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How to choose an iron that will be an excellent assistant in everyday life
The need to iron clothes for many years has remained an urgent task for most people. To make housework easier, you need to know how to choose the right iron, which parameters to pay attention to, which functions to give preference to. It should be noted that the speed and ease of work depend on the quality, material and production characteristics of the sole. Do not ignore such indicators as power, design and shape.
Before buying an iron, you need to decide how often the unit will be used
Basic materials for making the base: which iron sole is better
How to choose the right iron for your home? First of all, experts advise paying attention to the material of the sole, since it is this criterion in most cases that affects the quality of the ironing and the cost of the device. No fancy accessories or useful features will be of any use if the finish is poor.
The quality and material of the outsole is the main thing to look for when buying
Useful advice!To choose the best iron for home, as practice shows, first of all, you need to pay attention to the shape and material from which the sole is made.
To select the correct shape, you must first decide for what purposes the device will be used. For example, if it is most often necessary to iron children's clothes and women's dresses with frills and ruffles, it is better to give preference to models with a pointed nose and an elongated base. This iron is also useful for women and men who like to wear ironed shirts.
In a situation where the main purpose of the device is ironing bed linen, towels and other bulky items, it is recommended to pay attention to an iron with a wide base and a rounded nose. It should be borne in mind that in any case, ironing will be easier with a device with a large sole area, because choosing an iron for a house with a massive base will help you iron much faster and save energy.
The type of sole will determine the cost of the iron and the quality of the iron
As for the material, the bulk of products that have significant differences in both quality and cost are made with an aluminum or steel base.
Aluminum has been used for the manufacture of irons for quite some time, and all because the devices have a large number of advantages:
good thermal conductivity;
low cost;
relatively low weight of the iron.
Before choosing an iron for home use with an aluminum sole, you need to familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages of this material. First, good thermal conductivity plays both a positive and a negative role, because the iron not only heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly. Secondly, the physical properties of aluminum make the surface of the substrate easy to scratch, damage and stain.
If the unit is purchased for ironing bulky things, then it is better to buy products with a wide sole.
The third drawback is the fact that when working with woolen and especially delicate fabrics, a silvery sheen may appear, therefore, during the ironing process, it is recommended to put paper or damp cotton cloth between the fabric and the iron. Many manufacturers use additional coatings to improve the quality of the aluminum base. For example, some companies anodize the sole, after which it acquires a golden color and is able to last a longer period of time. In general, if you need to choose a good, inexpensive iron, an anodized aluminum soleplate is the best option.
How to choose an iron: other options for soles
Polished stainless steel irons are considered more expensive, but they do not pose the same problems that are possible with an aluminum base. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, the steel is more durable and resistant to scratches, and the steel sole will warm up faster and more evenly, which will ensure a smooth and easy iron run over the surface of the fabric. The only drawback of steel irons is their heavier weight.
Useful advice!It is worth listening to the advice of experts on how to choose the right iron. Products with a steel base will be the most favorable in terms of price and quality ratio. Similar models are present in both the expensive and the budget segment.
The most cost-effective option is an iron with an aluminum soleplate
In retail outlets, a large selection of appliances is presented, the base of which is made by combining steel and aluminum with other materials. So, in order to increase the reliability of aluminum irons and at the same time improve the quality of ironing, additional steel spraying is used. At the same time, the devices have good thermal conductivity, but the probability of deformation of the sole is significantly reduced, which also affects the preservation of the integrity of the fabric.
Many modern manufacturers offer customers aluminum and steel iron soles, which are coated with a layer of composite material or a more resistant metal spray to improve the quality.
Among the expensive models of irons, there are often devices with improved steel soles, on which a durable titanium layer is applied, characterized by increased wear resistance properties. However, you should still not expose the surface to direct contact with solid metal objects. This also has its drawbacks, because one of the features of titanium is its low thermal conductivity. On the one hand, this means that the device retains a high temperature for a long period, on the other hand, it will take a lot of energy to warm up such an iron.
Teflon soles are gentle on fabric, but prone to scratches
Useful advice!To make the steel sole even better, some models use an additional nickel layer, which is easily recognized by the characteristic golden hue. If the color of the sole has a blue overflow, it is most likely that the base is covered with a protective layer with the addition of chrome.
Some models (for example, from Braun) have a special sapphire coating, which, due to the hardness of the material, is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical stress.
Which iron soleplate is better: ceramic, stainless steel or aluminum
Today, the most popular among consumers are irons coated with composite materials such as Teflon, ceramics or cermets. Many of the benefits of using Teflon are familiar to consumers from their experience with Teflon cookware. So, due to the peculiarities of the material, Teflon does not stick to clothes, and also does not burn through fabrics. However, as with pans, the Teflon iron also needs to be handled carefully and avoid contact of the base with metal buttons and rivets, which can compromise the integrity of the sole.
Irons with stainless steel soles heat up quickly, are durable and resistant to mechanical damage
The ceramic base is considered the privilege of more expensive iron models. Before choosing a good ceramic-coated home iron, you need to keep in mind that enamel is considered a rather fragile material. With careless use, chips or cracks may appear. In some cases, peeling of the coating was noted. Most often, the violation of the integrity of the base occurs with frequent contact with iron accessories on clothes. Moreover, ceramics have many advantages:
easy and fast sliding on the fabric;
respect for clothes;
easy cleaning, even without the use of aggressive materials;
long-term preservation of heat on the surface.
To understand which iron is better to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with a brief description of each type of coating:
Devices with ceramic soles keep warmth for a long time and glide easily over fabrics
Ceramics. It looks attractive, glides well on the surface of the fabric and heats up quickly, while being fragile and prone to chips. Despite this, it is in the greatest demand.
Aluminum. Cheap material prone to deformation. The main plus is quick warm-up. To improve the quality in most models, an additional protective layer of another metal is used.
Steel. A durable and reliable surface that has an average rate of both warm-up and cool-down. To improve the quality of sliding, it is also supplemented with special sprays.
Helpful advice!Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but, for example, such a giant in the production of household appliances as Bosch prefers to use ceramics or Teflon in the manufacture of irons. Which iron to choose in a particular case depends more on the needs and material capabilities of the buyer.
How to choose an iron for home use: what affects the number of holes in the sole
In addition to the material, the quality of the iron is also affected by the number of holes on the sole, because choosing a steam iron for the home is much more practical. It is with the steam function that it will be much faster and easier to cope with very wrinkled fabrics, even if the laundry is very dry. Thanks to the presence of holes, the fabric is better moistened and steamed. It should be borne in mind that the quality of the ironing depends not only on the number and method of placement of holes.
A steam iron with many holes helps to smooth dry and wrinkled clothes faster
No one can say with any certain accuracy how many holes are considered optimal and what size is most acceptable. Each manufacturer adheres to its own beliefs: some companies produce models with more than 100 holes, others are limited to 50, but with a larger diameter. If you are wondering which iron to choose for the home, you should pay attention to the options where the holes are distributed over the entire surface of the sole.
Classic models of irons imply an accumulation of small-sized holes on the narrow and wide parts of the sole and the presence of large holes arranged in several rows in the central and lateral parts of the appliance. The steam supply in the iron can have a horizontal or vertical direction, while additionally there can be functions of steam release (the so-called steam boost) and splashing.
Interesting information!In order not to think which is better - an iron or a steamer, you can choose a universal option that allows you to use both dry and steam iron.
For the most productive ironing, it is recommended to choose irons with a steam boost from 100 ml / min.
Among the reviews on how to choose an iron, you can often find mention of vertical steaming, which allows you to use the device on weight when it gives out powerful steam jets to the side. Thus, without removing, you can smooth the curtains or tidy up a suit that hangs on a trempel before going out. This function will help freshen up soft furniture, mattresses or blankets.
The intensity of the steam supply is calculated in grams or milliliters per minute: the more powerful the steam capacity of the iron, respectively, the higher this indicator will be. As a rule, in most models, the average steam supply is 30-60 g / min, and for better ironing, a steam boost with a power of 100 g / min is used, which will be enough to deal with strong creases. Before choosing a good iron with a steamer, you should pay attention to the manufacturer Braun and his model SI-8530, in which the function of supplying steam even through the spout is thought out, which will make it easy to smooth cuffs, frills and other small details on clothes.
Models and manufacturers. Important device characteristics. Better sole coverage, whether you need a steam generator. Which iron to choose.
Important characteristics of irons: power, cord length and other indicators
When choosing an iron, an assessment of the power of its work is considered an important point. If this value is not enough, the ironing process may become more difficult and take longer, and some things may not even be smoothed properly. In this case, one should not give preference to overly powerful options, because there is no need to choose a steam iron for home use with too much power.
As a rule, an iron with a power of 1.5-2.5 kW is sufficient for an average family.
To a greater extent, they buy devices for the home, the power of which is in the range of 1.5-2.5 kW. All devices with higher power ratings are often purchased for shops or dry cleaners, where a large number of things need to be ironed every day. Here you need to evaluate the fact that the higher the power, the more the device will consume electricity. The positive thing about using a more powerful device is that it heats up faster after being turned on. When choosing an iron, it is recommended to rely on the following parameters:
for a large family with children, it is better to buy a powerful device - from 2500 W;
if the family does not have small children and there is no unnecessary need for daily ironing, a model with a power of 1500 W or more is suitable;
when there is a need to purchase a small iron for travel or business trips, it is better to stay at a low-power version - 1000-1500 watts.
To choose the right iron, you should not ignore such an indicator as the length of the cable, because the comfort of use will depend on this criterion. On average, the length of the power cord for different irons can vary from 0.8 to 4 m.Specialists say that the optimal cord length is 1.9-2.5 m.Most often, the wire is tightly attached to the base, which complicates the work, therefore it is better to choose models where the power cord has a ball attachment that allows it to rotate 360 degrees - this greatly expands the ability to move when ironing.
For different models of irons, the length of the cord can vary from 80 cm to 4 m
Sometimes the relevance of having a cable is lost, because you can choose a good iron without a wire. The cable will only be present on the charging base, which is located separately from the device.Of course, ironing a large amount of linen will not be very convenient, but it will be enough for everyday ironing of shirts. Average cordless iron retains heat for 20-25 seconds, and warms up again in 4-6 seconds, but the wire will not interfere with free movement.
The weight of irons and household steam generators generally ranges from 600 g to 2-3 kg, although a heavier model can be selected. If earlier it was believed that only a heavy iron can iron well, now manufacturers are doing everything possible to ensure that the device combines light weight and high quality work. Some travel options for irons can weigh up to 400 g. The main characteristics that affect the weight of the device are the sole material and the size of the water tank.
Design features, water tank size, ergonomics
Manufacturers offer a choice of a large number of different models of irons, which differ in their functional content. One of the parameters affecting the usability of the system is the size of the water tank, which is needed in order to produce enough steam for operation. Some models have a built-in reservoir, and in the case of a steam generator there is a detached volumetric boiler.
The volume of the water tank usually ranges from 250-300 ml
When a certain mode is selected, steam can either accompany the entire ironing process or be released in large quantities when you press a button on the handle. In most models, the size of the container does not exceed 250-300 ml, and in the steam generator the volume reaches 2.2-2.5 liters. In some cases, it is possible to add water during operation. It should be borne in mind that models with a built-in tank are larger, but often the price for them is lower than for steam generators.
In steam irons, the boiler is placed separately from the device. After switching on, it heats up water to a vaporous state, after which steam enters the sole of the device through a hose. In this case, the iron will be smaller and capable of producing steam under high pressure.
Important!Before choosing iron with steam generator for home, you need to understand that a steam hose will create no more problems than a regular power cable. The main thing is that the size of the hose allows you to comfortably use the device. A 2.5 liter tank will be enough to iron a large amount of laundry at a time.
According to reviews, steam irons are characterized by the following main advantages:
Possibility of vertical ironing of necessary items. With the device it is easy to freshen up clothes just before going out
Significant power of steam, making ironing faster and easier. In some cases, it is sufficient to fold a large sheet four times and iron on only one side to give it a fresh look and kill germs.
A large selection of attachments that allow any type of clothing, including delicate fabrics, to be tidy.
The appearance of the device and the ergonomics of the handle also have a significant impact on the usability. Before buying an appliance, it would be nice to visit the sales area and hold the iron in your hand so that it becomes clear whether it will be convenient to use it. Many models are equipped with rubberized handles with a special finger recess, while travel options are complemented by foldable handles that allow you to fold the device compactly. In addition, you need to pay attention to the convenient location of the adjustment, as a result of which it can be used without interrupting the ironing process.
The ease of use of the iron is influenced by the design and ergonomics of the handle.
Additional useful features and average prices for irons
If you choose modern irons, it is better to give preference to models equipped with a large number of useful functions that not only help in work, but also ensure safety of use.One of the useful features is automatic shutdown. If a person suddenly forgot the turned on iron on the surface of the fabric or just in an upright position, then after a few minutes of inactivity, it will automatically turn off, which will help prevent deformation of clothing, as well as the outbreak of fire. Other useful features:
Anti-drip system. Prevents accidental dripping from holes and stains on some fabrics.
Continuous steam supply. It makes it possible to spray with steam things that are on a hanger or just in an upright position.
Spray function. To make it easier to smooth out a very wrinkled area on the fabric, it is better to lightly sprinkle it with water from a spout.
Regulator for base temperature and steam generation. The function allows you to select the type of fabric and set the maximum temperature at which you can iron it. The set temperature will be maintained throughout the ironing period.
Vertical ironing is one of the useful features that steam irons have
As for the price of irons, the products can be conditionally divided into three groups:
Budget models, the cost of which does not exceed 1.2-1.5 thousand rubles. In this category there are models from Vitek, Scarlett, Binaton.
Irons of the middle segment cost up to 4 thousand rubles. Models with such a price are most in demand. These include devices from popular brands such as Tefal, Moulinex, Philips, Braun, as well as the giants Bosch and Rowenta.
Expensive high quality multifunctional irons. The cost varies from 6 to 30 thousand rubles and more. These are mainly steam generators from Bosch, Miele and others.
How to clean an iron at home using available tools
Cleaning your iron at home differs depending on the material of the soleplate. The main methods for cleaning the base from carbon deposits:
Each type of soles must be cleaned in different ways
Ceramics and cermets. In this case, a special surface cleaning pencil is used. Another good practice is to use toothpaste and a mixture of baking soda and peroxide.
Teflon. The easiest way to clean is to use a vinegar solution applied to a microfiber cloth. You can also use the rough side of a regular dishwashing sponge for this purpose.
Aluminum and steel with various coatings. The surface is gently cleaned with a wooden spatula or plastic brush.
Helpful advice!Any cleaning is best done on a warm surface rather than a hot or cold surface.
Teflon sole can be cleaned with microfiber dipped in vinegar solution
How to descale the iron from the inside? The main remedy is citric acid or vinegar. To do this, a sachet of acid or 100 ml of vinegar is dissolved in a glass of distilled water and poured into the tank. The iron is then turned on at full power and a steam boost is performed. You need to repeat the action until the container remains empty.
It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without a functional iron, which makes it possible to facilitate the difficult household process as much as possible. To choose the right model, you first need to decide how often the appliance will be used and what is the maximum amount of laundry you need to iron. If you need to iron your shirts several times a week, there is no point in buying an expensive model. Another thing is when it comes to the daily ironing of a large amount of linen, clothes and towels. In this case, it is better not to save money and choose a functional model.