In country and country houses, autonomous heating devices are not at all a whim. This is a necessity that can provide heat without being tied to any communications and centralized systems. Consider a device such as a gas cylinder gas heater: prices, characteristics and features of choosing a suitable device. We will determine the best models for use in various conditions.
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- 1 Varieties of gas cylinder gas heaters
- 1.1 How to choose and buy a gas heater from a cylinder: selection criteria
- 1.2 Best mobile cylinder gas heater: prices for appliances
- 1.3 Best Cylinder Gas Heater for Garage
- 1.4 Which gas heater is best for a tent
- 1.5 Wall mounted gas cylinder gas heaters: reviews and specifications
- 1.6 The best outdoor gas heaters from the cylinder
Varieties of gas cylinder gas heaters
Depending on some design features, as well as the conditions of use, gas heaters can be divided into several types.
Gas convectors are a great alternative to the traditional gas boiler. They do a good job of heating, and at the same time are much more economical. The only thing to consider is that they are of two different types: with an open combustion chamber and with a closed one. The first option is more difficult to operate in a residential environment, since it requires the arrangement of a special ventilation system. The second one is great for any purpose.
Catalytic gas heaters - their principle of operation is significantly different from that used in most other devices. There is no open flame as such, and the combustion of the gas takes place with the help of an incandescent ceramic plate on which it falls. Thanks to this way of working, the device works quietly, more efficiently and safely than others.
Ceramic gas cylinder heaters. This type of device is similar in principle to electric heaters, which heat the room by means of directional heat radiation. At the same time, they heat objects, not air. This principle of operation allows for more efficient use of fuel.
Heat gas cannons - devices of cylindrical shape, the operation of which is based on the principle of a fan. A heat generator, powered by a gas cylinder, heats up the air and, using a fan, gives it out. Most often, these models have a power regulator that allows you to customize the device.
Helpful advice! It is strongly not recommended to use gas heaters for the purposes for which they are not intended. For example, trying to heat tents with a garage heater can be unsafe and backfiring.
How to choose and buy a gas heater from a cylinder: selection criteria
In order for you to get an idea of the whole range of offers that can be found now on the market for an ordinary buyer, we will consider the characteristics of each device, its purpose and features of operation.
Best mobile cylinder gas heater: prices for appliances
The leader among mobile devices of this type is Bartolini gas heaters. They are designed to use bottled gas and can easily heat a room of any size with high quality.
The most popular model of this line is the Bartolini Pullover I gas heater. With its very modest dimensions of 780x430x420 mm and a weight of only 13.5 kg, its power is 4200 W, and it is perfect for heating both residential premises and outbuildings, garages and outbuildings ...
The Bartolini gas heater is equally often used both as the main heating device and as an additional one. Thanks to the convenient wheels, the heater can be easily moved from room to room.
The Pullover gas fired heater uses a catalytic panel made of fiberglass as the heating element. The combustion process is catalyzed using platinum powder. Such materials, as well as the technology of work, allow the device to work without any noise, as well as unpleasant smell.
A nice addition to this model is the ability to adjust the power of the device. There are three power modes and, accordingly, fuel consumption:
- 1400 W / 0.1 kg / hour;
- 2800 W / 0.2 kg / hour;
- 4200 W / 0.3 kg / hour.

Catalytic gas heater Bartolini pullover
In addition, buying a Bartolini gas heater means protecting yourself and your home as much as possible. Indeed, for security purposes, several measures are provided at once:
- built-in sensor indicating the level of burner heating;
- automatic shutdown of the device when dropped or tilted;
- sensor for monitoring the level of carbon dioxide in the air and automatic shutdown in case of exceeding the norm.
The cost of such a device is only 9,400 rubles, which makes it not only one of the best, but also one of the most affordable mobile heaters.
Best Cylinder Gas Heater for Garage
Gas heaters are widely used for heating garage premises. After all, there is never a centralized heating there, and it is almost impossible to stay there for a long time if it is cold outside. Therefore, for heating, autonomous heating systems are used, which are as simple as possible in design, and at the same time consume a minimum amount of fuel.
Solyrogaz GII 2.9 is just such a device. Its device allows you to heat only that part of the space to which it is directed at a particular moment. Thanks to this, no fuel is consumed for empty air heating. At the same time, this model can be used both as a stove for cooking food, and as a device for drying products during painting.
This wide range of features has made this model very popular with garage enthusiasts. Here are a few advantages that have been noted in reviews of this model's gas heater:
- the use of a German ceramic radiator has a positive effect on the service life of the device, as well as on the uniformity of flame distribution in the burner;
- The efficiency of the device is extremely high, which is achieved thanks to the double thermal radiation: primary and secondary;
- autonomy of the device.No need to connect to the mains, we make it possible to use it in any conditions;
- runs on propane, which allows significant savings. At the same time, fuel consumption is minimal;
- there is no open flame in the device, which makes it safer to use;
- its weight does not exceed 2 kg, which makes it easy to rearrange.
The base power of this model is 2900 W, but there are analogues with both higher and lower power. The cost of Solyrogaz GII 2.9 is only 950 rubles.
Which gas heater is best for a tent
It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which heater is the most convenient and suitable for field conditions. Much depends on personal preference, as well as on what conditions and how long you plan to use the device. Let's take a look at two of the most popular tent heaters.
Pathfinder Ion PF-GHP-S01 is a model known to many who are fond of winter fishing, hunting or hiking. This appliance has been specially designed to safely heat small tents, marquees or hunting lodges.
Pathfinder Ion uses liquefied gas as fuel, which is very convenient when there are no other sources of energy nearby. For power supply, you can use both 230 gram and 450 gram cylinders with a threaded valve. If you want to use large cylinders, then you must additionally purchase transition elements.
The lack of an adapter in the kit is the main drawback of the device. At the same time, the main advantages of this heater are high power, minimum fuel consumption and compactness easily compensate for this. The cost of such a heater is 3790 rubles.
The second, no less popular option is the Kovea Fire Ball KN-0710 heater. It is an infrared gas heater that comes with a hose and can be connected to any cylinder size.
The device reflector has two positions:
- horizontal, designed specifically for cooking;
- inclined, designed for heating the room.
According to the reviews, the gas heater from the Kovea Fire Ball KH-0710 cylinder is also good because there is a special bolt to fix the reflector in both positions. Such fixation eliminates the possibility of the dishes tipping over during cooking, or a change in the direction of the heat flow.
Useful advice! This device is equipped with a function of additional heating of gas before it is supplied to the burner. This ensures its stable operation even in the most severe frost. So this model is considered ideal when it comes to winter fishing use.
The disadvantages of this device include low power - 900 W, and a fairly high cost (about 7,000 rubles). But there are also advantages: the device is universal, and can be used not only as a heating device, it is equipped with a piezo ignition and weighs only 565 g.
Wall mounted gas cylinder heaters: reviews and specifications
A separate category is those devices that are mounted on the wall. They are almost always used in residential buildings, and therefore special requirements are imposed on them.
Alpine Air NGS-20F is a gas convector designed for wall mounting in residential premises. Due to the presence of a cast-iron heat exchanger, the warranty period of its service is at least 50 years. Among other design features of this device, one can note the non-volatility of automation, and its ability to fully function even at very low temperatures.
If we talk about the Alpine Air NGS-20F, then only a fan works from the power supply, which allows you to increase the speed of air circulation, thus accelerating the heat around the room faster. But even in the absence of electricity, the device will still be able to fully heat the room.
The combustion chamber in this heater is of a closed type, and a special telescopic coaxial pipe is provided for air intake and removal of combustion products.
Useful advice! Depending on your desire, the device can be connected to either liquefied gas or natural gas. But it will be useful to clarify the details with a consultant or seller.
Among the disadvantages of this device is the fact that for its installation it is necessary to make a hole in the wall. Among the advantages: efficiency, long service life and an affordable price for this type of device - 2700 rubles.
The second, no less popular wall heater is Hosseven HP-3. It is distinguished, first of all, by an unusual design, thanks to which the model gained its popularity. The austere black body is complemented by shock-resistant heat-resistant glass that allows owners to observe the flame. Outwardly, such a convector is very similar to a fireplace.
Speaking about the functionality of the model, it is worth noting that the combustion chamber is closed here, the efficiency of the device is very high, and the state of the air in the room when the heater is turned on remains unchanged. The heat exchanger is made of steel and is equipped with fins, which significantly increases heat transfer. A built-in thermostat is used to control the operation of the device.
As with the previous version, to install Hosseven HP-3 it is necessary to make a hole in the wall. However, there is a nice addition here: this model is versatile when it comes to different fuels. It can equally work from both natural and bottled gas, which allows you to install it in the country.
Hosseven HP-3 has a power of 2700 W, but there are also analogues on sale, with a power of 4100 W and 6200 W. Among the shortcomings, a higher price can be noted - 24,300 rubles. However, this can easily be justified by the stunning design.
The best outdoor gas heaters from the cylinder
Among the representatives of outdoor gas heaters for summer verandas, the leadership can be given to the products of the Enders Elegance company. This manufacturer produces products specifically designed for outdoor heating, not indoor heating. These devices are perfect for terraces, verandas and outdoor areas, as they cover an area of approximately 4.5 m².
The design of this device is well thought out and the body is made of stainless steel. At the same time, gas burners are made of the highest quality alloy steel. In addition, the heater is equipped with a piezo ignition and can be connected to a cylinder with a volume of 11 kg.
When creating this model, there were some innovations. The latest Enders-Eco-Plus technology was used, which can significantly reduce the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere, as well as gas consumption by almost 30%.
The safety of the heater is ensured by a whole gas control system, which ensures that in the event of a flame extinguishing or an inclination of the device by more than 45 °, the gas supply is automatically cut off.
It is very difficult to find flaws in this model, but if we speak conditionally, then they include a fairly limited area of \ u200b \ u200bthe device. The rest of the device is very high quality and copes with the task perfectly. And the price is quite acceptable - 21,550 rubles.
Not everyone can buy the next infrared gas heater on cylinder gas. Ballu BOGH-14E is not just a heater, but a whole complex designed to make your outdoor recreation as comfortable as possible.In addition to heating, lighting is also included in its functions.
Durable, made of stainless steel, the case is not afraid of any external factors. And the problem of rather large dimensions was solved with the help of a built-in wheelbase. Another addition is the presence of a special control panel that allows you to control the operation of the device remotely. And for convenience, there are three temperature modes, as well as the ability to adjust the degree of illumination.
Ballu BOGH-14E has only one drawback - high price. 39,990 rubles - a lot of money, however, beauty, mobility and the ability to control the device remotely are worth it.
Having considered several of the most popular models of gas cylinder heaters, prices and characteristics, we tried to note all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each type of device. Now you just need to decide on the purpose and purchase a suitable device.