When self-building suburban housing, everyone wondered how to make water heating of a private house with their own hands, he looked for schemes of possible designs everywhere. Today there are many different options for the device of water heating systems for home. They can be easily divided into just three main types. The equipment and materials are the same for all of them, but the design is different. What are the main differences and what are the advantages of each system?
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Features of installing water heating
The use of water as a heat carrier is due to the fact that this liquid has a very good heat capacity and is able to effectively receive and give off heat. Water heating has been used in homes for a long time. Since then, the principle has remained the same, but the heating element connection diagrams have undergone major modernization. Nevertheless, for the construction of water heating, all the same materials and devices are used as a hundred years ago, only improved:
- power plants. They can be stoves or boilers that run on electricity or gas;
- pipes of various diameters. Today, in addition to metal pipes, plastic and metal-plastic pipes are actively used;
- heating radiatorsmade of cast iron, steel or aluminum;
- various shut-off fittings, without which it is impossible to build water heating of a private house with your own hands. Its connection diagram is quite simple;
- expansion tank to compensate for excess pressure in the system;
- circulation pump, which is included, for example, in the heating circuit of a one-story house with forced circulation.
This is an almost exhaustive list of the equipment that will be needed in order to make water heating of a private house with your own hands. There are three schemes for installing and connecting radiators:
- Using one pipe.
- Using two pipes.
- Using collectors.
By the type of coolant supply, all schemes can be divided into heating with a natural water flow and forced. Natural circulation is carried out due to changes in water temperature. The hot liquid rises, since it has a lower density, and the cold one flows downward. The forced type of circulation occurs due to pumps that are built into the pipeline or located directly in the boiler.
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How to arrange water heating of a private house with your own hands, installation diagrams
In order to make water heating of a private house with your own hands, the installation schemes must be studied in detail. However, first of all, you need to stock up on all the necessary materials and equipment, the need for which is calculated in advance depending on the type of battery connection.
Helpful advice! Buy boilers, batteries and other equipment only from trusted manufacturers. Cheap counterparts do not always meet the requirements and can be dangerous.
Features of the device of a one-pipe system
The easiest way to connect radiators to a boiler is to install a one-pipe heating system. Scheme this design assumes the presence of only one pipe laid along the entire perimeter of the house. It comes out of the boiler supply pipe and enters the return pipe. From this pipe, branches come out near each radiator, to which it is connected through shut-off valves or directly.
Such a device is not only the simplest, but also the cheapest, both in terms of materials and installation. The use of one pipe eliminates the need to manufacture many pipe bends, and much less various little things are consumed. It is no secret that these fittings make up a significant part of the cost of all House heating... The use of a one-pipe heating system, the scheme of which is simple, is justified in small houses with a simple layout of rooms, since water flows along the entire ring and has time to cool down significantly. In this regard, the last radiators on its way heat up much less than the first. Therefore, if the building is large, then by the end of its route the coolant will lose all its energy and will not be able to heat the last rooms. This is especially true of the natural type of water circulation.
When constructing a one-pipe heating system, the design scheme should assume a slight slope, of the order of 3 to 5 degrees. This will ensure more efficient operation of the entire structure. In addition, all radiators must be equipped with air valves, which are necessary to maintain a stable pressure in the system by venting air. These taps have small holes and are unscrewed with an ordinary screwdriver.
Helpful advice! When it becomes necessary to clean or replace the battery, you do not need to drain the water or stop the entire system, for this you need to use Mayevsky cranes... They connect the radiator to the pipe taps. If the battery needs to be removed, the taps can simply be closed.
How a two-pipe system works
Unlike the previous one, a two-pipe heating system, the scheme of which assumes the presence of two pipes: supply and return, is more complex in the device. It is designed in such a way that the supply pipe enters directly into each battery, and the opposite comes out of it. This is also called a parallel device, since all radiators are connected to the boiler using pipes not in order, but in parallel.
A two-pipe heating system, the scheme of which is more complex, requires more pipes and fittings. Therefore, it costs a little more. At the same time, it is more efficient, since all the batteries heat up the same, regardless of their location, near the boiler or in the farthest room. This layout is most often used in two-storey houses and cottages.
An important advantage of such a device is that each battery functions practically independently of the others, since it has its own circuit. Therefore, it can be easily replaced or repaired without affecting the rest of the structure. Due to the fact that a two-pipe heating system has a parallel circuit for connecting radiators, it is very easy to regulate temperature and pressure in them, which will provide additional savings in fuel resources.
Helpful advice! When using a heating system with two pipes, it is advisable to use a circulation pump. It will greatly increase the efficiency and speed of heating the batteries.
Collector circuit for heating a one-story house with forced circulation
Another type of wiring is collector. This is the most complex system, involving the use of a large number of different pipes and special distribution devices called manifolds. The principle of operation of a system with a collector circuit for heating a one-story house with forced circulation is that boiling water from the boiler goes to special collectors that serve as distributors between various radiators. Each battery is connected to it with two pipes. Such a system, with its efficiency, cannot boast of being cheap. It can regulate the temperature not only on each circuit, but also on each battery, which allows you to create your own temperature regime in any room.

For development and installation collector heating system it's better to invite specialists
They make such a heating scheme for a one-story house with forced circulation, since in a natural way water cannot efficiently circulate through numerous pipes and collectors. The essence of this scheme is that directly near the boiler, a centrifugal circulation pump is cut into the return pipe, which continuously pumps water using an impeller. Due to this, the pressure in the system is necessary in order to completely pump the entire line, heating all the batteries evenly. If you have purchased a wall-mounted expensive automatic boiler, then most likely a circulation pump is already installed in it, which is set to the optimal pressure for this boiler. If your boiler is simple, then when buying a centrifugal pump, you need to consult about its compatibility with the created pressure with this boiler in order to avoid an emergency.
The collector circuit is rarely used in two-story houses, since it, although effective, is very cumbersome. The layout for two floors would be too complicated. That is why it is only in demand in the heating circuit of a one-story house with forced circulation.
Helpful advice! To install a collector water heating system in your country house, you need to take care of purchasing the required number of thermostats and shut-off valves. This will make it possible to adjust the climate in the house in a semi-automatic mode.
Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the choice of the three existing types of water heating wiring should be done deliberately. In a small area one-story house only one pipe can be laid. This scheme is also called "Leningrad". If the area of the house is significant or it is two-story, then it is better to make a two-pipe heating system with a return pipe. To create a modern and efficient heating system in the house, you can mount it according to the collector circuit. It will cost more, but its efficiency will be much higher. The main thing is that any created system always works well and reliably in any, even difficult, conditions.To do this, you need to build it according to all the rules and recommendations.