This article will consider in detail a concrete and plastic drainage well for storm sewers as one of the options for a system designed for suburban areas. You can familiarize yourself with the main classification, find out the characteristics of structures, their features, advantages and disadvantages. This material will help you understand the technology of arranging such a system on the territory of your summer cottage.

Visualization of the drainage system in the local area

Visualization of the drainage system in the local area

Note! Organization outdoor storm sewer on the site completely solves this problem and eliminates all the consequences associated with it. All excess moisture will drain into the well, from where it will be removed naturally.

Features of storm sewers around the house: general provisions

If you design and execute correctly storm sewer in a private house, this system will ensure the collection of rain and melt water from the surface of the soil and roofs of houses, and also organizes the effective removal of excess moisture from the site.

The place for draining liquid from the storm system can be:

  • soil (design like a septic tank);
  • the nearest body of water (river, lake);
  • ravine;
  • home sewerage system.

There are two technologies storm sewer devices in a private house... One type of system belongs to the linear type of structures, the other to the point type.

Storm sewage can effectively prevent the negative impact of an excess of atmospheric precipitation

Storm sewage can effectively prevent the negative impact of an excess of atmospheric precipitation

The structure, acting on a linear principle, ensures the collection and transportation of excess moisture not only from roofs, but also from other surfaces on the site:

  • parking areas;
  • blind areas;
  • paved paths, etc.

Unlike point-type sewage systems, in this case, funnels are not used to collect water storm water inlets, and the gutters. These elements of the system are mounted flush with the sidewalk in accordance with the general slope. The structure is equipped with filters and covered with special grates.

At the heart of the action of a point sewage system is several rain receivers. They collect liquid flowing down the gutters from the roof of the building. The secret of installation is to correctly connect all the elements of the system into one large line. Water will move along it to drainage wells for storm sewers.

The storm water drain is an integral attribute of the improvement of the residential area

The storm water drain is an integral attribute of the improvement of the residential area

Then the preliminary cleaning of the liquid is carried out and it is discharged into a place specially designated for this purpose.

Helpful advice! When installing rain receivers, be sure to install gratings on them, as well as filtering storm drain traps... These elements will trap large debris and sand. The price of sand traps ranges from 800-2500 rubles / piece.

Types of storm sewer wells for a private house

First of all, the classification division of storm wells into groups is carried out on the basis of the material from which they are made. The material of manufacture directly affects the properties wells and defines its characteristics, both technical and operational. The most common and most used systems are plastic and concrete products.

Classification drainage wells for groundwater drainage by construction type looks like this:

  • absorption;
  • viewing;
  • reception rooms.

Plastic varieties of systems have an extended range of designs, due to the practicality and versatility of the material from which they are made.

The main function of drainage wells is to monitor the work and timely clean the drainage pipes from clogging

The main function of drainage wells is to monitor the work and timely cleaning drainage pipes from clogging

In addition to this design storm sewer treatment facilities can be:

  • monolithic (concrete);
  • collapsible (plastic).

In each case, you are dealing with certain advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic drainage wells and their features

Wells with a collapsible design, made on the basis of plastic, consist of several elements:

  • bottoms;
  • mines;
  • sewer hatch.

The shaft belongs to the most important part of the product. It is smooth, and in some cases corrugated pipe for storm sewer with thick walls and large diameter.

Helpful advice! Use pipes with a corrugated surface in your work, as they reduce the loads that affect the bottom of the well during its operation.

The inspection well is designed for inspection and cleaning of the drainage system

Lookout well intended for inspection and cleaning of the drainage system

For the manufacture of the bottom and the manhole in such structures, manufacturers use an artificial material with an increased margin of safety - polypropylene. Depending on the location installation of a drainage well is selected Luke a certain level of strength. Some of them are equipped with ladders for convenience.

On sale you can find hatches designed for:

  • park zones;
  • sidewalks and footpaths;
  • highways;
  • highways located within the city limits.

Three types of raw materials are used as material for the manufacture of plastic wells:

  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene.
Installation of drainage system

Installation of drainage system

The choice of material is also dictated by the location of the system and its purpose. Upon request, during the installation of the product, installation can be performed drainage pump for a well.

Types of drainage pumps for pumping water from a well

Submersible and surface pumps can be used to service drainage systems according to the type of installation. Submersible models during installation are placed directly into the water column using a cable. Having reached the required mark, the device is fixed. This type of pump is located on the depth of the drainage well with an indent from the bottom by about 50-100 cm.

Advantages of submersible models:

  • compact size and light weight;
  • long periods of effective service without service;
  • a wide range of possibilities (the ability to work with liquids of varying degrees of pollution);
  • high efficiency (40 m³/ h);
  • float protection simplifies the system of use;
  • the device can be automated by connecting to other systems.
Submersible pumps are designed for pumping both clean and contaminated liquids and wastewater

Submersible pumps are designed for pumping both clean and contaminated liquids and wastewater

The disadvantages of the devices include a small head, especially if the pump is installed at a considerable depth. When liquid is being pumped, the water filtration process is not possible, and this complicates the operation of the system.

Note! Submersible models can be vibratory or centrifugal. In the first case, you get accessibility, in the second - high efficiency.

IN drainage systems for groundwater disposal surface pumps can also be used, which are characterized by:

  • high pressure;
  • long service life;
  • affordable cost;
  • economy in terms of consumption of electrical energy.
Surface pumps allow pumping water even from shallow depths

Surface pumps allow pumping water even from shallow depths

Surface pumps also have disadvantages: high noise levels during operation and restrictions on the suction depth. Such devices cannot work efficiently if the depth of the well exceeds 8 m.

Specificity of absorption drainage wells and other plastic systems

Drainage inspection wells are used to visually monitor the state of the system. Thanks to this, you can:

  • control the operation of the system and its continuity;
  • perform service work;
  • timely clean the pipes and monitor the condition in which they are.

Such a well has a standard structure. An exception is the bottom, which in this case has a chute part where the grooves are located.

Absorption-type wells are used when the site does not have conditions for water drainage. Such models do not have a bottom. At the bottom of the structure, there is a sand and crushed stone pillow, which act as filters, letting purified water into the ground.

The principle of operation of the absorption drainage well

The principle of operation of the absorption drainage well

In such conditions, ground collapse can occur. To prevent this, experts recommend using round plastic wells. If the construction of an absorption well is rectangular or square, you should pay attention to other materials, such as brick or concrete.

Stormwater drainage wells act on the principle of accumulating liquid with its subsequent removal. For these purposes, not only the drainage system can be used, but also natural reservoirs, as well as ditches.

Note! Such structures necessarily have a blank bottom and a cover without holes, since water accumulating in the system can completely fill it.

Installation of a stormwater well

Installation of a stormwater well

When arranging such drainage well made of plastic, pipe insertion is carried out at a certain level. At least 40 cm should be pulled back from the bottom to provide enough space for sand and other impurities that may be contained in the water to settle.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic drainage wells, the price of structures

Country house owners prefer buy drainage plastic wellthan to deal with complex installation of a concrete structure. And there are several explanations for this, since plastic structures:

  • they are lightweight, and, therefore, their installation does not require the use of special equipment and significant efforts;
  • completely impenetrable;
  • are distinguished by increased endurance (service life reaches 40 years);
  • are not afraid of the effects of weather conditions;
  • easy to operate.
Welded plastic wells for water supply and sewerage

Welded plastic wells for water supply and sewerage

Despite the extensive list of advantages over concrete wells, plastic systems have some disadvantages:

  • high price compared to concrete products;
  • at device storm sewer wells made of plastic, they can be installed to a depth of no more than 15 m. There are no significant restrictions on depth with regard to concrete structures;
  • all installation work must be carried out carefully and accurately, since there is a possibility of deforming the plastic.

Average price of plastic drainage wells:

Construction type Well dimensions, cm price, rub.
 Drainage 34x100 2600-2850
Accumulative (polyethylene) 60x100 8200-8700
Lookout 30x60 2300-2600
Junction 80x100 8650-9200


Features of drainage wells made of concrete rings

Just as in the case of plastic systems, wells made on the basis of concrete rings serve as a drainage function. The modern range of designs includes similar types of inspection, storage and absorption wells, operating on the same principle as the previously described plastic products.

Note! There is another type of concrete wells - rotary. When organizing do-it-yourself storm sewer in a private house, such structures are installed in areas where the pipes of the system are connected at an angle.

The advantages of concrete products:

  • installation is carried out in one day;
  • structures are completely sealed;
  • do not need constant care;
  • have a low cost;
  • do not put forward special requirements for the type of soil (they can be installed even in areas with heaving or moving soil).
Arrangement of a sewer concrete well

Arrangement of a sewer concrete well

The disadvantages include only a lot of weight, which is why the work on the construction of a drainage well made of concrete rings do not do without the involvement of specialists and the use of heavy equipment.

Prices for the construction of a concrete well:

 Design name Ring type Total volume, m³ Height, m Diameter, m price, rub.
Well of 3 rings KS 10-9 2,1 2,8 1 25000
Well of 4 rings KS 10-9 2,8 3,7 1 30000
Well of 2 rings and an additional ring KS 15-9 3 2,4 1,5 30500


Drainage wells price made of concrete, indicated in the table, includes the cost of materials and payment for the work of specialists.

Related article:

septik-iz-betonnyh-kolec-svoimi-rukami-1m-2Do-it-yourself septic tank from concrete rings, construction scheme. Application of the device for a private house, cottage, summer residence. The nuances of laying concrete rings in pits for cleaning devicesin.

Recommendations for constructing a drainage well with your own hands

It should be remembered that storm sewage is a system of pipes and other elements aimed at removing excess liquid from the site. Its main components:

  • gutters and trays used to drain fluid;
  • pipes through which water is transported to the right place;
  • storm water inlets equipped with grates;
  • inspection well structures for system control;
  • storage structures that collect wastewater from the entire system;
  • filter elements (sand catchers).

Note! Before starting work, be sure to read SNiPami: the slope of the storm sewer by 1 meter, as well as the area where the well is located, as well as other system parameters, must comply with regulatory requirements.

The safety and integrity of the foundation and blind area of ​​a country house is ensured by the installation of plastic storm water inlets

The safety and integrity of the foundation and blind area of ​​a country house is ensured by the installation of plastic storm water inlets

Most of the systems are supplied with additional accessories for ease of use. Such components include alarm systems that notify about an overflow of a well or the presence of blockages in the storm sewer.

Installation of these parts is carried out in accumulative and inspection wells. Such warning systems greatly simplify the maintenance of the sewage system.

Calculation of storm sewers: SNiPs and preparation

Before proceeding with the arrangement drainage well with your own hands, you should perform a number of preparatory steps:

  • determine the type of construction;
  • perform the calculation;
  • procure the right materials;
  • prepare a site for construction.
Modern system of collection and drainage of surface water runoff

Modern system of collection and drainage of surface water runoff

The development of the project is carried out in accordance with the conditions dictated by your site, namely:

  • the nature of the placement of underground communication systems;
  • annual as well as seasonal rainfall;
  • the intensity with which precipitation falls in your area;
  • drainage area;
  • the type of coverage present in the area to be drained;
  • volumes of wastewater, including storm water and liquid coming from the roof.

Based on all these conditions, as well as the capacity of roof gutters, the pipe diameter for the system is calculated. Be sure to take into account when developing a plan for laying a pipeline, the specificity of the relief located in the sewer construction zone.

Most often, pipes with a diameter of 10-15 cm are used for construction on private territories. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements SNiPov, slope of the drainage pipe by 1 meter must be at least 8 mm.

Installation of storm sewer system

Installation of storm sewer system

The same normative documents regulate the depth of pipe installation. If you purchased elements with a diameter of no more than 20 cm, they need to be laid in the soil to a depth of 30 cm or more. The laying of the sewer system in the northern regions should be carried out below the level of soil freezing.

Helpful advice! To reduce the required pipe depth according to the norms, use insulation material.

Installation of a drainage well: how to install a storm sewer

Many people try to install on their site drainage well with your own hands, how to make this procedure is correct, this step-by-step diagram describes:

  • an external system for drainage is being installed, namely gutters from roofs, as well as linear sewer gutters;
  • guided by pre-compiled calculations and a plan, it is necessary to form trenches in the soil for laying the pipeline at an appropriate depth;
  • at the bottom of the trenches, a sand cushion is organized with the maintenance of the required slope;
  • the installation of trays or pipes is carried out, after which all these elements are interconnected into a single system;
  • installation of storm water inlets is carried out under the gutters located on the outside. These elements need to be properly sealed, not forgetting to install garbage collectors and grates;
Installation of storm water inlets under the gutters

Installation of storm water inlets under the gutters

  • for installation of a drainage well you need to dig a pit. Inspection-type structures are installed in those places where the pipeline branches, as well as long sections of single pipes. For the placement of collector chambers, zones of unification of several branches are suitable. If you carry out the correct distribution of the elements of the system, it will be effective and will last longer.

All elements of the system must be connected to each other and checked for integrity, tests. After that, the trenches are covered with earth and compacted.

Pump and rings for a drainage well: how to make the right choice of materials

For the manufacture of a concrete well, ready-made rings of a certain size are used.

Dimensional parameters of concrete rings:

Name Marking Width, cm Length, cm Volume, m³ Height, cm Weight,Kg
COP 7 3 80 70 0,05 29 130
9 84 70 0,15 89 380
6 84 70 0,1 59 250
COP 10 3 116 100 0,8 29 200
9 116 100 1,24 89 600
6 116 100 0,1 59 400
COP 15 3 168 150 0,13 29 290
9 168 150 0,4 89 1000
6 168 150 0,27 59 660
COP 20 6 168 200 0,39 59 980
9 220 200 0,59 89 1480


Helpful advice! If you do not want to carry out a complex installation of a concrete well or purchase an expensive plastic product, you can limit yourself to manufacturing drainage well from tires.

Scheme for making a well from tires:

  1. Organize a pit with a depth of 2 m (calculated for 5-7 car tires). The borehole diameter should be 50-80 mm larger than the tire diameter.
  2. Make a drainage hole at least 5 m deep.
  3. Install drainage pipe do it yourself.
  4. Form a layer of rubble at the bottom (10 cm).
  5. Stack the tires one on top of the other.
  6. Fill the free space of the well between the covers with soil (on the outside of the well).
  7. Arrange the cover based on reinforced concrete or plastic.

When installing the system, do not forget about the pump. Depending on its design, the installation is carried out at a certain stage.

Prices for pumps for drainage wells:

Brand name Model name Depth level, m Lifting height, m Efficiency,l / hour  Weight,Kg Price,rub.
Gardena  AquaSensor Comfort 13000 8 8 13000 5 7950
 Classic 4000/2 8 20 4000 5 4200
 Classic 5500/3 13 30 5500 9 11000
Stern GP 3800H 5 60 1000 4 1750
WP400D 5 5 7000 5 2300
 WP750D 5 8 12500 6 3000
Grundfos KP 150-A1 10 5 9000 6 9150
CC 5 M1 10 5 7000 4 6150
CC 7 A1 10 6 9500 4 7500


Maintenance and care of the stormwater system consists of regular cleaning, as well as removing blockages and sand accumulations in pipes and gutters. For these purposes it is necessary to remove the grilles. Extended sections are cleaned through inspection wells.