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Colored acrylic bathtubs: original products for a stylish bathroom
The problem of choosing a new bathtub is familiar to many, so acrylic designs are not new. However, not everyone knows that these products can be multi-colored. Therefore, this publication contains information about which colored acrylic bathtubs are ideal for a particular interior, as well as tell you how they differ from other similar models.
Thanks to a material such as acrylic, it became possible to create bathtubs in a variety of colors and shades.
Multi-colored sanitary ware is a product of modern design solutions. These products have appeared on the domestic market recently. This is due to the beginning of a new stage in the development of sanitary ware design, as well as the desire of consumers to move away from the usual Soviet design of bathrooms. With the advent of modern materials, it has become possible to create relevant models, for example, a blue acrylic bathtub, a vanilla-colored or chocolate-colored construction.
On the plumbing market, there are colored bathtubs made of materials such as acrylic, steel, stone, glass and wood.
Many in the plumbing store paid attention to acrylic and cast iron colored bathtubs. Buying such a model for your own apartment or house guarantees the creation of special charm and good mood. Statistics show that most often buyers prefer classic models of snow-white color. A white bath bowl complete with a washbasin and a toilet is the standard of cleanliness and order.
At this time, there are colored products made from the following materials on the plumbing market:
natural stone;
It should be noted that structures made of glass, wood and stone are exclusive models that are intended for wealthy buyers, since the price of one such bath can be tens of thousands of dollars or euros.
Ordinary consumers prefer common sanitary ware at affordable prices. The following models are most popular:
Acrylic bathtubs can be made of any shape, cast iron and steel products cannot boast of this
Steel bathtubs and colored bathroom sinks are a good cost-effective option. During their production, various paints are added to the composition, thanks to which, after drying, the structures acquire calm tones.
Modern acrylic bathtubs can take any shape, which neither cast iron nor steel models can boast of. Therefore, these products are at the peak of their popularity. They account for 99% of sales in the plumbing market in our country.
Cast iron baths should be mentioned separately. Such designs have long been very popular. In our time, such models have moved into the class of respectability and luxury. Prices for colored items are quite high, since very often cast iron baths are painted by hand. It is important to note that such a structure should be installed only in the event of a major overhaul in the room, since it requires additional waterproofing.
It is interesting! The statistics of domestic sales of sanitary ware show that colored corner baths and models of non-standard shapes are most often bought for installation in a country house, cottage or in the country.
Acrylic bathtubs are lightweight, ranging from 15 to 25 kilograms
Colored bathtubs: advantages and disadvantages of acrylic structures
Acrylic bathtubs can be of any shape and size, which compares favorably with traditional cast iron and steel models. Thanks to this, the products can easily fit into rooms of any size, including small bathrooms in Khrushchev houses or in small country houses. Consider what other advantages modern acrylic plumbing has.
All acrylic bathtubs, depending on the production method, are divided into two types: acrylic molded and coated models. The molded structures are completely made of acrylic, while the second version is made of a different material and is only covered with a ball of liquid acrylic. Accordingly, the first option is more expensive, since acrylic is not a cheap raw material.
Colored designs: both cast iron and cast - are able to create a unique mood in the bathroom. While whites are cold and neutral, colored bathtubs, sinks and other items can make a bathroom warm, cozy, modern and charming. In this regard, there are unlimited possibilities for bathroom design.
An important advantage of acrylic sanitary ware is its low weight. It ranges from 15 to 25 kilograms. This advantage greatly facilitates the process of installing the product. It is also important to note that a well-made bathtub must be made of acrylic sheet at least 5 mm thick.
Acrylic bathtubs are divided into two types: coated and injection molded
The main advantage of acrylic bathtubs is the color variety. Models can be produced in any shape and color, although this is a laborious process. The choice of colored acrylic bathtubs is huge: there are models of any bright color on sale, as well as products additionally covered with mother-of-pearl or various sparkles. When making to order, you can decorate the structure with any pattern.
In addition, acrylic has excellent insulating properties. Baths from this raw material keep the temperature well and remove the noise of falling water. Acrylic products are distinguished by antiseptic properties, so the growth of fungus and mold on the surface of the bathing tank is practically impossible. The acrylic bathtub is completely safe. Despite the fact that its surface is glossy, it excludes slipping.
Acrylic products also have their drawbacks. It is very easy to damage these models during careless cleaning. In addition, structures are not always resistant to sudden changes in temperature.
Cast acrylic bathtubs are quite expensive (about 100 thousand rubles). When buying, you need to focus on this figure, given the likelihood of a small difference. All products, the price of which is significantly lower than the above, should raise doubts about the quality or composition of the structure. High quality acrylic colored bathtubs can be compared in cost to cast marble or cast iron colored bathtubs.
Cast acrylic bathtubs are very expensive
Helpful advice! As for structures covered with a layer of liquid acrylic, it must be taken into account that it must be at least 3 mm. Products with a layer of this thickness will last about four years, 4 mm thick - up to seven years, the service life of a bath with a 5-6.5 mm coating is 10-12 years. Usually too thin or thick layers are immediately visible. Some unscrupulous manufacturers replace acrylic with composite plastic, fiberglass, or apply a very thin layer of acrylic.
Choosing color sets: bath, sink and toilet
The modern plumbing market offers a fairly wide range of similar products. Choosing the right option is pretty simple. If the available offers do not satisfy the requests, then there is always the possibility of making the necessary model to order, taking into account individual preferences.
When choosing plumbing, consumers should pay attention to the following parameters of colored acrylic products:
the size;
You can buy a complete set or a separate bath, toilet and colored sink with a cabinet for the bathroom. This is the first thing to decide for yourself before going to the store.
On sale there are both individual copies and whole sets consisting of a bath, toilet and sink of the same color
Custom colored acrylic bathtubs will help to add extravagance and futurism to the bathroom. To make the room look organic, it is very important to consider the size of the room. If the bathroom is spacious, then you need to purchase a bright bathtub and a cabinet with a colored sink. This set should be united by one style, design and color.
Colored acrylic models go well with wicker furniture. Therefore, a set of a chest of drawers with small chairs and suitable fittings is a great idea for decorating a bathroom with a colored sink and bathtub. It is very important to take into account when arranging a bathroom that dark and cold shades visually enlarge the room, while warm and sunny shades, on the contrary, reduce it.
When choosing a design, experts recommend considering the edge of the side of the product to determine the number of layers and their thickness. There is an important nuance here. In order to mislead the buyer, some not entirely honest manufacturers often reinforce the edges of the sides to a greater extent than the model itself. Therefore, you need to press on the bottom of the bowl. If the structure is made according to all the rules, then it will not bend.
There is another test method - to illuminate the bottom with a flashlight. If the light is visible through the bottom, then the thickness of the reinforcement is less than necessary. Therefore, such a product is of poor quality.
When choosing a colored plumbing kit, you need to pay attention to the size, shape and shade of the products
It is interesting! Acrylic products have one pleasant feature: they keep warm for a long time. This is especially important for those who like to soak in the hot tub. It should be remembered that acrylic structures need to be washed after each use of water procedures. If this is not done, the colored acrylic bathtub will very quickly lose its attractive appearance.
Colored bathroom: bathtub, toilet and sink in the same color
Modern interior designers offer a wide range of projects that allow you to organize a comfortable and cozy space by decorating your bathroom with a colored acrylic structure. When creating such a design, it is necessary to take into account many factors and nuances in order to harmoniously combine many objects from which it is necessary to make a single composition.
The easiest option is to choose white sanitary ware or products in neutral shades. Such products can be easily and simply placed in any interior, but exclusivity in this case should not be expected.If the main goal is to create a unique design, then colored plumbing will help in solving this problem.
A set of bathtub, toilet and sink will not only give an original look to the room, but also allow you to visually enlarge it
Acrylic colored bathtubs are very popular with consumers. Especially often, these colored toilets and sinks are installed in public places. For example, the interior decoration of a bathhouse and a sauna is always special and unusual. It uses perimeter lighting and tiled or wood floors. An unusual colored bowl for a jacuzzi or a small product of a non-standard shape for water procedures will very harmoniously and profitably fit into this interior.
For simple living spaces, acrylic colored bathroom fixtures are the best option for small bathrooms. As an example, consider a photo of colored acrylic bathtubs installed in Korean or Japanese apartments, which differ in their miniature size. Since the products take up little space, it is much easier to care for them.
Designers have developed models that are great for modern interiors, namely colored acrylic corner bathtubs. Such a product will look beautiful and impressive in a small room. A huge selection of shades and patterns makes it possible for every home owner to purchase the necessary plumbing, as well as hanging cabinets and sinks for their individual interior.
The presence of a colored plumbing kit assumes a simple wall and floor decoration
If you choose a set of a bath, toilet bowl, sink and other bathroom parts made in the same color, then this combination will not only give a unique charm to the room, but also allow you to visually enlarge it.
A very good option for arranging a bathroom is a small bath along the wall. The structure resembles a baby bath in shape, but has a great depth. These products have gained popularity quite recently. The main advantage is that the color of such a bath does not have to match or overlap with other plumbing items in the room.
Helpful advice! The presence of a separately purchased colored bathtub and sink, or a colored toilet bowl and sink set, presupposes the use of dull accessories, fittings, and also provides for simple wall and floor decoration. Otherwise, the bathroom runs the risk of finding a bright, but tasteless and uncomfortable look.
Equipping a bathroom: choosing colored furniture for the bathroom
Everyone knows about the influence of different colors on a person's mood and the formation of an atmosphere in the room. In this regard, before buying a color bath, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties of color perception by the human body, because even our ancestors believed that each color has its own type of energy. Therefore, when choosing designs for a bathroom, one should take into account the psychological characteristics of the owners and the characteristics of a particular color:
Green shades of bathroom furniture activate the self-healing of the human body
Red furniture gives a feeling of safety and security. Such colored plumbing is ideal for people who like to think in silence while taking a warm bath after a hard day at work. In addition, the red hues stimulate the digestive tract.
Orange plumbing helps you calm down and focus. Suitable for those who are characterized by frequent mood swings and strong feelings.
Yellow color in the design of the bathroom helps to restore good mood and get rid of negativity.
Green shades (for example, in the form of colored tiles for the bathroom) will help get rid of insomnia, as well as relax and activate the self-healing of the human body.
The blue color has a calming effect, puts thoughts and feelings in order.
Shades of blue activate the body, give a surge of vitality. These colored steel tubs will help you cheer up in the morning.
Purple is recommended for larks who like to wake up at sunrise. It is for them that purple colored bathroom sinks are suitable.
The beige color in the bathroom will fill the room with warmth and comfort. Decorating the interior in these colors creates a romantic setting.
Black is the color of strength and concentration. A black bath is an indicator of the style and excellent taste of its owner. If you choose harmonious lighting, then this plumbing will look very stylish and modern.
Before buying colored furniture for the bathroom, you must take into account all the subtleties of color perception by the human body.
It is not worth believing that the color of the structure will help solve health problems. However, colored sinks and bathtubs give the bathroom a special look. For example, passive and lazy people will come to the aid of bright red plumbing, which helps to activate vitality. If a person is characterized by stress and overexertion, then a bath and a sink in gentle pastel colors will help calm down after a hard day's work and create an appropriate atmosphere in the room.
Helpful advice! When buying a colored design for a bathroom, you need to pay attention to the lighting, which can give the product a completely different color. However, most often used for acrylic sanitary ware is backlighting in neutral colors.
Red bathtub: a bright accent for an unusual bathroom interior
A red acrylic bathtub is a fashionable and original design solution that looks spectacular and deprives the room of everyday life and boring. Therefore, such designs are made in a wide variety of shapes and shades.
A red acrylic bathtub and a colored vanity unit are the centerpiece of the bathroom. This structure can be optimally positioned in the center of the room or in the corner.
Red acrylic bathtub looks very impressive and deprives the room of everyday life and boring
Designer and ordinary inexpensive red baths can be additionally equipped with heating, hydromassage and even a built-in radio. You can effectively decorate the product with the help of lighting. Translucent red acrylic bathtubs also look unusual.
For a classic-style bathroom interior, acrylic construction on "lion's paws", covered with red paint on the outside, is perfect. You can effectively decorate a room in an oriental style using a bathtub with a mosaic depicting a dragon.
Helpful advice! Acrylic designs look especially beautiful and stylish in large rooms, but owners of small bathrooms should not be upset. You can transform an old cast-iron bathtub in an original way by decorating it with red tiles or mosaics.
If you need to create a unique atmosphere in the bathroom, this can be done with an extraordinary bright accent in the form of an acrylic bath. You can purchase such designs directly from a plumbing store or order on the website. In the store, you can see and touch a future purchase live, and web resources describe the offered product in detail, providing information about the manufacturer, size, price and photos of colored acrylic bathtubs.
The optimal bathtub width is 75-80 cm, but when choosing a product it is better to focus on your complexion and personal preferences
Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of decorative acrylic bathtubs in a variety of colors - from classic white and sky blue to charcoal black.
The variety of shapes is also very surprising, which also affects the final price of colored acrylic bathtubs:
standard rectangular;
large round;
compact seated and economical corner;
designer freestanding.
As for the length of the product, it is possible to find the following sizes: 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 cm.This ensures that every customer can choose the perfect option for their bathroom.
The most comfortable bath height is 70 cm from the floor. This makes it possible to use the product not only for adults, but also for children. The depth of the structures should be about 60 cm. This is enough for the water to completely cover the body of the person lying in the bath.
The price of an acrylic colored bathtub is influenced by the presence of such functions as hydromassage and lighting.
The optimal width of the structure is 75-80 cm, but the choice of this parameter depends on the build and personal preferences of the household.
The price of acrylic colored bathtubs can be increased by advanced functions, for example, hydromassage or original lighting. These are optional supplements, but very useful, as they help to relax the body after a hard day at work and energize for the coming work week. Psychologists say that the hydromassage procedure is a powerful anti-stress technique.
Helpful advice! When choosing an acrylic bathtub, you need to pay attention not only to the thickness of the top layer, but also to the appearance of the product. The surface should not have irregularities or scuffs - it should be as smooth as glass. In addition, the pressed palm should not slip, but as if stick.
Colored acrylic baths, toilet bowls and sinks of Russian production have a democratic price
Acrylic is a modern material that is a complex combination of polymers based on acrylic acid and polyesters. In simple terms, this is a high strength plastic with an elastic and smooth surface.
Acrylic bathtubs, colored toilets and sinks made in Russia or imported bathroom products are unique items that are essential in every home. Correctly selected color of structures is able to restore energy balance and harmonize the psycho-emotional state of the owner.
Colored acrylic products for the bathroom will tell guests about the owner of the house as an extraordinary and original personality. The choice of colored designs indicates that the owner has creative thinking and templates are alien to him. In addition, the wall-hung colored bathroom sinks with vanity units, original cistern lids, toilet seats and colored washbasin faucets are suitable for the creative mind.