For a comfortable sleep, it is important to choose the right mattress. Today, well-known companies that manufacture sleep accessories offer a wide range of products that differ in device, filler, rigidity. However, it is difficult to get the right option for a double bed, because it should suit both partners. How to choose a mattress for a double bed, focusing on external signs and characteristics, you can learn from this article.

Convenient quality mattress - the guarantee of a comfortable and healthy sleep
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How to choose a mattress for a double bed: some features
It is extremely difficult to decide on a mattress model for a double bed. It is important to take into account the weight category of both spouses, which affects the choice of product rigidity. It often happens when the wife is comfortable sleeping on the mattress, and the husband will toss and turn all night in the hope of finding a comfortable body position, which will cause pain in the morning. For this reason, many couples over 40-45 sleep separately.

When choosing a mattress for double bed it is important to consider the weight of both spouses
You should not buy a double bed complete with a mattress, as in this case, increased attention is paid to the quality of the bed frame, and not the mattress. The choice of this product must be approached with special responsibility. The first step is to purchase an individual double mattress of a suitable size, and then a bed is ordered or bought for it.
You should not buy two different mattresses and put them next to each other. Such an unsuccessful tandem will immediately cause great inconveniences, which lie in different levels of products, in the presence of a gap between them, in the high probability of their movement on the sleeping bed, in the formation of noise during operation.
In case of diseases of the cervical or dorsal spine, one of the partners should refuse to purchase a mattress on dependent springs, which provide the effect of a hammock. Such a product is unable to evenly distribute the load arising from the influence of the mass of people on it.Under the heavier weight of one of the sleepers, he will bend, which will cause constant spring vibrations for the other.
Varieties of double mattresses, their characteristics
Before choosing a good mattress for a double bed, you should study the types of products, taking into account their individual characteristics.
Manufacturers produce several types of mattresses that are intended for use on double beds. A popular budget option is a product with a spring block equipped with dependent springs. The spirals are made from cold-drawn wire and are intertwined in the form of cylinders or cones. This design feature allows it to withstand heavy loads. The mattress is durable, reliable and durable.
However, products for a double bed with Bonnel springs are not recommended for purchase. This is due to the fact that the entire spring block bends under the influence of the load, turning into a kind of hammock. Under a heavy person, the mattress will sag more, and a lighter partner will lie on an inclined surface. To prevent the body from rolling down, its muscles will be reflexively tense, which will not allow full rest at night.
Important! A double mattress with dependent springs can be purchased for partners of approximately the same weight.
Another drawback of such a product is the constant creak of springs and metal bonds. This can cause poor sleep for particularly sensitive people.
Springless double orthopedic mattresses are not equipped with an internal metal frame, which significantly reduces their weight. A certain level of rigidity is given to products by different materials that are used as fillers, as well as their layer-by-layer gluing. In this case, foam rubber, polyurethane foam and latex are used. There are also inflatable and water models that are not used for daily sleep.
An essential advantage of springless mattresses is their low cost. At first, it is comfortable to sleep on such a product. The spouses will not interfere with each other. However, over time, the mattress is squeezed, which leads to discomfort during a night's sleep. It will happen faster on the side where a person with a large weight sleeps.
When studying the question of how to choose a mattress for a double bed (consumer reviews will help you make your choice), you need to pay attention to combined products, which consist of a metal block of independent springs and an interlayer of polyurethane foam, latex, coconut fiber and other materials, due to which the rigidity is regulated products.
How to choose a mattress without a metal frame: fillers for springless products
Before choosing an orthopedic mattress for a bed without a metal frame, you should study the possible options for its fillers. A springless product consists of alternating layers glued together. If natural latex is used as a filler, such a mattress will be soft and elastic. The material precisely takes the shape of a sleeping person. Natural latex is hygroscopic and therefore does not absorb moisture. Also, it is not a medium for the emergence and development of bugs and other insects.
Synthetic latex is medium hard. The material is able to withstand significant loads. Such a product is recommended for people with problems with the upper spine.
How to choose a mattress for a double bed on a frameless basis? Polyurethane foam also has good orthopedic qualities.However, it should be noted that, unlike latex, it is rougher to the touch and less elastic. It provides good support for the sleeping person's body. Material with a density of 20-30 mg / m³ is used for inexpensive models, and for expensive products this value is 40-60 mg / m³.
A type of polyurethane foam is memoriform, which contains special additives that increase the viscosity of the material. Such a mattress has a "memory effect", taking the shape of a person's curvature. Another equally popular material based on PU foam is Ormafoam, which is characterized by anti-allergenic properties, high air permeability and the ability to remove excess moisture.
Coconut fiber is extremely hard. A special interweaving of fibers gives the product flexibility. This filling is recommended for people with spinal problems.
Thinking about which mattress is better to choose (reviews of supporters of natural materials will help determine this issue), you should study the features of products using a universal combination in the form of coconut and latex. This mattress is firm. The coconut layer is sandwiched between the two layers of latex, providing a springy effect. However, the product has a limitation: it is designed for a weight not exceeding 90-100 kg (for one berth).
In budget models, polyester is widely used as filling. It is characterized by plasticity and moderate flexibility. Foam layers of springless mattresses are often made of polyester, due to which the product acquires softness and the ability to retain heat. This type of mattress is recommended for a bed on the floor.
A kind of polymeric material is a struttofiber, which has independent non-woven springs, which are located in a vertical plane apart from each other. Such material bounces along with medium-hardness wire models.
Mattresses for beds with independent springs: product features
For a double mattress, its distinctive ability to transmit deformation is important. In simple terms, sleep behavior of one partner should not negatively affect the comfort of the other. In this case, products with independent springs help, which provide the maximum orthopedic effect.
Before choosing a good mattress with independent springs, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Each spring is housed in a separate case. They are arranged in a line, connected with each other with a tape. Each spring has the shape of an hourglass or barrel and consists of a different number of turns (in the range of 6-7.5), withstanding a weight of 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

Mattresses with independent springs serve for a long time without losing their properties and without deforming
In budget models, the springs can be wired. The covers are located at some distance from the edge, so mattresses in these places are prone to deformation changes. This will be especially true when the owners are in the habit of sleeping on the edge. In this case, you should choose a mattress with a reinforced metal frame around the perimeter of the product.
Mattresses for a double bed with independent springs are characterized by a long service life without losing their original properties and appearance. Separate pockets for each spring prevent damage to the mattress cover. Also, during exposure to the product, there is no creaking or other characteristic noise. The main disadvantage of this mattress is its high cost.
How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed
Studying the question of which mattress to choose for a bed, you need to know that the best orthopedic effect is provided by products with independent springs.Due to the presence of an individual cover, each spring, under the pressure of the human body, takes its own position, without affecting the neighboring ones.
This is especially important when partners are in different weight categories, which contributes to different degrees of deflection of the spring block, which follows the contour of the human body. While one of the spouses is tossing and turning in a dream, the other will sleep peacefully, without hesitation and discomfort.
How to choose a mattress for a double bed with independent springs? The level of the created orthopedic effect depends on the diameter of the independent springs and their density.
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Mattresses Micropacket are considered the best, in which spirals with a wire thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm have small turns with a diameter of 2.5 cm. There are about 1000 pieces of them in a square meter. The height of the springs is 13 cm. This design allows you to more accurately follow the contour of the human body, thereby creating a feeling of maximum comfort.
Medium support is provided by the anatomical products of the Multipack, in which the springs consisting of wire 1.2-1.4 mm thick have a diameter of 4.2 cm coils. There are 500 of them for each square meter of the mattress. The simplest models of the TFK class contain springs with large coils with a diameter of 5-6 cm in the amount of 220-300 pcs / m².
How to choose the right mattress for a double bed
A high-quality orthopedic mattress will ideally follow the contours of a sleeping person, relieve stress, fatigue, reduce the load on the spine, provide good rest and sound healthy sleep. Before choosing the right orthopedic mattress, you must consider the following criteria:
- rigidity;
- the size;
- outer cover.
The stiffness of the mattress determines the well-being of the sleeping person and his feelings during and after rest. For a comfortable sleep and proper rest of the body, the spine should be located in a straight line, and it is necessary that the mattress repeats all the curves of the body. If it is too stiff, then a strong load will act on the shoulders and hips, and the lower back will be left without support. On an overly soft mattress, the spine is in a curved state. On a perfectly rigid surface, the spine will assume a natural position and the shoulders and hips will not bend.
How to choose the firmness of the mattress? There are three grades: low, medium and high. The first option is typical for springless products filled with natural latex. Recommended for couples with small configurations. Spring products and frameless mattresses made of polyurethane foam, artificial latex and other similar materials have medium and high rigidity. The toughest products are made from solid-filled fillers.
Important! When buying an orthopedic mattress, people suffering from spinal diseases should consult a doctor regarding the choice of product rigidity.
How to choose the right mattress for the bed based on the person's weight? There is a strict relationship between the rigidity and body weight of a sleeping person. The more weight, the more firm the mattress should be. For people weighing up to 60 kg, you can give preference to a soft product. With a weight of 60-90 kg, options with a medium level of rigidity are suitable. People weighing more than 90 kg will sleep comfortably on a hard mattress.
How to choose a mattress for a bed, the optimal size and mattress cover option
When choosing a product, an important parameter is the size of the mattress for a double bed.The optimal width of the product is 160 cm. There are models with a width of 140-150 cm, which are selected for matrimonial beds located in small bedrooms. In the overall rooms, you can install a double bed with a mattress 180x200 cm.The length of the product is selected based on the height of the tallest spouse with an allowance of 15-20 cm.The standard values are 190, 195, 200 cm.
Useful advice! If the spouses have a difference in weight of more than 30-40 kg, you should choose a special design of the mattress, which combines different rigidity.
When choosing a mattress for a double bed, you should pay attention to its outer covering. The type of product and its durability depend on its quality. For the mattress topper, natural and synthetic materials of various densities are used, which have hypoallergenicity, air permeability, dust-repellent properties and elasticity. Jacquard fabric and coarse calico have excellent qualities.
Important! The thicker the lining fabric, the more durable the mattress will be.
Bed mattresses with varying degrees of firmness
What hardness to choose a mattress if the weight of the spouses differs by more than 40 kg? In the process of finding the right solution that would satisfy the needs of each partner, difficulties can arise. Standard spring and springless models with traditional fillings will not provide the same comfort for both spouses. Therefore, some manufacturers are trying to find optimal solutions.
For a double bed, you can purchase a mattress of two types of hardness, in which one side is soft and the other is hard. Such a product will have to be periodically turned over, focusing on the preferences of one of the spouses.
There are models with variable stiffness, which is different for each longitudinal part of the product. There are stiffer coil springs on one side and less stiff ones on the other. Such a mattress is suitable for spouses of different weight categories and medical indicators.
Stiffness can be adjusted not only by tensioning the springs, but also by applying asymmetric filling. For example, coconut fiber on one longitudinal side provides a high degree of rigidity, while latex in the other part of the mattress creates a softer, more comfortable surface for sleeping. In such combination models, independent spring blocks are used, which provide additional support for the spine, ensuring the proper orthopedic effect.
An unusual solution when choosing a mattress for a double bed, it is necessary to purchase a special design, which includes DS spring blocks. Each block consists of double springs, in which spirals made of metal with a smaller diameter are inside the larger ones. If people with low or medium weight sleep on such a product, then in this case only external springs are involved.
The inner metal spirals will become supportive when pressured by a person with significant weight. Partners of different weight categories will feel equally comfortable on such a mattress.
A good solution is products with Hour Glass springs, which have several levels of stiffness. Such mattresses are used for partners who have a significant difference in weight.
Double orthopedic mattress: which one is better to choose
Discussing on forums how to choose a mattress for a double bed, you can come to the conclusion that a large range of products greatly complicates the choice. Each well-known manufacturer offers products of different quality, comfort, rigidity and cost.
How to choose an orthopedic mattress: assortment and manufacturers
The rating of well-known manufacturers of sleep accessories is opened by the company Lazurit. It offers a wide range of quality mattresses with high performance and high value. Even relatively budget models are filled with a block of independent springs, coconut fiber and Ortho Foam.
Consul manufactures mattresses in various configurations. When creating products, copyright technologies are used, high-quality fillers, natural materials are used. No less popular is the Ascona company, which offers quality products at a high price. All products are made from environmentally friendly materials, they have appropriate quality certificates.
Mid-range products are manufactured by Strong. Mattresses are available in different designs. Particular attention is paid to classic spring products.
A wide range of orthopedic mattresses is offered by the manufacturer Ormatek. Each product of this company is tested to identify defects. Orthopedic products are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. They are distinguished by good performance properties, resistance to high loads and a long period of operation. Among the disadvantages are their high cost.
Affordable orthopedic mattresses are manufactured by Dreamline. The company currently produces about 15 lines of certified products, for the manufacture of which various materials are used.
Rating of mattresses for a double bed: which brand to choose
The leading position in the ranking of mattresses for a double bed is taken by the two-sided product Hilding Anders Viking. A block of independent springs bodifix is used as a basis for such a mattress with an increased level of rigidity. The filler is polyurethane foam with coconut fiber and bamboo charcoal.
The product is characterized by a high level of wear resistance, the ability to withstand high loads without deformation changes in the surface and a long period of operation. How much does a double bed mattress cost? The price of this product is 18.5 thousand rubles.
The double mattress of the highest quality Virtuoz is equipped with a block of independent springs, which are located between layers of fillers of different materials. They are selected depending on the required rigidity of the product. The mattress has a jacquard cover and two-sided orientation. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the product, amounting to 29 thousand rubles.
A good quality orthopedic mattress is offered by Ascona. The Fitness Arena model is equipped with a block of independent springs. Coconut fiber is used as a filler, thereby increasing rigidity and wear resistance. The product can withstand a load of about 150 kg. This mattress is characterized by a two-sided winter-summer orientation. The average price of a mattress for a double bed is 15-25 thousand rubles, which depends on the size.
The popular Dreamline Classik model has a block of independent springs and polyurethane foam filling, located on top of it on both sides. More expensive models are equipped with natural latex layers. The mattress is soft enough. The cost of the product is 8-14 thousand rubles.
Among the springless models, the Ormatek Softy Plus mattress can be distinguished. Polyurethane foam is used as a filler, which is enclosed in a calico cover. The thickness of the product is only 60 mm. The mattress can withstand a load of up to 90 kg. It is characterized by a medium degree of rigidity, has an anatomical effect.You can buy such a mattress for only 3 thousand rubles.
The choice of a high-quality orthopedic mattress for a double bed should be approached with special responsibility. On the market, products are presented in different designs, with different fillings that affect the rigidity and performance of the product. It should be borne in mind that on a double bed with an orthopedic mattress, both partners should be equally comfortable throughout the entire period of sleep.