This article discusses in detail the features and technical characteristics of such heating equipment as a heat gas gun: the principle of operation and the internal structure of the structure, the main types and rules of use in residential premises and a garage. The text contains recommendations for making the device with your own hands.
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Heat gas gun: principle of operation and classification of structures
In rooms where there is no centralized heating system in winter, it is quite difficult to maintain an optimal microclimate for people to live. Therefore, most owners of country and private houses prefer to buy a gas cannon for space heating. This type of equipment has a high efficiency, while the consumption of electrical energy is minimal.
In fact, such a gun is a thermal fan that runs on gas. These designs have many advantages. Among the most significant advantages are the affordable price of bottled gas cannons, their mobility, and a simple operation system.
The demand for these modern generation heaters increases during the heating season if the district heating system is not available or does not work well enough. The structure releases warm air into the room, which is formed due to the combustion of fuel - gas.
The unit is enclosed in a metal case with outlets for hot air.The shape of the gun is streamlined, inside it are the following elements:
- fan;
- burner;
- control device;
- heat exchanger;
- a device that provides ignition;
- thermostat.
In addition, the case may contain additional components that depend on the model and design features.
Varieties of gas cannons for space heating
The popularity of gas cannons is due to their practicality and wide range of applications. These units are used not only for heating, but also for ventilation of premises, as well as for drying objects with large dimensions. Despite the large assortment, only two types of structures are distinguished: indirect and direct gas heat guns.
Note! During the operation of the gun, oxygen burns out inevitably. For this reason, it is not recommended to use them in rooms where there is no ventilation system. This can be life threatening.
Direct heating structures do not have the function of purifying air streams from burning, therefore, in residential premises, they can poison oxygen. This is the only drawback of such units. Direct-fired guns have 100% efficiency and operate with minimal fuel and electrical energy.

The design of a direct-heated gas cannon is quite simple: a fan and a burner are located inside the case, which heats the air, and the fan blows it into the room, creating a powerful air flow
In gas guns of indirect heating, a ring-type heat exchanger is used as a heating element. The principle of operation of these devices differs from the previous version in that the structure first burns fuel, and then poisonous products that are released as a result of this process.
Indirect gas cannons are classified as environmentally friendly devices. For this reason, there are no restrictions on their operation. It is allowed to install indirect heating guns in rooms where ventilation is limited. The designs have only one significant drawback. The body is equipped with a chimney, which significantly affects the mobility of these devices, and also complicates their transportation.
The principle of operation of a gas heat gun for residential premises
Before you go to the store to buy a gas cannon for heating living quarters, it is worthwhile to study in detail the principle of operation of such units, their internal structure and other parameters.
The gas cannon works according to the following principle:
- A burner is installed in the combustion chamber, where gas is supplied.
- The ignition device ignites the fuel, which heats up the heat exchanger.
- The moving elements of the fan draw in cold air from the room and direct it back through the heat exchanger structure.
- The device is protected from damage and overheating by a thermostat.
When the air in the room warms up to a certain level, the thermostat is triggered. At this moment, the switch breaks the electrical circuit and the device stops working. This principle of operation allows you to control the temperature in the room and maintain an optimal microclimate.
Specificity of low pressure natural gas gas cannon
Heaters are most often used for domestic needs. Moreover, most buyers, choosing the best device, will prefer to buy an indirect heating gas heat gun with a mobile design, which is equipped with control knobs and wheels.

The complete absence of harmful substances in combustion products makes gas cannons especially effective for use in greenhouses and greenhouses
Stationary models have a gas cylinder that makes it difficult to move.The technical characteristics of the gun, as well as the duration of its operation, depend on the volume of this container. Fixed-design models are considered obsolete as they are less practical than mobile options.
Note! Compact models of natural gas cannons are very economical. The flow rate of the unit is only 1 l / h.
The heat gun is an independent heating device. At the same time, it can play the role of a structural element of the whole installation, designed to maintain the required microclimate in the room. Natural gas-fired structures can be used to heat specialized and automotive vehicles.
The capabilities of this equipment will come in handy during the repair process and even when installing stretch ceilings. The fan in the design speeds up the processes. Air flow heating is controlled by a built-in temperature controller.

One of the most economical ways to heat a room is to directly heat the room air by burning natural gas.
Why experts advise to buy a gas heat gun: scope of devices
This type of equipment, like a gas cannon, is in demand not only in everyday life, but also in production. The scope covers heating of residential and non-residential premises. Cannons are used to dry individual components from the production and automotive sectors.
In addition, the functionality of gas equipment will be useful on large areas, the size of which exceeds 25 m².
Features of operation of gas heat guns of indirect heating for a garage
Non-residential premises collect dampness, which negatively affects storage. This includes a garage. High humidity has a bad effect on a vehicle that has been in it for a long time. To remove dampness from the walls, as well as get rid of the fungus, experts recommend purchasing a gas cannon for the garage. The cost of such units is quite high, however, the versatility of such structures justifies the costs, since they can also be used in the country and at home for quick heating.

A gas cannon for a garage is a mobile device that, depending on its size, can either be moved or rolled to another place
The power of the heating devices is in the range of 10-100 kW. If there is no ventilation system in the room, the efficiency of the gas heat gun for the garage is reduced to zero. You cannot stay in a room with a working device for a long time, and as a result of the constant opening of the gate for the sake of ventilation, all the heat pumped in will simply go out into the street.
Using a heat gun in the garage will create conditions for the normal start of a car engine, as well as for repair work in the winter season.
In a heated room, any processes are greatly simplified and accelerated:
- sorting tools;
- wiping the car body and glass;
- interior cleaning, etc.

Gas heat gun for a garage - the best choice in terms of power, efficiency and speed of heating the room
To select a device with optimal performance, you need to consider the following points:
- the material from which the garage is built (brick, stone or metal);
- the quality of thermal insulation (types and features of internal and external insulation);
- the absence or presence of electrical wiring in the room (without electricity, the gun cannot work);
- features of the ventilation system;
- total area of the room;
- operations that are carried out in the garage.
Note! After using the device, the room must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes.
Features of the operation of a gas cannon for space heating
Devices for space heating are of two types. Some of them consume liquefied gas. Such designs can use butane or propane. Other types of gas heating guns are versatile. A pressure stabilization component is built into their housing. The presence of this device allows you to connect the equipment directly to the gas main.

Since a large amount of carbon monoxide (CO) is emitted into the atmosphere during combustion, which is fatal to humans in high concentrations, the heated room must have a good ventilation system.
Depending on the type of fuel consumed by the device, it can have different characteristics. The network gas pressure varies within 0.015-0.02 MPa. Therefore, the guns are designed for different indicators of inlet pressure. In this case, at the outlet, the gas cylinder reducer has a value of 0.036 MPa.
The differences between the models also affect the nozzles, which may have different nozzle diameters. This design feature is due to the composition of the fuel. The calorific value of liquefied and natural gas is significantly different. The balloon version of the fuel is three times more caloric than that supplied by the main line. For this reason, the use of natural gas as a substitute for liquefied fuel is not allowed if the design of the gun does not provide for this possibility. This information is prescribed by the manufacturer in the instructions that come with the device.
Related article:
Cylinder gas heater: prices and characteristics of the best models
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Even if the manufacturer provides for the possibility of replacing one fuel with another, a licensed specialist of the corresponding service must connect the gas heat gun to the main pipeline. The use of this type of heating equipment is associated with a certain risk. During operation, breakdowns may occur that should not be ignored.

A gas cannon is a powerful and reliable equipment with high efficiency and a relatively low cost of heat produced due to a more affordable gas price
Gas cannon repair: common types of breakdowns and the reasons for their occurrence
Common breakdowns of gas cannons and possible causes:
- The flame goes out when the forced fuel supply button is released - this may indicate a breakdown of the safety sensor.
- There is no ignition when gas is supplied - perhaps there is no spark in the design, therefore, adjustment of the piezoelectric element may be required.
- The fan operates without fuel supply - this symptom indicates a malfunction of the solenoid valve.
- There is no possibility of adjusting the fuel supply during the operation of the device - most likely, there was a blockage in the gas line.
- During operation, a strong smell of carbon monoxide appears - the equipment needs cleaning and adjustment of the gas pipeline on the heat generator. Switch off the device immediately and do not continue to operate it under any circumstances.
Important! You should not risk trying to repair a faulty gun yourself. Replacing original components can make the device dangerous to use. It is better to entrust all repair and service work to professionals.

The most common malfunction of both diesel and gas cannons is poor quality fuel and a large amount of unburned exhaust gases.
Features of the operation of a gas cannon for stretch ceilings
A gas cannon is often used for repair work. It is indispensable in those cases when you need to install a stretch ceiling. By uniformly heating the PVC film up to 65 ° C, this device increases the elasticity of its surface.Thanks to this, the material easily fits on the shelf base and is firmly fixed in those places where there are gaps for its fastening.
The use of a gas cannon during the installation of stretch ceilings excludes the appearance of condensation on the surface of the load-bearing wall. This feature is one of the most beneficial benefits of such a renovation.
Installation of stretch ceilings is a one-time procedure. To fulfill it, it is not necessary to buy an expensive tool; renting a gas cannon completely solves this problem. Many companies provide such services, offering an extensive list of tools with different technical characteristics for any task, including for installing stretch ceilings.
Choosing a gas cannon for space heating: prices, manufacturers and model overview
In the catalogs of manufacturers, you can find dozens of interesting models with various technical characteristics and designs. To determine the choice and purchase the best device, you should pay attention to the main criteria for a quality product.
These criteria include:
- manufacturer and product quality level;
- the shape of the gas cannon body;
- heating method (direct or indirect);
- unit power level;
- the area that the cannon is capable of heating;
- dimensions of the device.
In addition, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the opinion of consumers about gas cannons, customer reviews who have already used the device reflect the advantages and disadvantages of certain models and manufacturers.

An important advantage of a gas heat gun is the ability to use it for heating both small rooms and a fairly impressive size of areas
Review of gas cannons Master: popular models and prices
The Master BLP 10M model is a compact device with a power of 10 kW. The equipment is capable of efficiently heating 300 m³ / h. At the same time, a fairly modest range of fuel consumption remains. The device consumes only 0.75 kg / h. The structure is connected to a single-phase network and weighs only 4 kg. This heat gun runs on liquefied propane. Its average cost is 4,700 rubles.
The Master BLP 15M model is suitable for heating houses, as well as premises for agricultural, industrial and construction purposes with good ventilation. It is allowed to be used as a device for drying a room during finishing work. The power of the device is 15 kW, the price of the Master 15M gas cannon is 10,000 rubles.
Useful advice! In order for the equipment to work properly throughout the entire operational period, it is advisable to carry out diagnostics and scheduled maintenance of the gas gun every six months.
The BLP 53M Master is another popular model. With its small dimensions, this unit has a high power rating of 53 kW. The average cost is 14,000 rubles.

The model range of Master gas cannons includes devices of a wide variety of characteristics, all of them are intended for use as a fuel of liquefied (balloon) gas
This gun is ideal for heating large spaces:
- supermarkets and shopping centers;
- factory and factory workshops;
- repair shops.
Overview and prices of heat gas cannons Ballu
The Ballu BHG-20 S device belongs to the mid-price category, capable of operating with butane or propane. Heats up 500 m³ within an hour. The fuel consumption level is 1.2 kg / h. The power of this model is 18 kW. The total weight of the structure is 4.9 kg. The average price of a gas cannon is about 5,000 rubles.
The body of the Ballu BHG-10 M gas heat gun is made of stainless steel. The material has a high heat resistance.This model is designed for heating rooms, the area of which does not exceed 100 m². The device can be powered by batan or propane.
For protective purposes, the body of the Ballu BHG-10 M gas heat gun is coated with an anti-corrosion compound. To simplify the transportation of the structure, the manufacturer has provided for a convenient handle. The power of the device is 32 kW. The complete set includes a pressure regulator and a gas hose. The average cost of this model is 5200 rubles.
Another practical and convenient version of the Ballu gas cannon is the BGH-40. This model has a high performance indicator that tends to 100%. The power level of the device is 36.7 kW. In this case, the device consumes about 2.2 kg / h. The manufacturer has endowed this design with a powerful axial-type fan, as well as a magnetic valve that prevents the gas in the inside of the burner from igniting when the pressure drops. The price of this gun is 8600 rubles.
A brief overview of the technical characteristics and prices of Resant gas cannons
The capabilities of the Resant TGP 10000 heat gas gun turn this device into a versatile equipment that can be used to heat agricultural and industrial premises, as well as waiting rooms in railway stations and airports. The power of this unit reaches 10 kW. The productivity level is 300 m³ / h. This is enough for efficient and fast heating of rooms, the size of which does not exceed 60 m². Even in intensive mode, this model consumes no more than 0.86 kg / h. Price - 4600 rubles.

Gas heat gun heaters presented by the Russian company Resanta have successfully competed with products of well-known world brands
Useful advice! This model can be used for drying concrete screed and walls during construction and renovation work.
To find a professional solution for the problem of heating large rooms, you should pay attention to the Resant TGP 15000 gas heat gun. Power of 18 kW will be enough to heat a room of about 100 m². The design is mobile, its weight is 6 kg, but this does not affect the ease of transportation at all. The complete set includes a connecting hose and a reducer for supplying liquefied propane or butane from cylinders. The average cost of this device is 5100 rubles.
Operation of a gas heat gun: customer reviews
Many buyers have already appreciated the capabilities of gas-fired heat guns. The advantages and disadvantages of these structures are clearly reflected in the reviews that are present in large numbers on forums and online store sites:
“I bought the Ballu BHG-20 S cannon. Among the advantages I would like to note the attractive appearance and light weight of the structure. A significant drawback of this model is the short hose and cord. Besides, the expense is not as small as we would like. "
Evgeny Vasnetsov, Moscow

The main advantage of a gas cannon is its small size and weight with high thermal power, as well as ease of use in the absence of electric current.
“I have been using the Ballu BHG-10 M gas cannon for some time. Very lightweight and comfortable design. It is advantageous that the gearbox and the hose are already included in the kit. I did not notice significant shortcomings, but you need to get used to the device before the operation becomes fully understandable. At the first start, the gas did not light up. As it turned out, this was due to the too powerful air flow. If you have such a problem, I advise you to use a rag to block the air intake. When the unit starts, it can be removed and the gun can be safely used. "
Igor Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg
How to make a gas heat gun with your own hands
In most cases, a heat gun is used by craftsmen as a heating device for a garage. Therefore, it would be more expedient to make an indirect heating structure that is connected to the chimney system and allows you to stay indoors during its operation.
To make a gun you will need:
- two pipes 1 m long and 18 cm in diameter (body) and 8 cm (combustion chamber);
- pipe with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 30 cm (outlet pipe);
- axial fan with round flange;
- gas burner equipped with a piezoelectric element.
DIY gas cannon assembly technology
Before you start assembling the gun, you need to take care of the presence of the circuit. It will serve as a guide in the process of work. First you need to take a pipe with a large diameter size and make a couple of holes. The size of one of them is 8 cm. An outlet pipe for heated air will be attached to this hole. The second is 1 cm. This hole will be used to fix the gas hose. A combustion chamber must be made from a pipe with a diameter of 8 cm.
Useful advice! To keep the combustion chamber rigidly in the central part of the body, it is advisable to use plates that are welded to the pipe.
Next, a plug is prepared. It can be cut from sheet metal. This element should cover the gap between the body and the combustion chamber. In this case, it is very important not to block the access so that it is possible to connect the structure to the chimney.
In the next step, all the elements of the gas cannon are brought together. This will require a welding machine and skills in handling it. The combustion chamber is welded together with stiffeners inside a large pipe. From the outside, a branch pipe and a plug are fixed. Through this element, the heated air will flow into the room. It remains to install a gas burner and a fan. All elements must be firmly fixed.
The assembly process for a direct heated structure is much simpler. Such a gun consists of a pipe, at one end of which a fan and a burner are fixed. Combustion products and hot air streams in this case will come out from the opposite side.
Rules for the safe operation of the heat gun
The gas fired heat gun is very easy to use. If you adhere to the rules of its operation, this device will not pose any danger to human life or health.
Safe operation rules:
- It is not allowed to dry shoes and clothes on the body of the device, as well as any actions during which the air duct or air intake may be blocked.
- Protect the device case and fan against moisture penetration.
- It is imperative to use the wiring, the power of which corresponds to the technical parameters of the gun.
- Do not use the device in a dirty room with a high concentration of dust.
- The room where the gun is used must be well ventilated.
- Hazardous and flammable substances must not be placed near the gas cannon.
- The place where the gas hose is fixed to the fuel cylinder must be checked for leaks. No leaks allowed.
Gas is much heavier than air, so it can accumulate in the lower part of the room, creating an explosive situation. For this reason, it is forbidden to use the gun in rooms that are below ground level.

For the safe use of a gas gun, quality plays an important role, a combination of technical and ergonomic properties
Gas fired heat guns are intended for domestic and commercial use. They are easy to operate and economical. Such installations can be an excellent alternative to the standard heating method. The assortment of modern stores includes a large number of modifications with various technical characteristics. This allows customers to select the optimal design for heating compact spaces, such as a garage or living room, and large spaces (shopping centers, airports, train stations).