuality of your site. However, such products tend to be expensive. Photos of sketches of forged gates, made in a single version, clearly demonstrate the individual qualities of such structures.
An important factor of choice, and sometimes the main one, is the price of a forged wicket. Photos and sketches of these structures can be very different from each other. The cost of inexpensive, standard models is 2-9 thousand rubles. for 1 m². The price of a square of more expensive models can go up to 50 thousand rubles.
The cost of a forged wicket depends on the features of the selected model
Instructions for self-production of a forged wicket: preparatory stage
The decorative features of such structures primarily depend on the method by which the gate was made. There are two popular ways of making forged products: cold forging and hot. In the first case, various forms and devices are used for production, by means of which the metal is bent. This method is the most popular today, as it allows you to make a forged gate with your own hands.
Hot forging is less common as it requires professional equipment.Some craftsmen use budget tools (for example, a gas burner) to heat metal rods.
To make a forged gate with your own hands, you need to create a sketch
Before proceeding with the self-assembly of the forged structure, appropriate preparation should be carried out. This work includes two steps: drawing up a sketch and organizing the markup. If necessary, you can take a ready-made sketch of a forged wicket from the Internet. Photos of such drawings can be easily found on specialized sites. In addition, you will need to prepare all the tools necessary for this work:
machine (for molding shaped parts);
welding equipment;
a hammer;
pliers and pliers;
Wrought iron gate and fence can be located at different heights
Helpful information!The main thing that needs to be done when drawing up a diagram is to determine the dimensions of the future structure. Experts note that the fence and the gate should be at the same level (in height). In addition, it is recommended to choose the same profiled pipes for the product frame as for the gate or fence (for example, 40 x 40 mm).
The project must take into account what material the curly elements will be formed from. As a rule, rods are used for these purposes, the diameter of which varies from 10 to 14 mm. These dimensions are ideal for individual parts of forged gates and wickets. Sketches, photos, as well as assembly instructions - all this must be taken into account during work.
When creating a gate with your own hands, you need to think about materials for artistic elements.
Forging and welding a gate with your own hands: recommendations
Self-production of individual forging elements is a rather difficult task. In order to simplify the work, you can purchase complex curly elements that you cannot do separately. This will greatly simplify and speed up your work.
Assembling the gate begins with organizing the frame. As mentioned above, for this purpose it is necessary to prepare professional pipes. All individual elements will need to be laid out on a flat surface and connected by welding. It is important to remember that first it is worth doing the tacks, after which it is checked how smooth the frame is.
Installing a forged gate, you need to make sure that its size matches the sketch
Further, the dimensions of the structure are measured and checked against the dimensions indicated in the sketches. If everything is done correctly, then you can proceed to the capital welding of each joint. Before that, it is recommended to study the photo of forged gates. The price and consumption of material for a self-assembled structure can be several times lower than purchased counterparts, and such products are not inferior in beauty to factory counterparts.
After assembling the frame, it is necessary to make forged components. At home, it is recommended to use the cold form. All individual elements must be carefully measured, as they must necessarily coincide with the figures indicated in the sketch. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is best to buy a wrought-iron gate with a wicket or a separate structure for the fence.
Forged artistic elements are welded to the gate separately
Experts recommend paying attention to the fact that you need to be very careful when bending parts. This is due to the fact that an incorrectly bent product is almost impossible to fix. After making the required number of forged elements, they are distributed over the wicket door. Then it only remains to weld them. Thus, the gate is assembled by hand.
Purchasing a wrought-iron gate allows you to emphasize the individuality of your site. The decor of the fence, gate and sash can be very different and depends on many factors. But the main one is your taste.Modern machines make it possible to make very beautiful and intricate patterns that can become an ornament, regardless of the features of the surrounding landscape.