The need to save money causes negative emotions. Rational economy is perceived completely differently. That is, there is no need to give up something, but it is worthwhile to wisely use what is available. It is this attitude towards natural resources that a gas meter for a private house contributes. Eating exactly as much as necessary and paying only for what is used is prudent and fair.
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- 1 How a gas meter works: general principle of operation
- 2 Gas meters: law and regulations on the need for installation
- 3 Types of gas meters for a private house: general characteristics
- 4 Obligation to calibrate and check gas meters for a private house
- 5 The cost of a gas meter for a private house
- 6 Gas meters for a private house: user reviews
- 7 How to stop a gas meter without a magnet at home (video)
How a gas meter works: general principle of operation
Private houses are supplied with natural gas as fuel. During storage and transportation, it is supplemented with other substances that make it more acceptable and safer for domestic conditions. The main constituent of the gas supplied to residential buildings (which type of devices is used does not matter) is methane (75–95%), and it also contains:

Measurement methods and information output for different meter models are based on different engineering principles
- carbon dioxide;
- propane;
- butane;
- hydrogen sulfide;
- water in a vapor state.
Natural gas is odorless, but any leak in a living space is felt almost immediately. This is a consequence of the addition of odorants, which are easily recognized by the human sense of smell and make methane a relatively safe fuel. To account for the amount of gas consumed, meters are used. The main elements of the meters are the body, the chamber (where the gas gets from the gas pipe), the metering mechanism and the digital display. Methods for measuring and issuing information for different models can be based on different engineering principles, which entails the features of the case, installation methods, etc.
It is not difficult to understand the general principle of how and in what gas is measured. The meters let through a certain volume, which means that the unit of measurement for natural gas is cubic meters.That is, the entire amount of gaseous fuel used is divided into cubes, the digital value of which is reflected on the counter display.
Gas meters: law and regulations on the need for installation
Campaigns for the mass installation of gas meters have been intensifying and dying. First of all, the consumers themselves are interested in accounting, since after connecting the device, they will pay not the amount determined by the maximum consumption, but the actually used cubes. For various reasons, there is still a significant number of gas users who have not installed meters.
The government has seriously taken up the issue of accounting for gas consumption. In 2009, the Law "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" was adopted. According to this document, it was necessary to supply gas meters before 2015. It turned out to be impossible to fulfill the requirement due to the fact that it was unrealistic not only to install meters, but also to provide users with the required number of devices.
The date was postponed, amendments and additions were made to the Law. Even the requirement for mandatory installation of meters has been canceled. Today, those who use natural gas for cooking and heating water (that is, they have a gas stove and a water heater) may not install the device. Those who heat the room and consume more than 2 m3 / h must install meters.
The procedure for installing a gas meter in a private house
If it is necessary to install a meter, the first step is to apply to the organization that serves the gas supply network in the city (or district). You must have with you:
- identity document (passport);
- certificate of ownership of home ownership;
- technical documentation for the building, for the placed gas equipment (if it is already installed).
Helpful advice! In order to avoid an unsuccessful visit, before submitting an application, you should contact the gas service to clarify the list of documents. You can find the phone number on the back of your payment slip.
In order to decide how to install a gas meter, specialists visit. By agreement with the owner and taking into account the necessary conditions, the location of the device is planned. In a private house, the meter can be installed both indoors and on the outer wall of the building. A prerequisite for the external position of the device should be accessibility and protection from direct sunlight and precipitation.
The result of departure and selection of a place is the issuance of "Technical conditions for the installation of a gas meter." This document gives the right to contact an organization that, on the basis of the technical specifications, will carry out the "Project for the installation of a gas meter".
Resolution No. 410 of 05/14/13 identifies a range of organizations that have the right to install, repair and dismantle gas equipment. It is better to contact the specialists of the organization that maintains the networks for installation, since in the end they will be the ones who will put the meter into operation. Therefore, when the installation work is carried out by the service specialists, they will be both executors and receivers.
Gas meters for a private house: installation price, necessary conditions
Installing a gas meter requires certain financial costs. The main ones are as follows:
- purchase of a meter;
- payment for the development of "Technical conditions";
- the cost of creating a "Project for installation";
- payment for installation work.
In order to exclude the claims of gas service specialists when putting the meter into operation, it is worth knowing the basic requirements for its placement. They are regulated by SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003. Regarding the gas meter, the rules are as follows:
- the location must be accessible for installation, maintenance and repair;
- installation height (from the floor to the meter) - not less than 1.5 m;
- the meter should be placed at a distance of at least 1 m from gas-consuming equipment (columns, stoves, boiler);
- the meter can be installed in an adjacent room, separated from a wall equipped with gas appliances with a doorway;
- the counter must be removed from the wall by 3-5 cm to create anti-corrosion conditions.
Street gas meters for a private house are more demanding. The cost of their installation significantly exceeds the cost of installing a room option due to the need to perform a larger amount of work and use of materials. The outlet of the gas meter to the outside is additional pipes, the manufacture of a visor or box to protect the device from sunlight and precipitation.
Helpful advice! To place the meter, it is better to choose a room with good ventilation. In the absence of it, experts will prohibit installation in such a place or require ventilation.
Gas meter for a private house: commissioning
The commissioning of a metering device in operation largely depends on the quality and design of installation work. They must be performed by qualified personnel using certified instruments and appropriate materials.
After installing the meter, employees of the gas service (or another authorized to carry out these works) must check the operation of the device. Attention is drawn to the following:
- stability of work;
- whether there is interference during the passage of gas through the device;
- for gas leaks;
- it is necessary to record the readings at the time of installation.

The implementation of the commissioning of a gas meter for a private house in operation depends on the quality of installation work
If there are no traces of defects or malfunctions, an act of completed work is drawn up. This document reflects:
- address and date of installation;
- meter serial number;
- information about the workers who performed the installation;
- evaluation of the counter mechanism stroke;
- device readings at the time of connection;
- date of scheduled meter calibration.
Installation of a gas meter (price of installation work), depending on the complexity of the work, costs consumers 1,500–3,000 rubles. The receipt of payment is attached to the act of completion, drawn up in triplicate, one of which is handed over to the customer.
Then you need to call a specialist from the gas service to seal the device. He checks the compliance of the installation with the design documentation; if there are no complaints, installs a seal and draws up an act.
After all the above procedures, an agreement is concluded with the direct gas supplier for payment, maintenance of gas equipment, the rights and obligations of the parties are determined.
Types of gas meters for a private house: general characteristics
The Russian market today is quite filled with various models of gas meters. Dozens of domestic enterprises are engaged in their production, a significant number of devices are imported from abroad. Competition contributes to the continuous improvement of manufacturing technologies, which ensures an increase in the quality of this measuring technique.
Before talking about the difference between the types of gas meters, you should pay attention to the characteristics inherent in any model:
- indicator of the maximum level of blue fuel consumption;
- permissible temperature limits at which the meter can function normally;
- type and size of threaded connections;
- distance between connecting elements;
- terms of scheduled verification.
According to the indication method (display of numbers), the counters divide:
- on mechanical;
- electronic.

According to the method of displaying numbers, gas meters are divided into mechanical and electronic
Mechanical devices are inexpensive, easy to operate, durable, but quite noisy, and subject to temperature. Electronic models have a more interesting design, accurately reflect readings, are resistant to temperature changes, quiet, but cost a lot of money.
Helpful advice! When choosing the type of meter, it is worth consulting with gas service workers who have personal experience in maintaining these gas measuring devices.
Membrane model of gas meters for a private house
Based on the features of the counting mechanism, gas metering devices are divided into types:
- membrane;
- rotary;
- turbine;
- vortex.
For installation in private houses, membrane models are mainly used. Such a device consists of several chambers separated by movable flaps. The principle of operation of a gas meter with such a mechanism is presented as follows:
- A certain amount of gas enters one chamber.
- Overflowing, it causes a change in the diaphragm, which pushes the flaps.
- When the shutters are opened sequentially, the gas flows into another chamber, and the shutters close behind it.
- From the process of movement of the flaps, a cross mechanism is launched, which sets the "star" in motion. It is the "asterisk" that allows you to count the amount passed through the meter, that is, the used gas.
This device is quite simple and has a reasonable price. Membrane meter readings are accurate. The disadvantages include high noise levels and significant dimensions. Considering that in private houses, the counters are trying to be taken out of the residential premises, the listed negative characteristics will not cause tangible inconveniences during operation. Membrane meters have the longest service life - 30 years.
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Electronic outdoor gas meter for private house
Choosing between mechanics and electronics, the latter is often preferred. Modern, accurate, fast. There is a similar trend in the communal sector. The advantages of this type of gas measuring devices are obvious:
- small size;
- nice design;
- simple operation.
Installation is easy enough; welding is not used during installation. The devices are highly accurate, information on the amount of gas consumed instantly appears on the display. The numbers are highlighted large, bright, readable.
Such a gas meter can be supplied both indoors and outdoors. He is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, works silently. When an additional device is connected, information from the display can be read and transmitted to the server. The calibration interval for electronic meters is 12 years.
It is quite clear that the price of such devices differs significantly from the cost of membrane models. Today it ranges from 4000 to 10000 rubles.
Helpful advice! If only a stove and a column are used from gas appliances in a house, it is worth purchasing an electronic meter. The acquisition costs will be offset by the cheap installation.
Smart technologies and utilities: smart meters on poles
Many have long decided for themselves how to choose a gas meter. The main criterion is the use of the most modern technologies. Smart meters have become the last word in the production of household gas meters. The definition "smart" applies to a technique that does a lot on its own.
Such a gas meter requires only installation from the user. The rest is done without human intervention. The device itself reads and transmits readings, and also signals interruptions in operation. To ensure the functioning of "smart" meters, you need wireless Internet and the installation of an application on one or several gadgets.
Considering that gas meters in private houses are not located in residential premises, it is better to purchase a modem that gives a powerful signal. Then the device will work normally, even if it is installed in a boiler room attached to the house.
If it is inconvenient to be placed in rooms with other gas appliances or in the absence of separate rooms, meters are installed at the entrance of the gas pipe into the house.
A pillar is used as a basis for securing the protective box. The result is a functional and rather attractive courtyard design composition.
Important! Before purchasing a smart meter for external installation in a private house, you must make sure that it is possible to provide a Wi-Fi signal in the area where the device is located.
Obligation to calibrate and check gas meters for a private house
Verification and verification have the same purpose - to establish the suitability of the device for further use. In this case, two terms will be used to highlight the features of one and the other procedure.
The user is responsible for the integrity of the device and the seal. He must periodically inspect the meter and, if any defects are found, he must immediately inform the gas service. Faults include:
- damage to the case;
- violation of the integrity of the seal;
- doubts about the correctness of the testimony;
- suspicions of incorrect operation of the counting mechanism.
These obligations are spelled out in the contract between the consumer and the organization serving the gas networks. The obligation on the part of the service is to eliminate the shortcomings within a month, as well as to check the state of the gas meter, the terms of which are determined in the document as once every six months.
The calibration interval for the gas meter is determined by the manufacturer and noted in the product passport. This type of check is associated with the removal of the device. (Verification of certain types of meters does not require their dismantling, but such models are practically not used in private houses). Ensuring the delivery of the device to the metrological service for verification is the responsibility of the user. Transportation is preceded by unsealing and dismantling of the meter, which can only be performed by specialists.
The cost of a gas meter for a private house
Before installing a metering device, each consumer asks about how much a gas meter costs for a private house. To get an answer, simply looking at the digital values of prices in the catalogs of trading companies will not be enough. It is necessary to understand the principle of operation of metering devices, compare various options, get acquainted with the opinions of experienced users and only after that estimate the cost of a particular device.
Helpful advice! When assessing the objectivity of the cost of the meter, one should take into account both the quality of the device's operation and the durability of its operation.
The average price level of household gas meters is 2000-3000 rubles.
These are membrane models of domestic production with a mechanical counting method and a nominal throughput of up to 6 m³ / h.
For example, the VK G4 gas meter costs 2,200 rubles; the VK G4T device has a price of 3400 rubles, where "T" means the presence of a temperature compensation mechanism.
The gas meter of Polish manufacturers METRIX G6 is sold at a price of 6000 rubles. Import production and electronic accounting systems double the cost.
The price for "smart" meters reaches 10,000 rubles.
The increase in the cost of the gas device, in addition to the features of the metering mechanism, is largely influenced by the throughput of the device: the greater it is, the higher the price of the meter.
Popular models of gas meters for a private house
Models that have proven themselves well during operation are becoming popular. Quite often, even the price fades into the background. If both indicators are satisfactory to the consumer, the demand increases actively.
It is to such devices that Grand meters should be referred. They can have different bandwidth. Distinctive characteristics of these devices are:
- small size;
- energy independence;
- easy installation;
- resistance to temperatures and pollution;
- accuracy of readings;
- long warranty period (12 years).
Electronic meters "Grand" very rarely fail. They can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.
Betar gas meters are also one of the best gas meters for a private house. The models have a fairly high technical level, many are supplemented with a heat correction function. The devices are small-sized and can be installed both in vertical and horizontal planes. Among the model range there are devices with remote control, which can be connected to an autonomous system "Smart Home".
Helpful advice! The popularity of individual meter models is based on user reviews and information on the Internet. When choosing a device, be sure to consult with a specialist.
Gas meter: which is better for a private house
When choosing a gas meter for a private house, the following indicators must be considered:
- number of units of gas equipment;
- family composition;
- place of installation of the counter.
The amount of gas used depends on the number of consumers and the types of installed gas appliances. If only a column and a gas stove are placed in the house, a meter with a throughput of up to 2.5 m³ / h is quite enough. It is worth choosing counting devices marked G-1.6. If the heating in the house is also gas, a G-4 or G-6 meter will do.
Before choosing a gas meter for a private house, you need to determine its location. When hanging outside, the influence of temperatures increases, the range should be -40 - +50 ° С. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the passport data before purchasing the device. An important option for a street gas meter is thermoregulation. The built-in function will eliminate the need to use an additional coefficient in the payment calculations.
Helpful advice! When placing the gas meter externally, in order to prevent exposure to sunlight and moisture, it is better to purchase a ready-made metal protective box. It is as sealed as possible, the dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the device.
Gas meters for a private house: user reviews
You should definitely read the reviews about the device chosen for installation. I would like to draw the attention of people who are skeptical about their veracity to the following: a true opinion can always be recognized. If a person really used the device, it will definitely manifest itself. Though the opinion may not always be agreed.
“Without a meter, gas charges are off the charts. Four are registered. The counter was installed immediately after buying the house, when I was renovating it. Heating - electric floor heating. Gas meter SGM-1.6. Small, white. I hid it in a wall cabinet in the kitchen. I had to tinker a little with the gas inlet. You can't hear the work. I was mistaken, I did not make a separate door for the cabinet, installed under a common one, so they would completely forget that the device is standing. No problem for the third year. "
Evgeny, Voronezh
“I put the electronic one, Grand, very much advised. The throughput is 3.2. There is a thermostat. He worked great for four years. Then the screen went out. It turned out: the problem is in the battery. They filmed, unsealed, sealed ... I was outraged that the promised 10 years did not work, there is a lot of trouble with replacement. Three times I took time off from work. Before the problem appeared, I considered it an ideal meter. "
Alexander, Tula
“Betar mechanical has been operating for seventeen years. Hung in an annex without any closing device. Once they were taken away in fact. No noise, we walk past, we hear nothing. The device is reliable. "
Peter, Omsk
There are different opinions about gas meters, reviews of other models also differ in content. In general, there are more positive opinions about the use of meters for metering consumed gas. If you want to get as much information as possible about a specific device, you should look through the reviews on the manufacturer's website about the model you like.
How to stop a gas meter without a magnet at home (video)
Considering gas prices extortionate, many are trying to change the meter readings in their favor. Modern Kulibins have invented several ways:
- Filling manipulation. After taking it, the readings in the old-type meters can be rewound. This procedure is suitable only for those who are proficient in the art (as well as the material and tools) to put the seal in place.
- A safer but rather troublesome way is to pass air through the meter in the opposite direction: it will rewind the readings. To do this, you need to close the taps before and after the meter and disconnect the system, that is, provide an outlet for the air flow. The air can be started with a vacuum cleaner.
To learn more about the mechanism of action, to visualize the process, you can watch the video:
Helpful advice! It is possible to take on changing the meter readings in this way only if the device does not have a backstop.
It should be remembered that attempts to cheat will inevitably lead to failure, which will entail huge fines and the need to buy a new meter. It is better to save legally.
Counter - the possibility of rational distribution of the family budget. Having a metering device for gas consumption, you can regulate its consumption, additionally fostering frugality and organization. It is only necessary to select and place the device correctly.