Do-it-yourself metal braziers are indispensable helpers in a private house or in a summer cottage. The dimensions, photos of the finished braziers, given in this article, will help you cope with their arrangement yourself. Such products are quite often used during holidays in nature, however, in order to understand which device is needed, you need to understand their varieties. The finished drawing of a metal barbecue with the size of the box and supports can be used in work as a sample.
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Varieties of braziers
The easiest option barbecue do-it-yourself metal dimensions, the photo of which is given below, is an ordinary rectangular "aquarium" with legs. Coals are poured into its base, due to which heat is created. However, there are many modern designs that are fundamentally different from the standard. They are more refined and beautiful.
There are several options for the execution of barbecues:
- stationary... A fairly massive structure, most often installed on a rigid base. Metal barbecues can become an interesting and at the same time beautiful element of site design. To confirm this and a photo of barbecues with smokehouse made of metal with your own hands (drawings of such models can be found on the Internet). Modern craftsmen will offer various forms of similar products, from which you can choose an original version for home use. It will last for many years;
- portable... The main difference between such structures is their compactness and collapsibility. They are significantly lighter in weight than their stationary counterparts and can easily fit in the trunk of a car. The only drawback of portable products can be considered fragility. They are made from thinner sheet metal to reduce overall weight. Too thin material often deforms and burns out;
- mobile... Usually these are rather large structures, often of a non-separable type, additionally equipped with wheels for ease of movement around the site. Do-it-yourself metal braziers are often decorated with forged elements. Sizes, photos of such products are quite diverse and among a large set of options, you can choose the most suitable one.

Mobile barbecue grill with wheels
We should also mention the electric grill.For the convenience of users, it provides automatic rotation of skewers. On such a brazier, the meat is fried evenly. There are also fully electrified specimens that use heating spirals instead of coals.
The simplest do-it-yourself outdoor brazier made of metal. Photos, drawings
The simplest and easiest portable grill to manufacture is two small metal stands in the shape of the letter "P", which are stuck into the ground. Naturally, there is no place for coals in it; they are placed on the ground directly between the posts.
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Its cons:
- low height does not allow frying meat while standing;
- open space is a fairly large heat loss.
Such a product can be easily taken on a hike. It takes up little space and even fits into a backpack. For its manufacture, you will need two corners, the length of which will be equal to the length of the barbecue, as well as four metal racks and parts for fastening the structure. A photo of a metal barbecue demonstrates the simplicity of such a device.
Helpful advice! For a standard barbecue, a metal sheet with a thickness of about 2 mm is usually used. The greater the thickness, the more durable the structure will be, therefore some craftsmen use 5 mm metal.
DIY metal brazier. Drawings, photos
It is not difficult to assemble a stationary metal brazier with your own hands. To create the simplest rectangular brazier you will need:
- steel sheet;
- fittings or corners for racks;
- grinder with a suitable stone;
- drill;
- gas or electric welding machine.
You should first prepare a drawing of the future design. Here you need to provide for the height of the finished product, its width and length, mark the distance between the perforation slots, as well as find the chamfers for the skewers. The standard distance between the ventilation slots in a metal brazier with your own hands is 7-8 cm, they are arranged at about the same distance from the bottom of the structure. The number of chamfers depends on how many skewers you plan to use. Their standard number is 8.
Do-it-yourself metal braziers: drawings and photos. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions
How to make metal braziers with your own hands? Drawings, diagrams, photos, video materials available on the Internet can become an example for self-production of high-quality and durable products. The sizes of the barbecue made of metal are chosen individually, counting on the desired number of skewers in one tab:
- The boundaries of the walls and bottom of the future product are marked on the metal.
- The sheet is cut along the lines drawn.
- Perforation holes are made with a drill.
- Chamfers are cut at the top edges of the long walls.
- All parts are connected by welding.
- The legs are sharpened from below, cutting off the corner with a grinder.
- The racks are welded to the box.
Helpful advice! The legs of the barbecue can be made from rods. To do this, a thread is cut in the upper part of them, and suitable-sized nuts are welded to the bottom of the box. The racks from the corner, connected to the main structure with bolts, cope well with the load. They can be unscrewed if necessary.
Do-it-yourself collapsible metal braziers. Dimensions, photo
You do not need to use a welding machine to create a metal barbecue with your own hands. Drawings, photos of such products will tell you how to properly assemble the structure. The optimal box size for the future design is 70x30 cm.When cutting a metal sheet, leave about 4 cm at the joints. Small cuts are made on the walls and the sheets are bent so that the corners and the bottom of the structure can be joined. Holes for screws are drilled on each part, including on the legs.
Such a grill is easy to assemble and disassemble, so it is easy to take it with you to nature. Installation of such a brazier will take only a few minutes.
Helpful advice! If the details of the structure are connected with furniture body kits, then a self-made brazier made of metal can be folded after the end of cooking.
Original brazier ideas
It is quite easy to make a kebab maker from an ordinary metal barrel. Ready brazier can be in two versions: with a lid and without. To do this, the barrel is cut into two unequal parts, the smaller of which will serve as a lid. The edges of the resulting metal molds are carefully cleaned from burrs and scraps. Legs from corners or a thin pipe are welded to the lower part intended for frying. Ventilation slots are made, and small shelves are welded to the edges of the walls. It is convenient to put a grill on them, as well as a skewer.
The upper smaller part is also scalded around the edges with a corner, loops are attached to both parts and the structure is connected together. It is quite easy to make a smokehouse from such a metal barbecue with your own hands. Photos, sizes of such products will help you independently assemble the necessary structure for the house.
Modern master designers create truly unique designs for frying in the form of pirate chests, small cars or steam locomotives. They are decorated with forged patterns or flowers. Such barbecues will be excellent decorative elements of any summer cottage or house area.
Corrosion protection
Any metal product must be protected from corrosion. For painting, specialized formulations that are resistant to high heat are usually used. There are other ways to protect yourself. Bluing is considered quite common. As a result of this process, a completely black film appears on the metal sheet, which protects the product from high temperatures.