The cost of utilities is growing every year. In order to save money, many people purchase metering devices. Meters for cold and hot water can be of different types. Do-it-yourself water meter installation is a serious undertaking that requires a competent approach and thorough preparation. When choosing a specific model, you should understand some aspects that allow you to purchase a high-quality and efficient device.

Do-it-yourself water meter installation is a serious undertaking that requires a competent approach and careful preparation
- 1 Is it profitable to put a meter on water: advantages and disadvantages of equipment
- 2 Which water meter is better to install: types of devices
- 3 How to install a water meter: drawing up a diagram
- 4 Installation of a water meter: preparatory work
- 5 How to install a water meter in an apartment: contacting a water utility
- 6 Installing a water meter: how to choose the right place
- 7 Installing a hot water meter: tips for choosing a device
- 8 DIY cold water meter installation: recommendations
- 9 Hot water meter replacement: how to dismantle an old device
- 10 How to install a water meter correctly: flow direction
- 11 Installation of a water meter by representatives of the management company
- 12 How to properly seal the meter
- 13 Water meter verification: interval and process features
Is it profitable to put a meter on water: advantages and disadvantages of equipment
The study of its pros and cons helps to determine the feasibility of acquiring a calculating device installed on a water supply system. It is important to remember that the total cost of cold and hot water supply services is primarily influenced by the number of residents registered in a particular apartment.

The easiest way to save money is to put water meters
If the real number of residents currently living is higher than the number of registered people, then the amount of the monthly payment will be higher than the actual expense. In this case, the total cost of services is determined as an average indicator (taking into account the number of people).
The easiest way to save money is to put water meters on. This measure will allow accounting for water consumed per month. As a result, the user will not have to overpay. Payment will be made for the actual amount of water used within the specified period.
If the number of residents registered in an apartment corresponds to the number of residents living in it at present, then the installation of water meters is less profitable.In such a situation, the installation of cold and hot water meters will reduce utility costs for these items by no more than a third.
Helpful information! Of course, there are also completely opposite situations. For example, if the number of registered people is less than the actual number of residents, then the installation of a water measuring device is unprofitable.

The total cost of cold and hot water supply services is influenced by the number of residents registered in a particular apartment
How to decrease the readings of water meters? The legal best practice is to install new European standardized shut-off equipment. Ball valves in this case allow you to ensure reliable control over the movement of water in the pipeline.
Which water meter is better to install: types of devices
Devices that are used to record water consumption are installed on plumbing structures in houses and apartments. Communications must be connected to a centralized network. When choosing a specific device, it is recommended to focus on some individual factors:
- the state of communication;
- water quality (it may contain impurities);
- own financial capabilities;
- temperature of the medium transported through the pipes.
In addition, it is recommended to find out how much it costs to install a water meter. Self-assembly is a rather complicated event, which is not always possible for an unprepared person.
The first criterion by which water meters are classified is the source of energy consumed for operation. Depending on this indicator, two groups of metering devices are distinguished:
- non-volatile;
- volatile.
In the first case, the operation of the device is carried out due to natural processes that occur during the operation of the device. In turn, volatile water meters need electricity.
The installation of water meters can be carried out on pipes with different diameters. For example, the smallest section in this case is only 15 mm. The maximum diameter is 20 mm.
Volatile devices are divided into several subgroups. These include electromagnetic models as well as ultrasonic and vortex devices. Equipment, for the operation of which the presence of natural processes is sufficient, is called tacheometric. Among other things, water metering devices are divided into classes depending on how many pipelines they serve (single-channel, two-channel, etc.).

Depending on the source of energy consumed for the operation of the device, two groups are distinguished: non-volatile and volatile
How to install a water meter: drawing up a diagram
The installation diagram of the water measuring device is a necessary moment during preparation for the installation of the device. This document may be required by the employees of the water utility, therefore it is by no means recommended to ignore its preparation. A standard type diagram contains a sequence of elements that will constitute a new node, embedded in a water supply system. Consider what components are included in this document:
- plumbing through which water enters the dwelling;
- a shut-off element, represented by a ball valve;
- filter (mesh type);
- counter located in the direction of fluid movement;
- check valve for water meter.
The locking element is an important component of the assembly. With it, you can stop the flow of water in the pipe. The need for such a measure may be due to the failure of various equipment (for example, a check valve).It is important to remember that the ball valve is mounted in a convenient, easily accessible place so that, if necessary, there will be no problems with its use.
The filter is also a required element of the node. Its function is to trap large particles that may be present inside the water supply system. Thus, a coarse filter is indicated in the installation diagram of the water meter.

The installation diagram of the water measuring device is a necessary moment during preparation for the installation of the device
Note! The filter outlet must be directed downwards. This will avoid quick clogging of the fixture mesh.
All of the above elements, as a rule, are equipped with an internal thread, which allows them to be inserted. For joining these parts together, special connecting devices are used - squeegees. Their design provides for external threads.
It is worth noting that there are required and optional schema elements. The second include check valves. Their function is to prevent the movement of the carrier through the pipe in the opposite direction. The use of this device in the connection diagram of the water meter eliminates the possibility of an increase in readings, which are often caused by unstable pressure in the communication.
The installation of a non-return valve, among other things, prevents cold water from entering from one pipeline into another. Most often, this problem arises in apartments in which a shower cabin with low-quality mixers is installed. Therefore, the installation of this valve is recommended, but not mandatory during the installation of the water meter.
The cost of installing a water meter depends on the amount of additional equipment. In some cases, after the installation of the locking device, another valve is installed. The need for this is due to the fact that when dismantling the water measuring device, water from the pipeline may spill onto the floor. This element is also not included in the list of mandatory equipment.
Another device that belongs to the category of optional is the gearbox. Its function is to correct the pressure in the network. Installation of this element allows you to stabilize the pressure in the pipeline and avoid rapid wear of various shut-off elements, as well as cleaning filters. Installed after the coarse filter.
Installation of a water meter: preparatory work
Before starting the installation of the water measuring device, you must select it correctly. This takes into account not only the technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer, but also user reviews, which can be easily found on the Internet by visiting specialized forums on this topic.
When purchasing this device, please check the package contents. It should contain all the necessary elements required to install a water meter in an apartment. A very important point is the choice of the point at which the device will be installed.

If the installation of the device is done by hand, then you need to make sure that you have the necessary tools
Helpful information! Water flow measuring devices may only be installed in heated rooms. The room should have good lighting.
Before proceeding with the installation process, it is necessary to prepare the place where the device will be located. In some cases, the pipes may not be suitable for the installation of such equipment. The way out of this situation is to replace them. To answer the question of how to install a water meter, you should study the step-by-step instructions.Any deviations from the sequence of actions can lead to problems of sealing and operation of the device.
If the installation of the device is done by hand, then you need to make sure that there are rubber seals, without which the meter will not function. To insert such equipment, it is necessary to prepare plumbing seals. These include tow, as well as FUM tape.
The service life of a water meter can reach 10 years. The duration of operation depends on many factors, such as the quality of the device, operating conditions, and correct installation.

Before proceeding with the installation process, it is necessary to prepare the place where the device will be located.
For installation, you need to prepare the appropriate tools. You will definitely need to purchase special scissors, which are needed for cutting metal-plastic and plastic pipes, as well as equipment for soldering joints and a set of keys. To work with metal pipes, you may need a grinder and a device with which the thread is made.
How to install a water meter in an apartment: contacting a water utility
This step must be done at the very beginning (before purchasing the device). This is a very important point, since contacting the appropriate service allows you to get a list of devices allowed for installation. In addition, the managing organization is obliged to provide its own requirements for the water measuring device, as well as its installation diagram.
After obtaining the appropriate permission, you can start preparatory work preceding the independent installation of the water meter. When purchasing a water meter, it is very important to check two parameters. First of all, it is worth checking the serial number of the device, which is indicated on its body, with the numbers located in the passport. Both numbers must be identical to each other.
The second important point is checking the seal. It must contain an imprint of the State Standard. Among other things, the date of the factory check of the device is recorded in the passport that is attached to the equipment. A water meter that does not have the appropriate documentation will not be recognized as valid.
When carrying out a transaction of sale and purchase of a metering device, the necessary moment is to indicate the date of purchase in the documentation. The seller is obliged to put a stamp of the store, confirming the purchase from a particular company. The most acceptable option is a short period of time between the date of verification and the date of purchase of the device. In this case, getting permission to install a water meter with your own hands is much easier.
Helpful information! After purchasing a specific model of metering device, you must contact the water utility or any other company that has a license to check the device. The utility company must provide an inspector.
In order to check the metering device, it is required to hand over the device to a company dealing with similar issues. A technical passport is attached to the water meter. After the completion of the verification procedure, the document indicates that it meets the necessary requirements and its operation is allowed. Experts pay attention to the fact that a stamp of the inspection organization should be put in the technical passport. This point should also be taken into account.
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Hot water meter with a thermal sensor: how to save on hot water
Design and principle of operation. Pros and cons. Review of popular models and their cost. Permission to install and register the device.
After checking the water meter, a date is assigned to establish the seals on it.It is important to remember that self-removal of seals is strictly prohibited, since such a device will not be accepted by the water utility. Operation of the device may be permitted if the seal is accidentally damaged.
Can I put the meter on the water myself? Often, utility workers prohibit residents from installing such equipment with their own hands. It should be remembered that the law does not prohibit the independent installation of a water meter. This type of work does not require a license, so the water measuring device can be mounted in any way convenient for the user.
Installing a water meter: how to choose the right place
Before proceeding with the installation of a water-measuring device, it is necessary to decide at which point of communication it will be located. The place for installing the water meter must meet all the requirements specified in the regulatory documentation.
There are two ways to install water meters. The first option takes into account the horizontal arrangement of the counter. In the second case, the meter is placed in a vertical plane. The rules for installing a water meter in an apartment take into account the choice of the place in which the recording device will be located. Consider what provisions must be taken into account in this case.
The room temperature must never be lower than 5 ° C. It is required that the lighting is sufficient. This will allow, if necessary, to check the meter readings displayed on its display. The location is selected in such a way that the meter is in immediate reach for preventive checks and repairs.
Note! The rules for installing water meters are simpler if the device is mounted in an apartment. In this case, it is most often placed on a pipe, not far from the toilet. For a private house, more stringent standards have been established. For example, the distance from the riser entrance to the measuring equipment should not exceed 20 cm.
Installing a hot water meter: tips for choosing a device
When choosing a metering device that will be installed on a hot water supply (DHW) pipe, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors. The first rule to remember: not all meter models are allowed to be installed by management organizations. Therefore, before you buy a water measuring device, you need to contact the public utility and ask them for a list of devices whose use is permitted.
Water meters mounted on DHW pipelines, as a rule, have a special marking on the body. It has a red color corresponding to the intended use of the device. To install such a device, you need to study an algorithm of actions that allows you to answer the question of how to put the meter on water.
The most common meter models used by domestic consumers are tachometric. The measurement of the volume of water consumed over a certain period of time in such devices is performed mechanically. Non-volatile models are divided into two groups:
- turbine;
- vane.
Devices that belong to the turbine group are not used at home. They are mounted on industrial pipelines with diameters ranging from 50 to 200 mm. Vane non-volatile devices are installed on communications, the cross-sectional index of which does not exceed 40 mm.The price of installing a water meter depends on the guarantee provided by the relevant organization. The cost of this event varies from 1 to 4.5 thousand rubles.
Let's consider the most important points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hot water meter. This equipment must be designed to operate under pressure conditions of 16 atmospheres or higher. Any device must withstand high temperatures. Typically, these devices can be used in a temperature range of 5 to 150 ° C.
It is also worth paying attention to the sensitivity limit of the water meter. This characteristic should correspond to the volume of water consumed in 1 hour. Each water measuring device has a certain error, which is taken into account in the regulatory documentation. For a DHW meter, the measurement error should not exceed 5%.
Helpful information! It is not recommended to use the services of little-known companies to install a DHW meter.
Self-installation of the water meter is not recommended, since the possibility of making installation errors is extremely high. However, with a competent approach and proper preparation, it is still permissible to carry out this operation. In any case, you can always use the services of professionals.
How to install a DHW water meter with your own hands: step by step instructions
Certain restrictions are imposed on the installation of such equipment. It should be remembered that the hot water meter should be located in a place strictly defined for this purpose. The device is mounted immediately near the outlet of the pipeline from the riser. Installation must be carried out exclusively on a straight pipe section located before the branch line.
Horizontal water meters should never be mounted in a vertical plane. Devices, the type of installation of which provides for a vertical arrangement, also obey the opposite rule.
How to install water meter? Consider a step-by-step algorithm of actions that will need to be performed when installing a device belonging to the mechanical (non-volatile) category. The first step is to prepare the device for installation. Next, you need to assemble the node taking into account the selected wiring diagram. It is not necessary to use rubber connecting pads in this case, since this assembly is a "fitting room". It helps to calculate the number of turns of the seal that will be required to fix the elements of the assembly.
The next step is to dismantle the temporary structure. Then you can proceed to the final assembly of the assembly. How to install a hot water meter correctly? Final assembly is performed using O-rings and FUM tape.
The metering device can be inserted into the pipeline in different ways. This operation is primarily influenced by what material the communication is made of. To remove a piece of pipe, a grinder is usually used. The tool allows you to quickly cope with cutting a segment of the required length. This indicator is calculated in advance (when assembling the unit).
If the pipeline is made of steel, then the segment within which the water measuring device will be installed is replaced with a polymer one. You can do without this, but otherwise you will need to thread metal pipes, which is much more difficult. Special videos on this topic help to answer the question of how to install a water meter.
Helpful information! When installing it yourself, keep in mind that users often have problems accessing the mesh filter.To avoid possible inconveniences, it is necessary to turn the cleaning element towards the room during the assembly of the unit.

At the end of the installation, it is mandatory to check the functioning of the water measuring device.
The installation of the measuring device on a polymer water supply system is performed using special soldering equipment. The soldering process requires certain knowledge and skills, so it is not recommended to carry it out on your own. In turn, the edges of the metal-plastic communication are cleaned, after which special connecting elements (fittings) are mounted on them.
At the end of the assembly, it is mandatory to check the functioning of the water measuring device. There should be no leaks when starting the water. In this case, the installation of the water meter can be considered successful.
DIY cold water meter installation: recommendations
Modern apartment complexes are often equipped with common water measuring devices, but this is not enough for organizing competent accounting. Installing a custom cold water meter is a great way to reduce your utility bills.
How to install a water meter for cold water? The installation of this equipment can be done independently or you can use the services of a qualified specialist. In the first case, you will need to carry out the necessary preparation and study the step-by-step instructions.
The preliminary stage of installation (as in the previous case) involves the selection of a suitable place. Most often, the installation of the recording device is carried out in the immediate vicinity of the water intake point.
In apartments with a modern layout, such a place is located in the bathroom, therefore it is in this room that you can most often see metering devices. In some cases, such devices must be placed not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, for example, if there are two points of water intake (non-standard layout of the dwelling). In such a situation, it is possible to install two cold water meters.
The very process of self-installation of a water measuring device is relatively simple. However, it requires preparation and a rather large set of tools, the composition of which may differ depending on the communication material into which the device is inserted.
To simplify the process of taking readings, which is done on a monthly basis, the installation point must be freely accessible. Among other things, each measuring device of this type requires sealing and periodic verification.
Helpful information! Another condition that must be taken into account before installing a water meter provides that communication should not contain inserts to the meter. Thus, the best location for the meter is after the shut-off valve.
It should be noted that in some apartments, piping structures are hidden. In this case, they are inside the walls. To install the meter, you will need to make a niche of the appropriate size, after which an observation window is organized. This allows easy access to the device.
Self-installation of a cold water meter on metal pipes
Nowadays, metal pipelines are rare. However, in some apartments their condition is assessed as satisfactory, which means that there is no need to replace them. In such a situation, the metering device is inserted into metal pipes.This process is more laborious and has its own characteristics, which must be paid attention to.
Assembling the unit is the first step in installing a water meter. The price for the work of a qualified specialist can be different (from 2 to 4 thousand rubles). The assembly of the unit is carried out taking into account a certain sequence.
The first step is to install a locking device (tap). Next, the filter element is installed. The elements are docked with each other using a special coupling equipped with a union nut. After it will be the very water measuring device. The assembly of the assembly ends at the installation of the second coupling. In some cases, a check valve is provided in the design.
Deviations from the above assembly order are not allowed. After preliminary assembly of the entire structure, measurements are taken. In simple terms, you define the length of the node that will be required to cut a pipe segment.
Replacing the cold water meter eliminates this procedure. When cutting out a communication section corresponding to the length of the node, it is necessary to make a mandatory correction for the thread. As a result, the distance between the ends of the pipes should be less than the length of the assembly by exactly the length of the thread.
Note! Before starting work on inserting a water measuring device into the water supply system, it is necessary to shut off the carrier supply riser. It is recommended to warn all neighbors in advance that a metering device will be inserted on a certain date.

Before starting work on inserting a water measuring device into the water supply system, it is necessary to close the media supply riser
Before starting work, it is worth purchasing union nuts and rubber rings, without which it is impossible to install a water meter. The price of these items may vary. It is recommended to take it into account in advance when drawing up a work plan.
In order to cut out a communication section, it is best to use a conventional grinder. A metal disc must be installed on it. Then, by using special dies, threads are applied to the ends of the pipes. Special equipment that operates from the mains helps to speed up this process.
After the thread is completed, the installation of the device on the pipeline begins. All connections joined by means of a thread must be equipped with a sealing roll. Without it, the structure will not be tight enough, which will lead to leaks. The water meter itself is installed last. The union nuts used to install it must have rubber gaskets. After installing the water measuring device, a test run of water in the system is performed.
How to put the meter on water: phased installation on a plastic pipe
If the pipeline is made of polymeric material, then the installation of the measuring device is performed below the shut-off device that blocks the access of water to the dwelling. It is recommended to take appropriate measurements before starting work. In addition to the length of the device itself, it is worth considering the length of the auxiliary elements.
Next, you need to shut off the water supply. Then you will need to cut out part of the communication (in accordance with the preliminary measurement). Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to install a water meter on a polymer pipe by ourselves. The answer is definitely yes. However, this type of installation differs from inserting the device into the metal structure of the pipeline. In this case, the docking of individual elements is performed using a special soldering iron, which requires special skills.
The next step in installing the meter is to solder the connecting piece to the first end of the pipe. Then a cleaning filter is screwed onto it. If there is a valve in the pipeline structure, then the cleaning element can be installed on it. Next, the connecting fitting is mounted on the edge of the second plastic pipe. Then the butt elements are screwed on, rubber gaskets are installed.
After that, you can proceed directly to the insert of the water measuring device. A very important rule for installing a water meter is to determine the direction of water movement. As a rule, there is a special arrow on the body of the device to simplify this task. It is with the help of it that the necessary direction is determined.
This process is less laborious than the installation of a measuring device on a metal communication. However, it has many nuances, the main of which is the soldering of fittings.

A very important point in installing a water meter is to determine the direction of movement of water
Hot water meter replacement: how to dismantle an old device
Replacing an old device with a new one involves dismantling a device that has failed. The most common cause of meter breakdown is clogging, and mechanical damage to these devices is also common. After shutting off the water supply in the riser, open any of the valves installed on the outlet of the riser. This will reduce the pressure in the system.
Helpful information! Before starting to dismantle the old device, it is recommended to place any container on the floor (under the pipe). This is due to the fact that when the water measuring device is removed from the pipeline, residual water will begin to flow.
How much does it cost to install a water meter? Calling a specialist in this case will be more expensive, since the total cost will include work on dismantling the old device.
It is worth noting that sometimes it is quite difficult to delete an old device. Most often, problems arise with metering devices that have been in operation for a long time. As a result, the union nuts of the connecting fittings (American) are covered with rust. In this case, tapping problem areas with an ordinary hammer will help.
Another option that allows you to dismantle a structure covered with rust and scale is to use an adjustable wrench. First, the problem areas should be heated, which will also contribute to their separation. Installation of new equipment is carried out taking into account the rules for installing a water meter and has a strict sequence, deviations from which are prohibited.
Many experts point out that rusted metal pipe ends are not suitable for subsequent use. Therefore, you just need to remove them with a grinder. However, in this case, the distance between the ends of the pipes will increase, which must be taken into account when assembling the unit.
How to install a water meter correctly: flow direction
Determining the direction of media flow in communication and installing a metering device in accordance with it is a very important point. As a rule, there is an arrow on the body of each water meter, which allows you to easily determine the direction of installation. The same goes for auxiliary parts. This indicator is absent except on the body of the locking device. This is due to the fact that the ball valve can pass water in two directions.
Each water measuring device must have such an indicator. Therefore, you need to pay attention to it during the installation of cold and hot water meters. Installation of two or one device is carried out exclusively in the direction of movement of water in communications.

Cheap metering devices of little-known firms very often do not have an arrow that allows you to easily determine the direction of installation
All auxiliary devices must be mounted strictly in the direction of the media flow in the communication. In some cases, an arrow-pointer may be missing on the body of a particular part. Most often, this indicates the low quality of the element.
Note! Cheap metering devices of little-known firms very often do not have such a marker. In this situation, experts advise replacing the low-quality device. In the absence of such a possibility, an independent determination of the direction of installation is made.
How to put a water meter in an apartment? To determine the direction and carry out the installation, it is necessary to carefully study the design of the device. Thus, it is not so difficult to perform the correct installation if you understand the essence of the process and take into account all the small details. The main difficulties of inserting a water meter are associated with obtaining permission from the management organization, as well as with sealing and registering the device.
Installation of a water meter by representatives of the management company
Most consumers do not dare to install a water measuring device on their own, as they are afraid to do it incorrectly. In the future, installation errors can lead to failure of the sealing and commissioning of the device. The cost of the services of a qualified specialist depends on the type of water meter and installation features. For example, inserting a meter into a metal line is more expensive, since it is laborious.

Most consumers do not dare to install a water measuring device on their own, as they are afraid to do it incorrectly
How much does it cost to install a water meter? The average cost of inserting a water measuring device is approximately 2.5 thousand rubles. The work of a specialist is paid once. In return, the user receives a warranty on the device. The duration of the warranty period may vary. Most often, the company that performed the tie-in of the device into the pipeline provides a 2-year warranty.
In the event of a malfunction, the installer is obliged to fix it free of charge, which is also an advantage of using the services of professionals. How much does it cost to install a water meter together with sealing and registration? These services are generally not provided separately, meaning they are included in the initial amount indicated by the installer.
To order the service, you must contact the appropriate company, which has the legal right to carry out such work. Moreover, it is not always necessary to come to the office of the organization in person. Sometimes an application can be filled out on the company's website, which is very convenient. After that, specialists inspect the tie-in site. The time and date of direct installation is discussed in advance.
An experienced specialist performs such work rather quickly (1-2 hours). It is important to remember that the duties of the installer include not only the installation itself, but also filling in, as well as issuing special acts confirming the quality of the work performed.
How to properly seal the meter
Upon completion of the installation of the meter, its inspection and test run are performed. This is necessary to confirm the health of the device. The next step is to seal the device. This procedure is the final stage, after which the meter readings become legal. In the future, the call of specialists is required only during the verification of the water meter... Feedback on the company performing the verification is the main thing to pay attention to.
In no case should the seal be installed independently or by hiring people who are not related to the management company or the local water utility. Sealing is done only by a specialist who is an employee of a specific utility organization. In order to register the meter, you need to submit an application for the acceptance of a water meter for registration.
Note! Before the official registration of the water meter, its readings are not valid and are not accepted by the utilities. Therefore, it is not recommended to tighten with a seal.
The installation and commissioning of such equipment may seem too complicated to someone. However, a competent approach will allow you to complete all the points in a short time. Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether it is necessary to put the meter on the water or not.

In no case should the seal be installed independently or by hiring people who have nothing to do with the management company.
The water meter, as well as all the necessary elements for it, must be in good condition. To confirm this fact, the specialist who carried out the installation draws up an installation act, and also prepares other necessary documents.
After submitting the relevant application, the utility company is obliged to provide a specialist for sealing. As a rule, it takes 3 to 5 days to process an application. The user must present the installation certificate to the master, as well as the passport, which was issued by the seller of the equipment. At the end of the installation of the seal, the master draws up an act on the commissioning of the water measuring device. In this document, the initial readings of the water meter are mandatory.
In addition, the specialist of the management company must provide the user with a contract that will outline all the nuances of equipment maintenance. The landlord is obliged to sign this document.
Water meter verification: interval and process features
Calibration of water measuring equipment is carried out 4-6 years after its putting into operation. It is carried out by employees of city utilities or private organizations that have permission to provide such services to the population.
For water meters installed on the DHW pipe, the interval between the tie-in and the first verification is 4 years. In turn, devices that record data on the cold water supply of a dwelling are checked less often, namely, once every 6 years.
However, there are situations that require an unscheduled calibration of water meters by a water utility. The most common reason is the suspicion that the hardware is not functioning properly and is providing false data as a result. The device of the water meter does not allow for interventions in its design. If this happened, then an unscheduled verification can reveal this violation. There are two options for conducting checks:
- at home;
- In the organisation.
The second option provides for the preliminary dismantling of the water meter and its delivery to the public service. It should be noted that an employee of a water utility or any other organization has no right to remove the device without presenting the appropriate permission.
Note! The representative of the inspecting party is obliged to take readings from the device, as well as provide the user with the relevant documentation.

For water meters installed on the DHW pipe, the interval between the tie-in and the first verification is 4 years
Delivery and return of the water measuring device is carried out by the user.The cost of a verification performed at home is most often 500-600 rubles, but the amount may differ depending on the controlling company and the region it serves.
Thus, with proper preparation, you can install the water meter on your own. It is important to understand that it is worth deciding on this step only if there is one hundred percent confidence in the positive outcome of this event. Buying a high-quality device requires care, since today there are a lot of low-quality devices, the service life of which is extremely short.