Various panels for wall decoration are used very often in the renovation process. However, when choosing, many are guided solely by the price, ignoring many important technical characteristics that determine not only the service life of the material, but also what effect it can have on human health. Consider what are remarkable about MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo examples, characteristics and features of the operation of this material.
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Wall MDF panels: prices, catalog of photo samples, advantages and disadvantages
If you look at the catalog of MDF wall panels, you will find that outwardly this material is not much different from all other boards of wood fiber origin, which are made by pressing wood chips under high pressure with the addition of special organic binders. Due to the effect of pressure and high temperature, the final product has a dense, homogeneous structure, which significantly expands the processing possibilities even in comparison with natural wood.
In order to make MDF sheet, as a rule, products obtained as a result of woodworking or low-grade wood are used. At the same time, the resulting product fully complies with the established environmental and technical requirements and provides extremely wide opportunities for use. MDF boards are painted or pasted over with a special film, which gives them an excellent appearance.
Among the advantages that MDF has in comparison with other similar materials are:
- complete absence of synthetic substances, environmental friendliness;
- providing additional sound insulation;
- resistance to moisture: high-quality panels do not deform under the influence of steam or water;
- the slab can be independently decorated in any style using one of the methods of its final finishing;
- the surface of this material is not a favorable environment for the emergence and development of various microorganisms, mold and fungi;
- the material lends itself well to any mechanical processing, including sawing and decorative carving;
- MDF boards have a dense structure, due to which they perfectly hold the elements screwed with screws or nailed to them;
If you compare MDF panels with standard plywood, the first option can boast not only the best characteristics (moisture resistance, no defects), but also a more favorable price.
Even in comparison with natural wood, MDF boards have their own advantages: they are more resistant to the appearance and development of various microorganisms on the surface, a more ideal surface, and uniform density throughout the thickness. But the main thing is that the cost of MDF is 60-70% lower, and this is a significant saving, especially if the whole room is to be finished.
We often hear a comparison of MDF with Chipboard, however, in this case, it is worth paying attention not only to the serious technical superiority of the former, but also to the fact that in the process of manufacturing particle boards, resins are used that are capable of emitting dangerous formaldehyde gas. As a toxic substance, it can cause many serious diseases. And such risks cannot be justified by any savings.
Useful advice! In order to be sure that you have purchased high-quality and environmentally friendly products, be sure to ask the seller for the appropriate certificates for each batch of goods.
Disadvantages of using MDF wall panels: photo examples
In addition to the highest level of environmental safety, MDF is famous for many excellent technical characteristics. However, like every material, MDF also has drawbacks that one way or another have to be taken into account. You need to know about them in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
The main disadvantage of this material is that it is very flammable. Moreover, the cause for a fire can be not only direct contact with an open fire, but also with a hot surface. In addition, there are cases when the cause of the fire was faulty wiring laid in the immediate vicinity of the MDF.
It is possible to deal with this increased fire hazard and many manufacturers indicate that their products are fire safe. However, it is also worth being especially vigilant here and making sure of this by demanding documentation confirming this fact. But even in the case of purchasing quality products, you should not place MDF in the immediate vicinity of fire sources.
Varieties of MDF panels: price per sheet of each option
All types of MDF panels are manufactured according to the same principle. Nevertheless, MDF boards differ in size, appearance and some technical characteristics. Thanks to this division, it becomes possible to select material for various jobs, giving preference to one type or another, depending on the specifics of operating conditions. Let's consider three main options.
Solid pressed sheet products - these are panels that are characterized by medium density and are very often used as cladding material for office premises. They are strips of fibrous material that are smooth on both sides.
For fastening solid-pressed sheets, special clips are most often used. Less commonly, glue is used, since this method requires a very smooth base, devoid of any irregularities or defects.
Laminated material differs from the first option in that it is coated with an additional layer of special colorless varnish.This adds moisture resistance to the panel, and also significantly extends its service life. In addition, such a panel also looks very good.
However, it is important to understand that lamination is not able to provide full moisture resistance of the material and such MDF panels, for example, cannot be used in a bathroom. It is better to use them for facing doorways, etc.
The most stable and durable panels are considered to be moisture resistant plates... Among all the others, they have the best waterproofness, excellent heat retention, and also well insulate against noise. They can be used both in the kitchen and in the bathroom without fear of deformation from prolonged exposure to water.
As for the price of MDF panels for walls, the simplest and cheapest option is solid-pressed sheets. They have the simplest characteristics and their cost, respectively, is lower than others. If you buy a panel with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm, then it will cost only 170-400 rubles per m², depending on the brand.
Laminated panels will cost significantly more: about 450-550 rubles per slab, 16 mm thick. Well, moisture-resistant plates are not at all a low price: the cost of a thin 8-mm panel starts at 400 rubles and can increase greatly, depending on the popularity of the manufacturer.
Useful advice! Some manufacturers additionally offer fire-resistant panels that are characterized by increased fire safety. The cost of such panels is much higher, but this option can also be considered.
Dimensions of MDF: sheet thickness and prices for Kronostar products
The most popular among firms that manufacture MDF panels is the manufacturer Kronostar. Its products are the perfect example of value for money. On many websites engaged in the implementation, you can see photos, prices of MDF panels for walls, as well as choose the right color from a huge selection of proposed shades.
Of course, the cost of the panel will depend on many factors, including the dimensions of the MDF sheet, the presence of a protective coating, as well as some technical characteristics. So, the price per square meter of solid-pressed plates produced by Kronostar has the following prices: with a thickness of 6 mm - 160 rubles; 8 mm - 200 rubles; 10 mm - 260 rubles; 12 mm - 300 rubles; 18-19 mm - 450-470 rubles; 22 mm - 570 rubles; 25 mm - 680 rubles.
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The main groups of panels, their properties and characteristics. Features of the choice of finishes for bathrooms, kitchens, balconies.
A laminated panel will cost significantly more, however, as noted earlier, such costs will certainly pay off. The price of 16 mm MDF per sheet laminated on only one side is 460 rubles, while the same plate, but having a coating on both sides, will cost 530 rubles. More durable options - 19 or 22 mm will cost 590 and 740 rubles.
As you can see, it is quite possible to purchase MDF panels for walls for interior decoration. Of course, prices cannot be called low, but they are quite affordable, especially if you consider that you are purchasing a high-quality, environmentally friendly product that will last more than one year.
Wall panels MDF for interior decoration: photos and prices of SHKDP products
Sheksna wood-based panels plant is famous for its products and produces, among other things, high-quality MFD panels. The company specializes in solid-pressed ground plates. However, if we compare Sheksna MDF panels (sheet sizes and prices) with foreign counterparts, we can see how much more profitable it is to purchase materials of domestic production, given the fact that they are in no way inferior in quality to the others.
Here's what you can see by looking at the photo catalog of MDF wall panels: price, size, and thickness of each type of sheet. As a rule, the cost is indicated on the basis of 1 m². Thus, a 10 mm thick panel will cost 210 rubles, 16 mm thick - 330 rubles, 18 mm - 370 rubles, and the maximum sheet thickness that ShKDP can offer is 24 mm.The cost of such a panel is 560 rubles.
As you can see, these prices are lower not only in comparison with many foreign companies, but also with the Kronostar company. Nevertheless, users note the high quality of Sheksna MDF panels for the ceiling, walls and floor.
Is it worth buying MDF panels and options for using this material
Photos of MDF panels for walls offered on the Internet perfectly demonstrate how great the possibilities of using this material are. So, in addition to traditional wall cladding, you can very often find wall panel for kitchen from MDF.
This solution has many advantages, among which the price is far from the last position. Buy wall panel for kitchensand from MDF can be much cheaper than in the case of purchasing high-quality plastic. At the same time, photos of MDF panels indicate that the range of color solutions is very large and you will not be limited by anything in your choice.
Useful advice! You can order an apron for the kitchen from MDF with photo printing. It will be quite expensive, but in this way you can realize any of your ideas and preferences.
Another great ability of this material is to hide the flaws of the foundation. A great example of this is the MDF door trims. Their price is simply incomparable with that if you had to completely replace the door. At the same time, the effect that you achieve using MDF panels for doors can be considered more than worthy.
How to choose high-quality MDF panels for walls yourself
To buy MDF wall panels, you will need a small amount, but when buying, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased material, so that in the future you do not have to spend more money on purchasing an already high-quality product. Consider what you should pay attention to before buying MDF boards:
- Availability of a product certificate, which must indicate that only environmentally friendly raw materials were used in the production process. It should also be indicated that the product does not contain formaldehyde and other toxic and hazardous impurities.
- Make sure that the product offered to you meets the characteristics that the seller initially claims. Inspect the batch, evaluate how large the number of defective products is. If you see that the number of substandard units is large and there are cracked, chipped or uneven panels, it is better to refuse to buy the product from this manufacturer.
- It is worth paying attention not only to the sizes, prices of MDF panels for walls, but also to their colors. In addition to the fact that you should just like the color of the MDF panel, make sure that it is evenly applied by carefully examining several panels from the batch.
Colors of MDF panels: a catalog of the most popular solutions for creating an interior
Technical characteristics and price of MDF wall panels do not always play a decisive role in the choice. Often we focus on color, wanting to find the most suitable option that fits perfectly into the interior. In order to appreciate the whole variety of the offered assortment, it is enough to look at the photo of the MDF paneling of the hallway or any other room that are offered on specialized resources.
On sale you can find both monochromatic options and imitations of a wide variety of surfaces: MDF panels for brick, stone, exotic wood species, MDF white gloss, and much more.
You can often see furniture made from this material. Most often on the Internet you can find a photo of a kitchen from MDF.Both the prices and characteristics of such products are much more pleasant than those of many other materials, and the design possibilities are almost endless. This was the reason for their popularity.
How to fix MDF panels: the size of the lathing and installation of sheets
It is quite possible to carry out the installation of MDF wall panels with your own hands. For this purpose, it is enough to buy MDF panels for walls, the dimensions of which correspond to the requirements of the existing room, and also to find some tools that everyone will surely find in the pantry.
There are two possible ways of fastening: on an adhesive base or on a crate. They use mainly the second option, since it is he who allows you to hide the existing communications, and also not to worry about dismantling the previous coating. In the case of using glue, the prepared surface should be perfectly flat and smooth, which is not always possible.
For work, you will need a tape measure, a building level, a screwdriver, a metal corner, a hand saw or jigsaw, as well as screws or glue, depending on which method you choose.
In order to evenly attach the panels with glue, you must first apply the appropriate markings, starting from the corner of the room. The vertical and horizontal boundaries of each panel that will be docked are indicated. After that, you can apply glue to the back of the panel as indicated on the packaging and glue the element to the wall. As a guideline, it is recommended to see a photo of wall decoration with MDF panels.
Useful advice! Only proceed to glue the next panel after making sure that the previous one has been aligned. To do this, you must use the building level.
If you decide to make a crate, then here you need to adhere to the standard recommendations for this type of work:
- to create the lathing, you can use both metal guides and simple wooden bars;
- the distance between the elements of the lathing should be 40-50 cm. This will ensure the most reliable fixation of the panels;
- it is necessary to strictly monitor that the crate is even. Otherwise, this may affect the cladding - it will be wavy;
- you need to start fixing the plates from the corner of the room;
- it is necessary to check that at the joints of the panels, they fit tightly to each other, without forming gaps;
- some distance must be left between the floor and the panels, which will subsequently close plinth;
- in order to give the corners an aesthetic appearance, a special flexible corner is used.
Like any other renovation work, wall cladding with MDF panels requires effort and attention. However, this task is within the power of almost anyone who has at least basic skills in working with tools. To make it easier for yourself, you can use detailed videos or photo instructions, of which there are a lot on the Internet.
Regardless of the area of use, MDF wall panels for interior decoration show equally good performance. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to their choice, conduct a thorough inspection and make sure that the products meet certification, are environmentally friendly and can serve you for a long time.