A correctly calculated and constructed foundation is the key to a durable and safe operation of any building and structure. There is a certain amount types of foundation, but the most popular of all will undoubtedly be tape. No additional equipment is required for its manufacture. Everyone is able to build a strip foundation with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for its construction will help in this matter.
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Advantages and disadvantages of the tape type foundation
It got its name because it looks like a reinforced concrete tape buried in the ground. The outer and inner walls of the building with their entire lower plane rest on the surface of this tape. By the type of burial in the ground, the strip type of foundation is buried (from 1.45 to 1.65 m) and with a shallow burial (less than 1.4 m). The first type is being built for large structures and multi-storey buildings, and the second for low-rise buildings. In structure, it can be monolithic and prefabricated. Monolithic is poured from concrete mortar, and precast is made from separate reinforced concrete blocks.
For the construction of a monolithic foundation, the following materials can be used:
- Portland cement;
- sand;
- crushed stone;
- fragmentation rock;
- broken brick;
- steel reinforcement;
- water.
The need for these materials can be pre-calculated using a concrete strip foundation calculator or manually.
The strip foundation has a number of advantages that make it truly popular among all other types of bases:
- weak susceptibility to heavy loads;
- simple construction without the use of heavy technical equipment;
- structural reliability;
- the possibility of construction on soils of heterogeneous density;
- the walls of the structure can simultaneously serve as walls in the basement of the house.
He also has disadvantages:
- a lot of materials are needed for construction;
- waterproofing work is required.

For the construction of the strip foundation, wooden formwork, steel reinforcement, concrete are used
With all its advantages and disadvantages, this type of foundation is widespread, especially in private construction.
Helpful advice! In order to calculate the required amount of mortar, calculators for calculating concrete on a strip foundation have long been invented.It is enough to enter the parameters of the trench in them in order to obtain complete information on the amount of required materials. With these services, you can also calculate the cost of the foundation.
DIY strip foundation: step by step instructions
Due to the fact that there is no need to use heavy technical equipment for construction, everyone can build a strip foundation with their own hands: the step-by-step instructions for carrying out the work include several independent stages.
Preparation for work and marking on site
Before proceeding with the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to make a leveling of the area and mark the axes. Layout means leveling the entire construction site in height. If the difference in height on the site is significant, then this circumstance must be taken into account when digging a trench. In higher places you will have to dig deeper, but in lower places the foundation height will be higher.
The axes are marked using a triangle with sides 3: 4: 5. The corners should be straight, and all the diagonals should be equal.
This is digging a trench to the required depth along the axes of the marking. Its depth depends on the density of the soil, the distance to groundwater, and the weight of the building being erected. For multi-storey buildings, this is 1.5 m, and for private houses, 1 m is enough, if the ground allows. After the end of digging the trench, tamping and drainage with a layer of sand and gravel are carried out at its bottom. This is called a pillow. The width of the trench depends on the type of materials from which the walls will be made. For private houses, 60 cm is enough.
Making a formwork for a strip foundation with your own hands
When the trench is ready, they begin to build the formwork. Some construction companies have in their arsenal prefabricated reusable formwork, which is very convenient to use. Do-it-yourself formwork for the strip foundation can also be made. This will require lumber: bars and tes. Its quantity must be calculated individually.
The formwork looks like a wooden box installed over the entire trench. Since a liquid solution will be poured there, tightness must be observed. If this cannot be achieved only with the help of boards, then you can sheathe the formwork inside with roofing material. The structure must be rigid enough to withstand the pressure of the poured concrete. For this, the walls of the formwork are fastened together with jumpers every 2 - 3 meters. As you can see, creating a formwork for a strip foundation with your own hands is not so difficult.
Useful advice! In order for the lumber used in the manufacture of the formwork to be reused, it must be designed so that the boards are not damaged during disassembly.
What brand of concrete is used for the strip foundation
Before you start pouring a monolith, you need to ask yourself: what grade of concrete is the most optimal for a strip foundation. This parameter depends on several factors:
- the weight of the entire structure;
- the presence of additional loads on the base;
- what reinforcement is used;
- type of soil;
- climatic conditions of the area.
For the device of a concrete cushion under the main foundation, the M100 brand will be enough. For light structures: panel houses, baths and outbuildings, the M200 is suitable. The construction of a wooden house or a structure from light blocks requires the use of the M250 brand. For massive structures and buildings, high-quality concrete of the M350 brand is prepared, with a strength of 327 kg / cm².Higher grades of concrete are used for the construction of geometrically complex structures and on construction sites in regions with harsh climates. Knowing these characteristics, everyone can determine for himself what brand of concrete is needed for a strip foundation.
Styling fittings and pouring the foundation
Having decided on the brand of concrete, you need to prepare everything you need for pouring. Some people order ready-made concrete from specialized firms. Most people prepare their own solution. For this, it is desirable to have a concrete mixer. All components are mixed in it. Them proportion depends on which brand of concrete was chosen for the strip foundation.
At the bottom of the trench, a steel structure welded from reinforcement rods is laid along the entire perimeter. The more such rods are used and the thicker they are, the stronger the entire foundation will be.
The prepared concrete is poured into the trench and formwork up to the level mark and leveled so that its surface is strictly horizontal and even.