In the process of building a country house, one of the main tasks facing the owners is to make the stay as comfortable as possible. And the heating arrangement plays a significant role here, because this is the main component of comfort and coziness. Consider why a gas heater for summer cottages is increasingly being chosen as a heating device, its advantages and features of use in a residential building.
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Gas heater for summer cottages: advantages and disadvantages
If you do not live in the country all the time, but only sometimes stop by there to rest for a few days, then gas heaters for natural gas for your home will be the best solution to the issue with heating. They have an affordable price, are very mobile and are able to warm up large enough rooms.
The gas heater device involves the use of natural gas as a power source. As a result of combustion, it generates heat, which, together with infrared radiation, is transferred to surrounding objects. In turn, they transfer the received heat to the air.
Advantages of using household gas heaters for summer cottages:
- high efficiency, which reaches 80%;
- to power the equipment, only natural gas or liquefied propane is required, which can be called practically the most affordable option available today;
- such heaters are environmentally friendly;
- due to its light weight and dimensions, the device can be easily carried;
- the equipment is extremely easy to install and operate;
- the service life is quite long: from 15 to 30 years;
- high level of safety: the body does not heat up over 60 ° C, which eliminates the risk of burns or fire;
- this method of heating is very economical, since a gas cylinder can be filled at any gas station, and the fuel consumption is gradual.
Useful advice! Another situation when buying a gas heater from a cylinder for a summer residence will be the best solution - the presence of problems with voltage drops in the electrical network. In this case, such a device can be both the main and additional heat sources.
All these qualities make gas heaters for the home almost irreplaceable. Indeed, on the one hand, you get rid of the need to install an expensive and complex heating system, and on the other, you provide yourself with a reliable and compact heat source.
Among the disadvantages of this type of equipment, only two significant points can be noted:
- In order to release heat into the environment, gas devices need oxygen. As a result, in the room where such a device is installed, oxygen burning will occur rather quickly.
- No matter how hard you try, gas cylinder gas heaters for summer cottages will never be completely safe in terms of the likelihood of fire. One way or another, we are talking about the use of an explosive substance that can lead to a fire. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating rules.
Helpful advice! It is strongly not recommended to independently repair gas heaters for summer cottages. It is important to remember that gas is explosive and any mistake you make can have serious consequences, such as gas leakage. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to a professional.
These drawbacks, although significant, have practically no effect on the popularity of this type of device. After all, if you provide additional oxygen access to the room where the heater is installed, and also follow the operating rules specified by the manufacturer, then you will receive a convenient and functional device that will serve for a fairly long time.
Which gas heater for a summer residence is better: reviews of various types of devices
In order to determine which type of heater is most suitable for use in your country house, you need to figure out what they are. All models are divided into three types: infrared, catalytic and gas convectors. Consider how they differ from each other, and which type is preferable for use in the country.
Infrared gas heater with ceramic radiator for heating
The operation of this device is based on the following principle: inside a housing made of metal there is a burner, as well as devices regulating its operation. This is necessary to create the safest possible structure, which will stop working in the event of a malfunction or, for example, overturning. At the same time, the price of a gas heater for a home is largely determined by the quality of this particular element.
The main active part of the device is the burner. It is in it that gas is burned and the heat obtained is further transferred through infrared emitters. Thanks to this type of transfer, heat is not dissipated in the air, but is transferred directly to objects located nearby.
The form, as well as the materials from which the emitter is made, can be very diverse, but ceramics are most often used. Many owners of country houses decide to buy a gas ceramic heater, due to its affordable price and a large selection of models.
If we talk about heating a country house, then infrared heaters can be called an almost ideal option. In operation, they are as simple as possible, and at the same time they are able to heat the room with high quality. There are only two types of infrared gas heaters: household and outdoor.
Models for outdoor use have a wider range of impact, and are often used on verandas, summer areas, in the yard. They cannot be used indoors, but on the street with their help you can warm up even in winter. Household infrared heaters, on the other hand, are designed to heat a small area (up to 40 m²) and are practically useless outside.
Catalytic gas heater for summer cottages: reviews and features
The second type of gas heaters is catalytic. They got their name thanks to the process that formed the basis for the operation of this type of device: catalysis. Oxidation occurs directly on the solid surface of the device, without forming a flame as such.
In terms of efficiency, catalytic heaters have no more efficiency than infrared ones. However, they significantly outperform their competitors in terms of safety and environmental friendliness.
It is generally accepted that by itself catalytic heater cannot cover and heat an area of more than 30 m². However, manufacturers skillfully combine it with fans to increase its exposure area to 50 m². The only thing worth considering is that such models are not suitable for use in small rooms.
Gas convectors for heating
Gas convectors are another type of heaters that are used to heat country houses. Depending on the design, they are divided into two types: with an open or closed combustion chamber. Moreover, the first type can only be used outdoors, where air circulation occurs constantly.
The second type provides for the presence of a special pipe for the removal of combustion products, and can be used indoors without problems. As a rule, the maximum area that it can heat does not exceed 40 m². The advantages of this type of device include low cost, as well as a high level of security.
Which is the best to buy a gas heater for a summer residence?
It is difficult to answer unequivocally which device is most suitable for heating a country house. Here you have to take into account many factors that influence one way or another. For example, think in advance about how long you plan to use the device. If you are visiting for a short time, then a ceramic gas heater for a summer residence is better suited. If you are planning long visits, a gas convector is more suitable.
It is worth paying attention to the power of the purchased equipment. It is important to listen to the manufacturer's recommendations in order not to make an unnecessary purchase. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are a huge number of devices on sale with very different power indicators, as well as purpose. Typically, the markings indicate the recommended operating conditions, as well as the recommended area for heating.
It is a mistake to believe that buying the most powerful heater you are guaranteed to provide yourself with comfortable conditions. Too high a temperature for heating the surrounding objects and air is just as bad as insufficient. Therefore, try to choose suitable models. Plus, you’re unlikely to want to use excessive gas to generate heat that you don’t need.
Models that are equipped with a power regulator are excellent. This allows significant savings in gas purchase costs.
An important parameter and appearance of the device. Depending on where exactly it is planned to be installed, as well as whether there is a need to move it, you can choose a floor or ceiling model.
Helpful advice! Ceiling models are good for rooms with high ceilings. So the area of exposure of radiation will be higher, and the amount of warm space in the room will increase.
Gas heater for summer cottages with a cylinder: prices for different types of devices
Depending on what type of device you want to purchase, this will incur different costs. For example, a new generation ceramic gas heater can be very expensive, while simpler models are considered the most economical way to heat a home.Consider the price range for each type of heater.
Prices for gas heaters for summer cottages with a cylinder start at 2,000 rubles and go up to 30,000 rubles per unit. At the same time, various factors influence the cost: power, material of manufacture, principle of operation, brand, etc.
For example, the prices of gas-fired ceramic bottled gas heaters are quite reasonable. A simple model with a minimum number of additional functions can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles. While powerful devices will cost 5-6 thousand rubles.
Helpful advice! You shouldn't skimp on product quality. Buy products from trusted manufacturers, and with the appropriate documentation and certificates.
As you can see, the prices of gas heaters for summer cottages can be very different. In order to purchase a high-quality convector, catalytic or ceramic gas heater for summer cottages, reviews serve as the best guideline.
Gas heater for garage
Another common use for gas heaters is for heating garages. Due to the lack of a full-fledged heating system, it is impossible to stay in the garage for a long time in the cold season. You can use a gas heater for heating a garage (as well as for a greenhouse or for a summer residence). It will not be difficult to buy such a device inexpensively, and its use does not require the supply of additional communications.
The peculiarities of using gas heaters in the garage include the fact that stationary devices in this case will be of little relevance. Placing the device under the ceiling will most likely not work, so it is better to give preference to the small portable version, which can be easily rearranged wherever you need it.

Gas heater-gun for garage, propane gas
If you believe the reviews, gas ceramic heaters are ideal when it comes to use in the garage. They are small and lightweight, but at the same time they can easily heat a fairly large area.
When choosing a gas heater for a summer cottage or garage, first of all be guided by the conditions in which it will be used. Check out reviews and testimonials from real buyers. After that, you can easily find a suitable model that will last more than one year.
While paying attention to one parameter of choice, do not forget about the rest. So, at first glance, an expensive device can pay off in the first few months of regular use. Whereas a simple and cheap heater can consume significantly more fuel.
In any case, make the most of the information provided by the manufacturer about a specific device, as well as customer reviews that they leave on forums and sites. Take your time to find the right gas heater for your summer cottage and you will certainly not be disappointed with your purchase.