The final stage in the design of any suburban area is the creation of tracks. They are both functional and aesthetic. There are many options for arranging sidewalks on your site. Perhaps one of the best materials for this purpose is paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices vary within a fairly wide range, so everyone can find a product within their pocket.
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Paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices, types and design options
Every host is in the making landscape design of the suburban area comes to the need to design country paths. Firstly, it is necessary for practical reasons, since in rainy weather the sidewalks are saved from dirt. Secondly, the paths add neatness and completeness to the entire landscape of the site. The choice of material depends on the financial capabilities and aesthetic requirements of the owner. After all, country paths can be made from almost anything:
- a rock;
- gravel;
- tree;
- plastic;
- paving slabs;
- rubber tile.
Stone paths are very expensive and not accessible to everyone. The tree rots quickly, and the plastic does not look harmonious with the natural ensemble. It is not very comfortable to walk on gravel. Therefore, today the most popular material is paving slabs for paths in the country. The price of paving slabs 500x500x50 depends on the production technology, used dyes and additional additives and starts at 330 rubles per m².
There are a variety of tile track styles. The main thing is that they are in harmony with the buildings and fit into the overall design. For large and wealthy estates, a strict style with straight wide sidewalks is suitable.
To emphasize the natural grace of the garden, the paths should be done in harmony with the plants and uneven terrain. In this case, they can be laid in all directions, bending around flower beds and small architectural forms. In this case, the planned load on the sidewalk should be taken into account. The choice of tiles depends on this.
Helpful advice! It is best to do the laying of tracks in the fall. At this time, the soil is dense and does not require long-term compaction.

Paving slabs successfully imitate paving stones
What type of paving slabs to choose
The determining factor in this matter is not only the price. The paving slab path in the country is often subjected to a very heavy load, so the material must also be strong.
There are two main types of tiles: vibrocast and vibropressed. The former is usually a little cheaper. If personal transport is planned to travel along the path, then it is better to choose the second option. In addition, the thickness of the product must be at least 4.5 cm.
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For footpaths, the tiles can be less durable and 3 cm thick. It should be taken into account that the larger the size of the individual tile element, the less durable it is. Small parts are more likely to sink into the ground than break.
When choosing a cover for tracks, the following points should be taken into account:
- legal manufacturer. The product must be with a certificate of conformity;
- production technology;
- geometric dimensions and strength;
- appearance and quality. Very bright tiles can be of poor quality due to excess dyes. Catalog photos of paving slab paths in the country do not convey information about the quality of products, it is advisable to pick up the goods and carry out simple manipulations with them. A ringing sound when hitting two tiles indicates good quality. A dull sound or spots on the back are signs of poor quality products.
If the choice is made on one of the types of tiles, then it is necessary to calculate the required amount of materials, including borders, if necessary. You should purchase 5% more of the received number of tiles. This will avoid the need for a long search for the desired color in the event of a shortage, especially since excess elements will always be useful for subsequent repairs.
Helpful advice! It is good to mount lighting along the paths. This gives additional charm to the whole composition. In addition, it will not be superfluous on dark August evenings.
Review of prices for tiles and their installation
The cost of a tile, as mentioned above, can depend on many factors. Below we will look at popular tile options with prices.
A simple tile of domestic production can cost about 300-500 rubles per square meter. Foreign options will cost more, but not much, it is quite possible to keep within the same 500-600 rubles / m². The upper limit for elite paving slabs is about 1,500 rubles.
The price for laying the tiles depends on the nature of the additional work. So laying tiles on a base of crushed stone and sand will cost you about 1000 rubles per square meter, but installation of tiles on a concrete base - 200-300 rubles more. There is also a difference for curbs - from 300 to 600 rubles on average, depending on the parameters of the curb. The cheapest (about 500-700 rubles) will be released laying tiles on a ready-made base.
An economical option can be the independent manufacture of products using forms for paving slabs.
Features of laying paths with paving slabs in the country
There are a large number of construction companies that are engaged in the installation of paving slabs. Prices for work depend on the popularity of the company, the complexity of the composition, the technique used and other similar parameters. The price tag also differs depending on the region, as well as the city.
Today it is quite possible to find private traders who are ready to inexpensively lay paving slabs for paths in the country. The price per square meter of work performed by them starts from 200 rubles. Anyone who has some skills in the production of construction work can independently perform the laying of tiles on the paths of their garden.
To carry out the work, you must have a tool: a shovel, a level, a grinder, a drill with a nozzle for mixing a solution or a concrete mixer for large volumes. Work is carried out in the following order:
- Marking is made on the ground. This takes into account all the unevenness of the landscape. If necessary, steps are immediately planned for large elevation differences.
- A recess is dug up to 15 cm deep and of the required width, after which it is tamped.
- Borders are arranged if they are needed.
- Backfilling with sand or sand-cement mixture is carried out and compacted.
- Tiles are laid.
- Seams are rubbed.
It should be noted that for the device of curved tracks, tiles of an arbitrary shape are more suitable.
Helpful advice! Those who wish to drastically reduce the cost of arranging tracks can purchase special molds for self-casting of coating details. Then the price per square meter for laying paving slabs on your site will decrease.
Stylistic varieties of creating garden paths from tiles
To create a unique look for your site, the paths on it must be planned and made in accordance with a previously developed design. The very scheme of laying the tiles is also of great importance. The tiles can be laid in a checkerboard pattern or herringbone pattern. It is possible in a chaotic manner, if you need to achieve maximum harmony with nature. This scheme is suitable for country style.
I would especially like to note the possibility of decorating the space around various small architectural forms or objects of the garden landscape. The area surrounding a small pond, paved with paving slabs, in combination with pebbles, will look very natural and attractive.
Paths with patterned tiles, passing through alleys and arches of green bushes and flowers, will add fabulousness to the surrounding space. The tiled area around the house will keep you clean and tidy. This is clearly seen in the photo of paving slabs for paths in the country.
The price for the work depends on the choice of this or that style of design. Laying paving slabs with various artistic delights is a creative business that requires an integrated development of a landscape design project. Therefore, the cost of such work can amount to thousands of rubles.
Helpful advice! One of the artistic tricks when laying tiles is to deliberately leave gaps between parts. This allows the grass to sprout, creating an original style.
When implementing a project for the construction of garden paths from paving slabs, you should show your maximum imagination and follow the general rules for choosing a tile and laying it.