Sedentary work is considered harmful, especially if it is working at a computer. In addition to the fact that a person receives radiation from the screen, he is in one position for a long time. At the same time, the musculoskeletal system undergoes an enormous load: the vertebrae are compressed and squeezed the vessels that feed the brain. To avoid this, it is advised to purchase an orthopedic chair designed to prevent spinal diseases.

A properly selected anatomical chair will not only help maintain the health of the spine, but also make working at the computer more productive.
Content [Hide]
- 1 What are the types of orthopedic chairs for a computer
- 2 What to look for when choosing an orthopedic chair
- 3 Orthopedic or ergonomic computer chair for home
- 4 Top reasons to buy an orthopedic computer chair
- 5 What should be equipped with an ergonomic computer chair
- 6 Choosing the optimal shape, size of the back and seat of the orthopedic chair or chair
- 7 Material that will make the chair comfortable for working at a computer
- 8 5 best options in the ranking of computer chairs according to Yandex-Market
- 9 How to choose a children's orthopedic chair for a computer
- 10 What is an orthopedic chair-bed
What are the types of orthopedic chairs for a computer
A properly selected anatomical chair will not only help maintain the health of the spine longer, but also make working at the computer more productive. The main task of such a chair is to adapt as correctly as possible to the structure of the spinal column. In this case, the length of the arms, hands, as well as the physique of the person who will use it, this includes height and weight, must be taken into account. To understand how to choose a computer chair, you need to know the basic types of furniture. They are conventionally divided into 4 types.
Leader's chair. This option differs in its appearance from the others, because its main difference is solidity. Such a chair is equipped with a wide back, has beautiful wooden armrests, a massive cross-piece - either chrome-plated or wooden. The seat is often deep and wide. Leather is considered the best option for upholstery, but if you need to save a little, you can choose high-quality eco-leather.
Office chair. This includes the standard models that are used to equip a workplace in any office. More often, such chairs are characterized by the absence of adjustment mechanisms and armrests.Their main difference is low price and laconic design.
Orthopedic chair for computer work. This category includes all chairs or armchairs that have special mechanisms that help to adjust the piece of furniture to individual parameters. Here the height of the backrest and armrests is adjusted, and it is also possible to change the angle of the backrest.
Orthopedic chairs for children. The child seat differs not only in size, but also in the color of the upholstery, which is usually bright and catchy. Of course, this option is characterized by smaller dimensions, and this applies to both the parameters of the seat and the height of the chair.

An orthopedic chair for working at a computer has the ability to adjust the height of the back and armrests, as well as change the angle of the back
Laptop chair. Usually it is a design that allows you to work in a lying position, with a built-in laptop stand, which makes it possible to raise it to the desired level. The chairs have an adjustable backrest, footrest and headrest. All this allows you to sit in a chair almost lying.
What to look for when choosing an orthopedic chair
Before you start choosing an orthopedic chair for your home, you must not only familiarize yourself with their main types, but also determine the main goal that you want to solve with the help of the chair. The appropriate option should be chosen, taking into account the peculiarities of operation. To do this, you need to decide for what purposes you plan to use the chair, for example, to work at a computer, to play games or for a short time in front of the monitor.
Of course, such applications are considered conditional, but it is they that influence the choice of a computer chair, because the more time a person spends sitting, the more seriously one should approach the choice of the correct seat in terms of ergonomics.
Useful advice! It does not matter for what purpose the home chair is purchased, it is desirable that it be possible to adjust the height and angle of the backrest.

Before buying an orthopedic chair, you need to determine the main goal that you want to solve with its help
If the chair is chosen for computer games, then it is desirable that there is a headrest in order to take the load off the neck muscles. However, it should be borne in mind that the presence of such an option increases the cost of the finished product. The same goes for the presence of armrests.
When you do not plan to spend a lot of time in front of the monitor, but you intend to use a computer for a short look at mail or social networks, then you can choose an inexpensive computer chair for your home. The main thing to consider when choosing is a comfortable position of the body when sitting. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the height of the back, which, ideally, should be at the level of the shoulder blades. If this parameter is not met, the chair will not be able to provide the necessary back support. Other important criteria to look out for when choosing a comfortable chair for the home are:
- functional mechanisms;
- the material that was used for the upholstery;
- color and design of the model;
- manufacturer;
- cost;
- options;
- the maximum weight for which the furniture is designed.

If you do not plan to spend a lot of time in front of the monitor, then you can choose an inexpensive computer chair
Orthopedic or ergonomic computer chair for home
Prolonged stay in one position provokes the appearance of all sorts of problems with the musculoskeletal system, so you need to choose the right chair for working at the computer and rationally organize the workplace. It is known that the spine consists of different sections: sacral, coccygeal, thoracic, lumbar and cervical.All of them perform a supportive and supportive function, in addition, each section provides protection of the spinal cord from external factors.
Important! A healthy spine allows a person to move calmly, turn their head and sit.
The muscles of the back play an important role in maintaining the vertical position of the trunk, which in a sitting position are subjected to significant stress and strain. To keep the back in a seated position, the muscles are involuntarily stretched. If a person does not change his position for a long time, then they weaken, which causes pain in the back and other parts.
All of this can be avoided by choosing an orthopedic computer chair for the home that will support your muscles and keep your back in the correct position. The positive effect is achieved due to the optimal configuration and anatomical shape of the back, which relieves stress on the muscles and supports all parts of the spinal column.

Thanks to the optimal configuration and the anatomical shape of the back, the orthopedic chair relieves stress from the muscles and supports all parts of the spine
The correct ergonomics of the chosen model allows you to increase work productivity, relieving unnecessary fatigue and reducing discomfort in the back. All chairs and armchairs that are able to provide support to the spine are ergonomic models (the word "orthopedic" is mainly used to attract attention). Therefore, when choosing a chair for working at a computer, you need to take into account that orthopedic and ergonomic chairs, in fact, are synonymous, and both options are great for buying.
Useful advice! You can buy an orthopedic chair for rest and work at the nearest furniture store, where there is a large selection. It is imperative to sit in an armchair in order to understand whether it is comfortable to be in it. Thus, you can choose the right model. It should be noted that buying a chair is cheaper on the Internet, knowing the model, it will be easy to do.
Top reasons to buy an orthopedic computer chair
The main advantages that a person gets when buying an orthopedic chair for work include:

Orthopedic chairs, thanks to all kinds of adjustment mechanisms, allow to unload some parts of the body during work
- Reducing the risk of the appearance and development of chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis. This happens due to the fact that a high-quality chair allows you to keep the spine straight.
- Maintaining the correct posture, which prevents pathological displacement of the spine. This, in turn, protects a person from the formation of intervertebral hernias, which can subsequently cause circulatory disorders.
- Rational position of the legs, subject to the presence of a special footrest. Correctly placed feet on the floor reduce the risk of flat feet by half, which is especially important in childhood.
- Ensuring normal blood circulation. Due to the correct position of the body, the risk of vascular compression is eliminated. This is especially important for the circulatory system, which provides nutrition to the brain, which contributes to a more productive level of work.
- Convenient body position. Specially designed ergonomic computer chairs help the body get into the most comfortable position in which the likelihood of muscle leakage in the lower back, neck or other parts of the body is minimized.
- The ability to change the position. Orthopedic chairs, equipped with all kinds of adjustment mechanisms, allow during work to unload some parts of the body, which makes it possible for them to relax a little.
In addition to the above advantages, the positive aspects of purchasing an ergonomic chair include maintaining normal body mobility even after prolonged work in a sitting position. After a long sitting in an uncomfortable chair, a person needs some time to return normal mobility to numb organs. If you choose a good chair, this problem does not arise.
What should be equipped with an ergonomic computer chair
If the orthopedic computer chair was chosen taking into account the characteristics of the structure of the body, then it will be much easier to spend time in a sitting position. If the model of the chair is supplemented with a rigid headrest, which qualitatively supports the neck, and a lumbar cushion, ideally repeating the bends of the spine in a sitting position, then a person is able to sit much longer and work better. Additional details allow not only to relieve tension from the lumbar spine, but also to prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis.
Depending on your personal preference, you can choose a computer chair with or without wheels. Still, it is much more convenient when the wheels are available, especially if they rotate 360 degrees. If wheels are present, then you can easily move without getting up, and at the same time save time on movement.
You also need to take into account that it is mandatory to have clamps that can block rotation. This is required in order to fix the chair in the desired location. When choosing a computer chair without wheels, you need to take into account the following: in order to move it without damaging the flooring, you need to raise the product. It is not always easy to do this alone, especially if back problems are present.
Another important point is the presence or absence of armrests, which ensure the correct position of the hands. Not everyone considers armrests to be an obligatory element, but nevertheless doctors agree that their presence is desirable. They provide support for the elbows, which in turn prevents back problems. If your hands are always on the keyboard or this is a special laptop chair with a stand, then you can refuse from the armrests, because in these cases they will be superfluous.
Mandatory elements of a comfortable computer chair are the mechanisms present, with which you can adjust the height and depth of the seat, give the backrest the required angle of inclination, and also adjust the height of the armrests. The cheapest options for orthopedic furniture are equipped with one piastre mechanism, which provides only elementary chair height adjustment.

The cheapest options for orthopedic furniture are equipped with one piastre mechanism, which provides only elementary chair height adjustment
The movement of the chair up or down is facilitated by a lever located under the seat. A more complex design is a spring-screw mechanism, which allows changing the position of the chair in three directions, namely: up / down along the height of the seat, forward / backward and higher / lower (changes the position of the backrest relative to the seat).
It is interesting! Vertebrologists - doctors who specialize in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the spinal column, note that swinging helps to relax muscles and relieve fatigue, and this reduces the risk of developing diseases.
The presence of a swing mechanism is also important, which makes it possible to easily recline on the back if necessary. This action is available due to the presence of a lever that is able to fix the backrest in the most comfortable position.Before buying a chair, be sure to inquire about the maximum load for which the backrest is designed.
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The main types of mechanisms that should be equipped with a chair or computer chair for home
Depending on the manufacturer, the mechanisms responsible for adjusting the position differ in quality and, accordingly, in price. It is from the presence of additional adjustment that convenience in the process of work depends. There are several types of mechanisms.

Depending on the manufacturer, the mechanisms responsible for adjusting the position differ in quality and price.
"Multiblock". Thanks to the presence of a five-step device, you can not only change, but also set the angle of the back. With the help of the button, which is located on the body of the orthopedic chair for the computer, the user can define one of the five available backrest positions. A positive point is the presence of a pneumatic lifting mechanism, which allows you to additionally change the height of the seat.
Freestyle. Helps support your back. A distinctive feature of the mechanism is the ability to adapt to the position of the back, which receives not only support, but also the necessary support. Free swing and adjustment of the deflection force is provided by an elastic spring that can instantly respond to changes in body position. The swinging rigidity is provided thanks to the screw, which is most often placed on the back of the chair.
Synchromechanism. An additional feature that allows structural parts to interact with each other. For example, if the backrest is reclined, this mechanism changes the position of the seat, which automatically adjusts to the shape of the seated person's body. If you need to return to the original position, the system quickly adjusts all elements to the required position.

Thanks to the presence of a five-step device, you can not only change, but also set the angle of the back
T-Synchro. A mechanism that provides several conveniences at once: swing, backrest adjustment, tilt rigidity. Thanks to this system, the backrest position and seat height can be locked in five different positions. At the same time, the presence of such an additional function as anti-shock allows you to perform smooth adjustment without sudden jerks.
Epron Steel. The function is available only in seats that are in the middle and expensive segment. The main options that are available thanks to the mechanism include height adjustment, swing, backrest angle, which is chosen from among the five available options. The design has an anti-shock function.
Slider. Option that sets the most comfortable seat depth. It is adjusted using a lever supplemented with a special lock. This is especially important for users who have a large physique.
Permanent kontakt. The presence of this mechanism increases the reliability of the piece of furniture. The function adjusts the backrest extension, which allows the chair to perfectly fit the back, and also helps to adjust the backrest height and seat depth. In general, the mechanism synchronizes the position of the seat and backrest.

The T-Synchro mechanism provides several conveniences at once: swing, backrest adjustment, tilt rigidity
What should be the base of an orthopedic chair for a teenager or an adult
The base of adult and children's orthopedic chairs is a cross-piece, which, depending on the chosen model, can be equipped with wheels or not. The choice of the crosspiece directly depends on the weight of the person. Recommendations for choosing a base depending on weight are as follows:
- weight 70 kg - a base made of any material, including plastic, is suitable;
- a person weighing up to 110 kg should select options equipped with a metal cross;
- if the weight exceeds 130 kg, then the best computer chair is considered to be a model with a base made of cast aluminum.
It should be borne in mind that the weight of the chair itself will also depend on the material. For this reason, children are advised to choose lightweight seats with a plastic base so that the child can independently (without the help of parents) move it.
The type of wheels should be chosen based not only on personal preferences, but also on the type of flooring of the room in which the chair will be installed. In the event that there is carpet or carpet laid on the floor, wheels made of plastic will do. If the floor is slippery, such as ceramic tiles, laminate, parquet or parquet board, it is better to consider models in which the wheels have a rubberized base.
Choosing the optimal shape, size of the back and seat of the orthopedic chair or chair
To choose the optimal size of furniture, you need to rely on personal parameters, especially you need to take into account the half-girth of the hips, which should correspond to the estimated width of the chair or be slightly larger. In general, computer chairs are divided into 3 types:
- narrow - up to 55 cm;
- medium - their width varies from 55 to 60 cm;
- wide - over 60 cm.
To determine the depth and choose the best computer chair for yourself, it is recommended to visit a retail outlet and sit in the version you like. If you buy a suitable model from an online store, then you should carefully measure the length from the base of the knee to the extreme point of the buttocks. It is important to take measurements while sitting. The seat classification by depth looks like this:
- small - less than 60 cm;
- medium - from 60 to 70 cm;
- deep - 70 cm or more.
For people who face frequent pain in the lumbar spine, experts recommend paying attention to models that differ in a special bend on the back. The presence of the bend supports the spine and provides it with additional support. In this case, there is no need to additionally install an orthopedic roller under the back.
For those who prefer to sit back and relax, it is better to choose options with a special headrest that supports the head and neck. The presence of this element prevents muscle leakage even with a prolonged stay in one position.
It is also advised to pay attention to the chairs, the back of which is a curved mesh that repeats the curves of the spine. This backrest design provides proper support for the back sections.

For people with pain in the lumbar spine, experts recommend buying models that have a special bend in the back
As for the seat, the best orthopedic chairs are those with rounded edges, which help relieve the pressure on the vessels from constantly bent legs. Thickened edges allow for more even load distribution and prevent continuous slipping.
In chairs with correctly formed edges, the lower extremities will not flow. In addition, it is advised to pay attention to a special recess on the seat, which makes it possible to comfortably position the ischial tubercles. Sometimes, to make it more comfortable to sit, it is recommended to buy an orthopedic pad on the chair, which provides stability to the pelvic region, thereby maintaining the correct and natural deflection of the spine.
Useful advice! The optimum seat depth should be approximately 2/3 thigh length.
Material that will make the chair comfortable for working at a computer
When choosing a material, you should take into account the peculiarities of using the chair. If you intend to spend a long time near the computer, it is better to choose more abrasion resistant types of upholstery. If we are talking about choosing a children's orthopedic chair, then the material should not be easily soiled - it is necessary that it be easy to care for. Consider the most common upholstery options.

Fabric upholstery is considered a "breathable" material that is comfortable to sit on at any temperature in the room
Genuine Leather. It is considered the most presentable type of cladding. The skin is pleasant to the touch, and the material itself is easy to wipe off in case of contamination. Leather chairs are considered to be the most durable. The only drawback of using this upholstery option is the high cost of the product itself.
Artificial leather. Not as pleasant to the touch material as genuine leather. Most often, there are 2 types of coverings: eco-leather and an artificial leather substitute - PVC. Eco-leather is a more resistant material, while polyvinyl chloride is considered more brittle and fragile. The coating is easy to wipe and perforate. In the production of eco-leather, plasticizers are not used, because the basis of the coating is cotton fabric, which is covered with a polyurethane film. Polyurethane is considered a safe and environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances during operation.
The cloth. This upholstery material has the greatest number of positive responses, because the fabric is considered a "breathable" material that is comfortable to sit on at any temperature in the room. While sitting on leather for a long time, excessive sweating is possible, followed by adhesion of the body to the surface. The disadvantage of using fabric upholstery is soiling, so the chair needs to be washed more often.
Grid. The most popular option for a mesh base is polyester, which is a substitute for cotton or silk fabric. The material is also characterized by the ability to "breathe", has elasticity and strength. Recently, new versions of mesh coatings are gaining popularity, the strength of which is added by the elastomer included in their composition.
Elastomer. Modern upholstery material that belongs to synthetic. A thermoplastic elastomer is a synthetic rubber with several levels of elasticity. The key ability of such chairs is their quick adaptation to the peculiarities of the human body structure. The material is able to quickly deform and take the required shape. This ability provides support to all parts of the body that come in contact with the chair. The elastomer contains special substances that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. It is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical stress.
5 best options in the ranking of computer chairs according to Yandex-Market
Orthopedic chairs, reviews of which were left by satisfied customers after their purchase, are included in the list of the most popular models. The rating of orthopedic chairs for a computer is as follows.
TetChair iCar. Refers to the most budgetary options for orthopedic chairs, the price is within 12,500 rubles. It features not only an adjustable headrest, but also adjustable armrests. In the model, you can change the angle of the backrest, control the lumbar support. The chair is equipped with a swing mechanism and has a height that can be adjusted using a gas lift mechanism. You can choose the product in two upholstery options (imitation leather or textile). The maximum weight for which the chair is designed is 120 kg.
Bureaucrat 771. Recommended for people of average build.Seat width 52 cm, depth 39 cm. Available only with textile upholstery. The design has the following functions: changing the height of the seat, swing mechanism, lumbar support, adjustment of the angle of inclination and force of deflection of the back. The cost starts at 13,400 rubles.
Metta Samurai S-3. It is considered a comfortable chair for the back, in which the armrests and headrest are adjustable, there is a lumbar support. Multiblock mechanism provides swinging capability. The seating width is 52 cm and the depth is 45 cm. The model is available with leather or textile upholstery. The price starts from 15800 rubles.
ThunderX3 TGC15. The best orthopedic chair designed for people with a large build, weighing up to 150 kg. This model is characterized by such features as headrest adjustment, back inclination and lumbar support. The backrest can be fixed in any position, additional relaxation is provided by the swing mechanism. Seat filling - polyurethane foam, upholstery material - leather substitute. Depth - 54 cm, seat width - 55 cm. The cost varies from 18 to 22 thousand rubles.
DXRacer King OH / KS06. It belongs to the most comfortable chairs for people with heavy weight, large build. The base and main elements of the chair are designed for a weight of up to 180 kg. It has such key advantages as an adjustable headrest and backrest, a lumbar support, the presence of a multiblock, and different levels of fixation of the backrest position. Width - 58 cm, depth - 57 cm. The only available upholstery option is eco-leather. The product will cost at least 34 thousand rubles.
How to choose a children's orthopedic chair for a computer
If you choose a high-quality children's orthopedic chair for a computer, you can protect your child from pathological changes in the spine and visual impairment. And you also need to understand that a child seat should provide additional comfort.

A high-quality children's orthopedic chair for a computer will protect the child from pathological changes in the spine and visual impairment
The main difference between the children's orthopedic computer chair from other options is its lightweight and practical design, which is designed for use by children from 5 to 13 years old. All modern models have a backrest and seat adjustable in height.
Important! During the period of active growth, the formation of the correct posture takes place, it is in the period up to 13 years that it takes its final form.
If, after a short time after sitting in a chair, the child begins to turn around and choose a more comfortable and relaxed position for himself, then most likely the product will need to be replaced with another one. It is categorically not recommended to allow the child to sit for a long time on a hard chair or stool, because on such a surface there is a violation of posture.
Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of child seats, the appearance of which differs depending on the age of the child. Children's orthopedic chairs for working at a computer are divided into the following categories:

The main difference between the children's orthopedic computer chair from other options is its lightweight and practical design
- chairs for preschool and primary school children from 4 to 8 years old;
- orthopedic chairs for schoolchildren from 8 to 14 years old;
- designs for older children and adolescents from 14 years old.
The children's orthopedic chair for schoolchildren provides a comfortable position for the child, which reduces the load on the visual apparatus and the spine. Correct body position helps your child to work more effectively on homework.
Designed for the smallest children, these models are characterized by bright colors and unusual designs.Your favorite cartoon characters or animals can be depicted on the upholstery. This design option has a positive effect on the mood of the child.
A child over 8 years old, especially if he is tall, needs a more comfortable computer chair, which is selected taking into account the age and height of the child. In this case, it is advised to choose designs equipped with wheels, but it is important that the product does not differ in large weight.

A chair that ensures the correct position of the child's body, helps him to work more effectively on homework
Orthopedic computer chairs for schoolchildren over 12 years old already resemble adult options. They are characterized by a strict and ergonomic design. Chairs must be equipped with adjustment mechanisms. If the child is fond of computer games, a headrest is desirable. It is important that the stool matches the physiological structure of the child's body and is appropriate for his age.
Useful advice! Some children may need an orthopedic chair cushion that fits under the head and reduces stress on the muscles in the back and neck.
Special models of children's computer chairs
Children's orthopedists advise children to choose models with a special design. Such chairs, in addition to reducing the load on the spine, are considered transformable models, the parameters of which should be changed as the child grows up. The features of orthopedic chairs allow you to coordinate the position of the back, which supports the spine and prevents it from sagging. Most often, the smallest height of such models is 55 cm.

There are models of children's orthopedic chairs that can change their parameters as the child grows up
Another option is a backless orthopedic chair with a seat mounted on a movable hinge. Balance is maintained thanks to the most straight fit, which additionally trains the back muscles. Regardless of which chair was preferred, the main thing is that the chosen model allows you to correct the posture position. The following mandatory criteria are highlighted when choosing a child seat:
- backrest, height-adjustable;
- compliance with the child's weight and age;
- stable and reliable design;
- low weight of the product;
- Breathable materials;
- ergonomic design.
When choosing the optimal height of the child seat, it is important that the child calmly reaches the floor with his feet and at the same time touches the back to the back. If this does not happen, then so that the legs do not hang, it is required to install an additional footrest, which will provide the correct angle of leg flexion - 90˚.
What is an orthopedic chair-bed
If the dwelling has a problem of insufficient number of sleeping places, then they can be additionally created using a chair-bed with an orthopedic mattress, which is small in size. At normal times, the structure serves as an excellent place to relax, and if necessary, it is transformed into a cozy sleeping place.
The advantage of such a chair is the price, which is 20-30% lower than the cost of a standard single bed with a mattress. The only thing that is not advised to save money is the mechanism that is responsible for folding and unfolding a piece of furniture. The chair-bed, equipped with an orthopedic mattress, is able to perfectly follow the curve of the spine and ensure a comfortable sleep.
When you need to use the space allocated for the chair as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to choose the option with a spacious drawer in which you can store the necessary textiles or other things. If there are children in the house, it is better that the armrests are round and soft - this will prevent injury.A convenient additional element is the locking wheels, which allow free movement of the heavy chair.

Armchair-bedequipped with an orthopedic mattress, is able to perfectly follow the curve of the spine and ensure a comfortable sleep
An orthopedic computer chair is considered a must-have for a person who spends a lot of time in front of a monitor. A high-quality chair, designed taking into account the structure of the human body, will prevent diseases not only of the spine, but also of the entire locomotor system. Only in a correctly chosen ergonomic chair can you work for a long time without fear for your health.