In order for the structure of the fence to be strong and reliable, there must be support pillars. Often these pillars are lined with bricks, which makes them not only very beautiful, but also durable. The article will consider such a protective structure as caps for pillars for a brick fence and their main purpose, as well as information on how to independently choose and mount the top.

Installing caps on fence posts will reduce the risk of masonry destruction due to weather conditions
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Caps on posts for a brick fence: why are they needed?
If you decide to buy a cap for a brick post, then you need to understand what functions it should perform, what is required of this structure and what is its purpose. Here are some reasons to install hoods on brick fence posts:
- First of all, they perform a protective function. They protect brick pillars from rain, snow, hail, and freezing ice.
- A secondary, but also very important function is aesthetic. I must admit that without tops, the fence posts look much less attractive.
- Pole caps serve as an excellent basis for installing lanterns, as well as other decorative elements designed to illuminate and decorate the street.
Helpful advice! If we talk about protection, then the pillars made of natural stone are especially in need of it. Their porous structure makes them much more susceptible to environmental factors.
Do not neglect the importance of these points. Moreover, this is not just a decorative element, but a necessary part of the fence. Fortunately, you can always choose the option that you can afford, or make your own cap.
What are the caps on the fence posts
Even the simplest cap for a fence post can be described in several parameters to get an idea of it. Just walking along the street, you can find a wide variety of options, for example:
- simple cone-shaped designs;
- hemispherical caps;
- classic pyramidal structures;
- caps resembling a pitched roof;
- structures decorated with various decorative elements, for example, forging or a ball.
In addition, there are models that imitate tiles or scales.
Useful advice! For greater safety of the pillars, as well as to give them an unusual appearance, you can use special skates along the entire length of the fence.
Depending on the material from which they are made, the hoods can also be divided into:
- metal (as a rule, they use stainless steel, tin or galvanized steel);
- plastic;
- concrete;
- stone;
- ceramic.
At the same time, the abundance of color solutions will delight even the most demanding customer. There are many color options, and it is necessary to choose the option that best matches the color of the fence and roof of the house. You can give preference to both glossy and matte caps. The main thing is that this element does not stand out from the overall composition and looks appropriate in it.
To make metal caps easy to install on a brick fence, they are made hollow inside. This not only significantly reduces the price, but also allows them to be effectively used in any conditions. However, the inner emptiness does not in any way affect their quality, and does not make them more fragile and prone to damage.
The price of metal caps for brick pillars includes both the cost of materials and the cost of manufacturing work. That is why caps made of stainless steel have such an affordable price. In addition, they are easy to transport by simply putting them in the car.
Useful advice! A street lamp can be mounted in the cavity of the hood. This allows you to simultaneously illuminate the street and decorate the fence.
Choosing caps for brick fence posts, you need to focus not only on the aesthetic component, but also on the parameters of the product. To do this, before buying, you need to pay attention to the dimensions of the product, as well as what material the cap should be made of. If you cannot find a suitable option among the assortment of several fairly large manufacturers, then it is best to make an individual order.
As a rule, individual production of caps for the fence is carried out within 10-14 days from the moment of placing the order, having previously drawn up a drawing and carried out all the measurements necessary for the work.
What does a cap on a brick pillar consist of and what to be guided by when choosing
The structure of the pillar caps can be called almost primitive. Each hood has only two components, each of which serves its intended purpose:
- the upper part performs two main functions at once: protective and decorative. Moreover, it can have any shape and be made of any material;
- the lower part is a fastener that allows you to hold the structure on the pole.
In order not to make the wrong choice when making a purchase, you need to use a few simple rules. They will help you check all the most important elements and fasteners, and evaluate the quality of the offered product:
- Inspect the product from all sides. Try to assess how proportionate and symmetrical it is.
- Ask the manufacturer for special tools that will allow you to check that the actual hood angles match those specified by the manufacturer.
- Carefully inspect the eaves overhang or the place where the drop comes off - it should be perfectly tightly closed.
- Pay attention to the quality of the packaging, as this is of great importance during the transportation process. All layers must be tight and intact.
- Before making a purchase, make sure once again that the model you are purchasing will go well with the rest of the fence elements, as well as everything that surrounds it.
Compliance of the product with all these points will help you to choose and buy caps for the fence of the model that suits your needs and wishes.

Dimensions for making a hood with your own hands, in cm. L and H - width and length of the fence post
Features of installing metal or concrete caps on brick poles
The first thing that you need to know for those who are engaged in the construction of a fence around their home is that the protection of the support pillars does not begin at all from the moment you purchased special caps, but much earlier. As a temporary measure, you can use thick plastic wrap, as well as a regular rope or elastic band to fix it.
Obviously, it will look unattractive, but if we are talking about the safety of the structure, then something will have to be sacrificed for a while. The most important thing is to check the film for damage. After all, even a small hole will lead to the fact that moisture will get inside, having a destructive effect on the structure.
In order to install the hood, it is not at all necessary to seek professional help. With a basic set of tools, you can do it yourself. All models use standard mounts. The only difficulty that you can really encounter in the process of work is related to the installation of a hood on a fence with a lantern.
In this case, the greatest amount of time will be spent wiring to provide power to the luminaires. Here it is better to contact a professional electrician to avoid possible unpleasant consequences and situations that are dangerous to life and health.

For the successful installation of a cap with a lantern, you must take care of conducting the wiring to the pole in advance
The installation of caps and skates is the final stage of the installation work, so it should be taken with full responsibility. All this can be done on your own, or even alone. If you have purchased concrete caps for a fence, it will not be difficult for you to lift a 20-kg structure up. For fastening such heavy products, special tile adhesive for outdoor use is used.
Step-by-step work on the installation of a hood for the fence
The installation of the cap on the fence can be conditionally divided into several stages, adhering to which you can securely fix the element on the support:
- the top of the support post must be cleaned of dust and debris, and then primed;
- if you plan to use glue or cement mortar as a fastener, then it must be applied to the upper plane of the post;
- Place the hood on the surface greased with glue and try to level it as much as possible using wedges. Use a level to make sure everything is level;
- all seams between the product and the support must be rubbed;
Useful advice! If the model you have chosen does not provide for a canopy, then the seam formed between the support and the cap must be additionally treated with a special moisture-repellent compound.
It is very important to let the glue freeze on its own. It may take 2-3 days, and during this time it is better not to have any influence on it. You can start installing decorative elements only when the cap is securely fixed.
Metal caps on brick pillars can be fixed in two ways:
- for a special adhesive composition;
- using self-tapping screws.
If you are using an adhesive, then proceed according to the classic scheme. In the case of using self-tapping screws, the main thing is to accurately measure and get into the established place in order to evenly screw the structure to the post.
The installation of lanterns on the hood requires special attention. This must be taken care of in advance by drilling all the necessary holes for routing the cables. If you entrust this business to a professional, then you save yourself the extra hassle.But if you intend to do everything yourself, then it will not be superfluous to look at the photo of the caps on the fence, as well as supplying electricity to them.
Metal caps for fence posts: prices and characteristics
The choice of models offered by manufacturers is very large. And it's not always easy to navigate the huge assortment. Let's consider some of the most popular models of caps that are on sale today.
Name and country of origin | Specifications | Dimensions, mm | price, rub. |
Classic cap (Russia) | Made of polymer coated galvanized steel. Available in three different colors. | 400x400 | 653 |
Ball cap (Russia) | The hood is equipped with a 250 mm lantern ball, which serves as an additional light source and decorative element. | 400x400 | 1350 |
Cap with flat lid (Russia) | The minimalist style hood has a flat lid and a minimum of additional elements. | 380x380 | 440 |
Cap with a lantern (Russia) | A classic metal hood with a street lamp at the top. | 400x400 | 1650 |
As you can see from the above table, you can buy caps for brick fence posts with different financial capabilities. The price of a cap for a brick pillar will differ significantly, depending on whether there are additional decorative elements on it.
Useful advice! Ceramic hoods for fence posts can be distinguished into a separate category. They look very impressive, although they have a considerable cost.
Generally speaking, the prices of concrete caps for brick poles are much higher than that of metal ones. This is due to the fact that they are more difficult to manufacture, and also require special care during transportation.
Despite the availability of fairly cheap models, many try to make a cap on a brick post with their own hands. This idea makes sense if you are sure that it will be easier for you to implement your idea yourself than to buy caps for fence posts.
Fence parapet: an additional element of the fence design
The parapet on the fence can be called a mandatory design element. In addition to creating a complete image, the parapet also has the function of protecting the structure of the fence. But if initially you chose caps for concrete fence posts, then you need to purchase a concrete parapet for the fence. It is a big mistake to mix different materials, and combine concrete caps for fence posts with a metal parapet.
The main function of the parapet, like that of metal or concrete caps on the posts of a brick fence, is to protect the material from moisture. The thing is that, being located horizontally, the surface is constantly exposed to ultraviolet rays and moisture. Over time, these factors contribute to the formation of microcracks and the destruction of the fence.
Investing their financial resources in the arrangement of the local area, not a single owner wants the results of his efforts to be in vain, and after a couple of years the fence received significant damage. Therefore, when distributing the budget, it is imperative to lay in it such important details as parapets on brick fences and caps.
Any business must be approached responsibly, especially if you have to observe the result of your choice every day. As you can see from the table, as well as the manufacturers' catalogs, the prices of caps for fence posts have very wide limits. You should not save too much on the purchase, however, a high-quality and affordable option, despite its simplicity, can suit you the most.