Fresh and clean air, not polluted by exhaust gases and various harmful substances, is a rarity for big cities. However, not so long ago it became possible to use an air ionizer in an apartment, thanks to which it is possible to improve the indoor microclimate. Let's consider how this device works, what you should pay attention to when choosing and is it possible to make it yourself.

With the correct use of the air ionizer, you can strengthen the immune system, tone, reduce fatigue and improve the psychological state.
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- 1 Air ionization: what is it
- 2 How to choose an air ionizer for home: expert recommendations
- 3 How to choose and buy an air ionizer: an overview of manufacturers and models
- 3.1 Air-O-Swiss 2055D: a modern device for air purification, humidification and ionization
- 3.2 Panasonic F-VXD50R-W: high quality modern Japanese technology
- 3.3 BONECO 1355N: Purifier and Humidifier with Silver Rod
- 3.4 ZENET XJ-2100: mobile device for air purification and ionization
- 3.5 Air purifier-ionizer Super Plus Turbo
- 4 DIY air ionizer: description and diagrams
Air ionization: what is it
The air that surrounds us and that we breathe contains molecules that have both positive and negative charges. They are called aeroions. These particles are vital for every person, and the more they are in the air, the better.

The air ionizer saturates oxygen with positively charged particles, which are necessary for a person for the normal functioning of the body
The amount of air ions in the air directly affects the well-being and health of a person. They have a positive effect on performance. For example, the largest number of them is in the coniferous forest, where we always breathe easily and freely. Also, the number of air ions can increase after rain, when the air is enriched with oxygen.
In nature, plants are responsible for the production of molecules containing positive and negative charges. For this reason, in the city, a person almost constantly lacks these useful particles. In order to achieve a sufficient level of air ion content necessary for a comfortable life, apartments are used air ionizersthat artificially produce them. This happens in different ways, depending on the type of device.

An air ionizer will help get rid of the negative effects of dust, soot, smoke, pollen, bacteria, allergens and particulate air
What is an air ionizer for and how does this device work?
There are six types of air ionizers for an apartment, each of which has its own differences in operation and the specifics of the production of positively and negatively charged ions. All devices are divided into thermionic, radioisotope, hydrodynamic, radioactive, corona and photoelectric devices. But at the same time, it is permissible to use only corona ionizers in the apartment.
The bottom line is that air ionizers are used in residential premises for preventive purposes. Therefore, their power should not be too high. For apartments, low-power devices are used, which simultaneously enrich the air with both positive and negative charges. But this happens in such an amount that it has a positive effect on the body of the people living in the apartment and does not cause harm.
The use of more powerful devices is acceptable, for example, in hospitals. Such devices are several times more powerful than household devices, however, their use is also approved by the Ministry of Health, subject to compliance with all norms and recommendations.
Due to the presence of such a device in the room, the air is cleaned, small dust particles settle, pathogens die, and electrostatic fields on clothes are neutralized. This has a beneficial effect on increasing immunity, normalizing the tone of the body, and reducing fatigue. In addition, under the influence of this device, a person tolerates some diseases more easily and sleeps better.
However, all these positive effects can be felt only if the power of the device meets the requirements. Otherwise, you can feel the negative impact of this device on yourself. This is due to the fact that, together with the positively charged particles, the device produces ozone. Overloading the body with this gas can cause nausea, increased fatigue and lethargy.
Helpful advice! In order to avoid the negative effect of the air ionizer on the body, it is recommended to turn off the device at night. It is better to use it during the daytime.

Ionizers of the BONECO brand combine several functions - ozonation, humidification and air filtration
The effect of air ionizers on people: advantages and disadvantages
Having figured out how an air ionizer works, what it is and how the release of air ions occurs, you should pay attention to what effect it has on a person. Research on the effect of ions on the human body has been carried out for more than two hundred years, and it has been proven more than once that such an effect has a lot of positive aspects.
First of all, they note an increase in efficiency, an improvement in general well-being. Breathing air in which there is a sufficient amount of ions, a person feels more vigorous and energetic. The general tone of the body is normalized, and brain activity increases.
In addition, experts note the following effects of the ionizer on the body:
- increased immunity;
- normalization of the cardiovascular system;
- hair growth stimulation;
- acceleration of gas exchange;
- reducing the risk of viral infections and much more.
Of course, there are certain contraindications to the use of an air ionizer, which must be familiar to everyone who has decided to purchase the device. However, there are not so many of them, and for most healthy people this device does not pose a danger if all the rules and recommendations for use are followed.
How to choose an air ionizer for home: expert recommendations
In order for the effect of the air ionizer to be beneficial to the body, it is necessary to choose the right device that you plan to use indoors. In a normal environment, the amount of air ions in the air should be in the range from 600 to 50 thousand units per 1 cm³. Usually, in apartments this indicator is underestimated by about 15 times.
To normalize this indicator, air ionizers are used, which can also perform a number of additional functions. For example, there are devices that, in addition to enriching them with ions, also humidify and purify the air.

A salt lamp is a natural air ionizer, the principle of which is to release ions and microparticles of salt from the lamp surface into the surrounding space
Cleaning devices neutralize airborne bacteria and remove dust and smoke. Humidifying devices help maintain humidity in the room at the proper level... The most modern devices combine all these capabilities and are called purifying and humidifying air ionizers.
The simplest devices that are recommended for air ionization are salt lamps. They generate ions by heating the salt on the surface of the lamp.
There are also unipolar devices that produce only particles with negative charges and bipolar ones, which are able to enrich the air with both positive and negative ions. Moreover, the second type of ionizer is much more expensive.
The main recommendations of specialists are aimed at the fact that it is necessary to select the correct devices, in accordance with the type and size of the room in which it is planned to use. Office or residential spaces require different devices, just like automobiles. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a filter. It can be carbon, fabric, water-based, photocatalytic, or HEPA.
Helpful advice! Before making a purchase, make sure that the type of power required for a particular device matches what is available in the room.
What you need to know before buying an air ionizer for an apartment
In addition to a number of medical contraindications to the use of air ionizers, it is necessary to learn a number of rules, the observance of which will allow you to use the device safely. It is worth paying attention to the following aspects:
- high-quality ventilation is one of the most important conditions for the full operation of the device. If there is not enough air in the room, this will lead to an increase in the amount of heavy air ions. As a result, dust can be trapped in the upper respiratory tract;
- installation of the device also requires attention: if you are in the room during the operation of the device, the distance to it must be at least 1 m;
- for extremely dusty or smoky rooms, the use of an ionizer is also not recommended.

An important factor when choosing an ionizer is the optimal square of the space for a particular model.
Particular attention should be paid to selection and installation if you have children. The air ionizer is able to have a positive effect, making it easier to carry diseases and stabilize the work of the whole organism. However, the device is not recommended for children under 1 year old, as well as for those who have individual intolerance and contraindications.
Helpful advice! Best of all, before buying an air ionizer for an apartment, visit a doctor and consult about the need for such a purchase in your case.
Having figured out what the air ionizer is for and what you should pay attention to when choosing, you can go to view the most popular models offered on the market today.In addition, it is worth considering the possibility of making such a device yourself.
Technical parameters of household air ionizers
Understanding the basic operating parameters of this device will help you choose the right option for you. First of all, you should pay attention to the maximum indicator of ion concentration. This characteristic is indicated in the passport of each model based on the data obtained when measured at a distance of 1 m from the device.
The figure indicated in the documents means that at a distance of 1 m from the device, 1 cm³ of air contains exactly this amount of charged particles. The permissible limits of this indicator are from 1000 ions / cm³ to 50,000 ions / cm³. If the indicator is too low, then such an acquisition simply will not make sense, since there will be no effect. If, on the contrary, the concentration is excessively high, then this is also not suitable for domestic use.
It is best to buy a home air ionizer that provides an ion concentration of 15,000 ions / cm³, however, most modern devices are more effective. It is not bad if this figure does not exceed the maximum limit of 50,000 ions / cm³.
Another important parameter is the voltage across the ionizer emitter. The normal indicator is considered to be 20-30 kV. This information can also be found in the technical data sheet of the device.
Helpful advice! If the documentation does not indicate the voltage on the ionizer emitter or this parameter is below 20 kV, it is not recommended to purchase such a device.
It is important to understand that for constant and stable formation of negative ions, the voltage must be at least 10‒16 kV. Reliable operation of the device is ensured if the lower voltage limit is set at 20 kV. Another option is a voltage that is too high, which exceeds the 30 kV mark. In this case, there is a risk of excessive production of air ions, which can negatively affect the well-being of people in the room.
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As for the area of ionization, this parameter is measured in square meters and indicates how much space the device can cover. It is worth taking into account the fact that at different points in the room, the concentration of ions will be different depending on the distance from the device. At a distance of 1 m from the device, the concentration is maximum, and then decreases with distance from the ionizer.

For children's rooms, there are special low-power and quiet devices for air purification and humidification.
Types of ionizers depending on technical characteristics
There are also regulated and unregulated ionizers. In the first case, the user can independently change the concentration of ions that the device produces into the environment. In the second case, this cannot be done, and the device always works according to the parameter set by the manufacturer.
It is also worth paying attention to the size of the device that you are planning to purchase. This parameter is of great importance, since the distance between the emitter and the outlet of the power cable must be at least 20 cm. Otherwise, the voltage at the emitter will be too low, which will not allow the device to efficiently produce ions. This means that such an ionizer will be useless.
For this reason, it is recommended that the size of the purchased ionizer be at least 30‒35 cm.Although in some cases the production of ions is carried out even at a short distance from the emitter to the outlet of the mains wire, but in such a situation, hazardous compounds are also released into the environment in parallel with the ions. These include ozone and hydroperoxide.
How to choose and buy an air ionizer: an overview of manufacturers and models
As a rule, household air ionizers are entrusted with two tasks at once: saturation of the air with air ions and humidification. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to buy an ionizer and a humidifier for home very cheaply, however, this device should be chosen based on quality characteristics, not in pursuit of the goal of saving money, because it is not just about your comfort, but also about your health.
Air-O-Swiss 2055D: a modern device for air purification, humidification and ionization
The Air-O-Swiss 2055D air ionizer is a modern device capable of serving an area of up to 50 m². The model is equipped with disc filters that are able to retain large dust particles, various organic elements in the air and even some odors. Additional features of this device include air humidification and aromatherapy.
Moreover, the developers have taken care of the purity of the water used to humidify the air by providing a special rod that disinfects water using silver ions.
Among the technical characteristics of the device, it is worth noting a fairly low noise level - only 25 dB, as well as power consumption - 20 W. In this case, the water consumption for air humidification is 300 ml / hour.
Of course, the cost of such an ionizer is not too low (about 17 thousand rubles), however, according to many users, for those who want to get high-quality and comprehensive enrichment of indoor air, this is the best choice. Moreover, there is also a "fan" mode and an indicator, which greatly simplifies the use of the device.
Panasonic F-VXD50R-W: high quality modern Japanese technology
The Panasonic F-VXD50R-W air ionizer model is a product of a Japanese company, which deservedly takes its place in the market, since nanotechnology is used for its operation. It is capable of serving up to 40 m² of space, saturating the air with both anions and cations. But this is not limited to his capabilities. It can humidify and purify the air by attracting and trapping dust particles and various organic impurities.
Its high efficiency is ensured by a special inlet valve located near the floor, which works under the control of a dust sensor, activating the cleaning function when a corresponding signal is given.
The noise level of this device is in the range of 19-50 dB, consuming from 12 to 70 W. This device uses more water to humidify the air than the previous one - up to 500 ml / hour.

According to user reviews, the Panasonic F-VXD50R-W air ionizer is very convenient to use due to several modes of operation.
Among the arguments in favor of choosing this ionizer, it is worth noting the high build quality that characterizes Japanese products, as well as the ability to program the operating mode of the ionizer.
The only thing that can keep users from making such a purchase is the rather high cost of this model (about 32 thousand rubles), however, for those who appreciate high Japanese quality and want to buy the really best for themselves, this option is perfect.

The Panasonic F-VXD50R-W air ionizer model has a high cost, since nanotechnology is used for its operation
BONECO 1355N: Purifier and Humidifier with Silver Rod
This device is an affordable and functional device, which is noticeably smaller, but at the same time it copes with all the tasks that are set before it. The ionizer is equipped with a silver rod that is integrated into the water mill. Such a system allows not only ionizing the ambient air, but also simultaneously sterilizing it, neutralizing more than 600 types of bacteria and viruses.
Thus, the ionizer BONECO 1355N simultaneously solves several tasks at once: humidifies and purifies the air, enriching it with ions. The device can be used in rooms with an area not exceeding 50 m² and at the same time its power consumption does not exceed 20 W. The noise produced by the device does not exceed 20 dB, and the water consumption is only 300 ml / hour.
This ionizer is often chosen by those users who want a good result at a low price. Such a device costs about 10 thousand rubles.
Helpful advice! To maintain a high-quality level of ionization and air humidification, you need to pay attention to the frequency of cleaning and replacing filters in the device.
ZENET XJ-2100: mobile device for air purification and ionization
Another ionizer equipped with air purification functions, but working on a slightly different principle. For this purpose, an ultraviolet lamp is used here, which, together with an active oxygen generator, makes the air in the room as useful as possible for humans.
In the process of developing this model, attention was paid to its ergonomics, which subsequently made it possible to use not only a household power supply as a power source, but also any 12-volt source of electricity. For example, this made it possible to use it in a car.
The area that this ionizer is capable of serving is at least 25 m², while the power consumption is only 8 watts. Unlike all the previous models reviewed, ZENET XJ-2100 operates completely silent, which is one of its advantages.
Thus, if you need a mobile ionizer, then for only 4000–4500 rubles you can get an almost ideal option.

The ZENET XJ-2100 ionizer operates almost silently, which is a great advantage for this type of device.
Air purifier-ionizer Super Plus Turbo
Among the models of foreign brands, products of domestic production occupy an honorable place, which are in no way inferior to foreign models in terms of technical characteristics, but at the same time they are much cheaper.
By completely eliminating the use of moving parts, the manufacturer was able to create an incredibly economical and quiet device that is able to enrich the air thanks to the "ionic wind" effect. In this model, air is ionized using a corona electric charge.
The device perfectly copes with tasks such as removing dust (even very small particles of it), smoke, particles of heavy metals, etc. In addition, with its help you can scent the air in the room.

Super Plus Turbo is a domestically produced ionizer that is not inferior in performance to foreign models
Weighing only 2 kg, the ionizer is able to fully service a room with a volume of 20 to 100 m², while consuming up to 10 watts. This device has 4 modes of operation, and the price fluctuates around 4 thousand rubles.
Helpful advice! You can also consider a model of an air cleaner with a Super Plus Eco ionizer. This is another worthy representative of domestic products, which has its own advantages and advantages over the rest.
Summing up, we can say that depending on your requirements and preferences, you can always choose the right option.Having considered the options offered in various price categories, and with a wide variety of technical characteristics, you will certainly select the exact model that suits you.
DIY air ionizer: description and diagrams
It is possible to make an ionizer with your own hands if you use the schemes proposed on the Internet for this purpose and clearly follow all the instructions and recommendations. However, first you need to decide what kind of device you want to get in the end and where exactly you plan to use it.
Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a complex and multifunctional model, but making a simple ionizer for an apartment or a car is quite within the power of everyone. Let's consider both algorithms for making options, paying attention to possible complications and nuances that must be taken into account in the process of work.
Diy air ionizer circuit for home use
In order to save money and not purchase a ready-made ionizer, you can make it yourself using the following materials:
- 2 small plastic containers (for this purpose, you can use packaging for toys "Kinder Surprise";
- plug with two wires, 0.5 mm in diameter;
- insulating tape;
- needle;
- scissors.
Assembly can be carried out using more plastic containers, but two are enough for the first attempt.

To assemble the air ionizer with your own hands, you can use the handy parts or purchase them in a specialized store
Helpful advice!Before getting started, make sure children and animals are at a safe distance and will not interfere with you.
To begin with, in each of the containers, using a needle, it is necessary to make holes of such a size that the wire passes through them. After that, the wires must be untwisted into cores and threaded through the holes so that positive cores appear in one container and negative cores in the other. After that, they must be insulated and the upper wires connected.
If the plug is separated from the wires, it must be connected at this stage. After that, you need to connect the device to a power source to make sure it is working properly. To protect the structure, you can make a small box that will give your appliance an attractive appearance.
As in the case of a purchased ionizer, it is important to observe safety precautions during use, and strictly limit the access of children and animals to the device.
DIY car air ionizer: instructions for making
A little more difficulty is the independent manufacture of an air ionizer intended for use in a car. It will take more skills and experience to assemble such a device, so before proceeding with the assembly, it is worth weighing well all the arguments in favor of such a decision.
The simplest assembly scheme is considered to be one for which a generator is used on a 555 chip, which is sometimes called a timer. This is a cheap part, the cost of which is no more than 15-20 rubles and is sold in almost any radio parts store. For the ionizer, it is necessary to play the role of a single-channel generator. In this case, its operating frequency is tuned by selecting the components of the RC chain.
To save money on buying a transformer, you can take, for example, one that could have remained from an old system unit. In this case, the transformer is carefully soldered from the common chain.
Next, you need to replace the old winding.For this purpose, you can use several layers of insulating tape, which it would be useful to wrap on top with 2-3 layers of stationery tape.
After that, according to the diagram, the timer must be connected to the transformer and the voltage multiplier, which is assembled from capacitors and diodes KTs 106, must be connected. Then the wires from the multiplier are moved apart at a distance of about 2 см3 cm from each other, after which the device can be connected to the network. The appearance of the characteristic smell of ozone in the air will indicate the correct operation of the device.
Having familiarized yourself with all the characteristics and capabilities of devices of this type, there is no doubt about how positively air ionizers for the home can have a positive effect on a person. The prices for these devices are very diverse, so everyone will certainly be able to find a suitable option for themselves in order to improve air quality and make up for the lack of ions.