The article examines in detail the answer to the question of why plastic windows from inside the room sweat in the apartment. The text contains a complete overview of the reasons that affect the state of window structures and the formation of condensation on their surface. Based on these data, effective methods are proposed for solving the problem of fogging of double-glazed windows in an apartment and a private house, as well as on a balcony.

Why plastic windows sweat inside the apartment: reasons and their elimination

To eliminate fogging of windows, the root cause of condensation should be identified

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Why do plastic windows sweat inside the apartment?: nature of condensation

If moisture constantly accumulates on plastic windows, this problem should not be ignored. The presence of condensation can create favorable conditions for the development of fungal spores and mold in the apartment. To permanently get rid of excess moisture, you need to figure out why plastic windows in an apartment fog up and eliminate the cause of this effect.

Mold on plastic windows spreads spores throughout the room

Mold on plastic windows spreads spores throughout the room

What is the reason for the appearance condensation on plastic windows

The moisture that accumulates on the glass surface of windows is called condensation. Its appearance is due to disturbances in normal evaporation. The air contains a small amount of water vapor.It is formed during drying of laundry or cooking food in the kitchen, from human breathing, etc. With a decrease in temperature, water makes a transition from a gaseous to a liquid state, as a result of which condensate settles on the glass.

Some types of materials can freely pass water vapor, so condensation does not form on their surface. Glass is not included in these materials. It creates a kind of barrier for the smallest particles of water contained in the air, which entails the appearance of drops on the surface of the window. Glass is not able to retain heat, so it is always cold. The lower the temperature of the surface of the window directed into the room, the higher the likelihood that drops will appear on it.

If the windows in the apartment fog up, this indicates problems with the indoor climate.

The formation of condensation on the windows increases in the process of active human activity

Condensation formation on windows increases in the process of active human activity

Such violations of the operating conditions of the room include:

  • high level of humidity;
  • poorly functioning ventilation system;
  • weak heating.

If everything is in order with the circulation of air flows in the room, even the most budgetary glass unit with the simplest design will not fog up, therefore, when such a problem appears, its source should be established. In some cases, it is enough to slightly correct the window structure, and sometimes a complete replacement of the defective glass unit may be required.

Note! The temperature that converts water in the air as vapor into a liquid state is called the "dew point".

When condensation appears on the windows - it is recommended to check the central ventilation in the room

When condensation appears on the windows - it is recommended to check the central ventilation in the room

What makes plastic windows sweat in the winter months

Fogging on windows in winter is not uncommon. At the same time, along with dampness, ice may appear on the surface of structures. In this case, the plastic windows in the apartment fog up due to the difference between the temperature parameters of the glass unit and the microclimatic conditions in the room.

This may be due to increased heating when the room temperature reaches 25-29 ° C. Typically, heating systems are designed to balance the indoor climate conditions. Due to the flow of cold air from the street from the cracks, the temperature decreases if the heating in the apartment is enhanced. When wooden windows are replaced with sealed glass units, this function disappears. The absence of gaps leads to an increase in temperature and humidity levels, as a result of which condensation accumulates.

Another reason why plastic windows sweat in an apartment is the formation of cold bridges. They help to cool the window sill, which is why there is a difference between the temperature of this element and the air in the room itself. In such a situation, indicators need to be measured. Condensation occurs when the difference exceeds 5-7 ° C.

The window surface is cold in winter, so moisture from the air condenses on it

The surface of the window is cold in winter, so moisture from the air condenses on it

In addition, blowing contributes to fogging of double-glazed windows in winter. The most common source of draft is the porch. If there is a gap under the lower loop, it freezes. This can be noticed without measuring the temperature indicators.

Why do plastic windows in the house sweat?: imperfections and defects constructions

To understand why plastic windows in the house sweat from the inside, you should study the features of these structures. When repairs are carried out indoors, a frame is installed in the opening, onto which the sashes are fixed. They can be both stationary and mobile. The number of flaps is not limited to one or two. It depends on the configuration of the window.The glasses are placed parallel to each other so that a free air space is formed between them. Inside is a frame made of aluminum and a moisture-wicking material.

Due to this structure, the likelihood of condensation inside the windows is excluded. If the installation is performed incorrectly, moisture may get inside the structure. A similar effect appears when the sash is not firmly installed. Heat and air penetrate inside the glass unit, which causes condensation, and in the future, mold. In this case, so that the windows do not fog up, it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will correctly perform the installation work.

To avoid fogging windows, their installation should be carried out by specialists.

To avoid fogging windows, their installation should be carried out by specialists.

Note! The structure of a metal-plastic window has internal mechanisms and fittings. If you do not understand in a timely manner why the windows in the house are sweating, the constant exposure to condensation will significantly reduce the service life of these elements.

Why do plastic windows sweat from the inside in a private house: marriage and structural damage

The formation of condensation on glass may be due to the presence of a factory defect. To avoid the difficulties associated with dismantling and replacing a window, it is advisable to carefully inspect the product in the store before purchasing.

Factory defect includes the following defects:

  • sash gaps;
  • deformation on the frame or irregular shape of this element;
  • poor fixation of fittings, etc.
The absence of scrap and damage to the window structure reduces the possibility of condensation

The absence of scrap and damage to the window structure reduces the possibility of condensation

The manufacturer is responsible for the quality and tightness of window structures. Even the slightest deviation from the standards can cause significant problems. During operation, such plastic windows sweat and flow, what to do in this case depends on the nature of the defect. Most often, the installation of a new glass unit is simply performed. If a manufacturing company monitors its reputation, then in the presence of a factory defect, a low-quality design is replaced free of charge.

The presence of cracks is one of the reasons why windows in an apartment sweat. Such damage occurs if the process of transportation or installation of structures is performed inaccurately. Many apartment owners turn a blind eye to minor cracks in the glass, which is a mistake.

It is not recommended to try to mask the damage yourself with glue or putty. This approach will not bring results, but only take time and money. Cracked glass must be replaced. This is the only way to protect the house from the appearance of fungi and drafts.

The presence of a crack on the double-glazed windows requires their immediate replacement, since in this case, fogging of the windows cannot be avoided

The presence of a crack on the double-glazed windows requires their immediate replacement, since in this case, fogging of the windows cannot be avoided

Single-chamber window structures have only one layer. The space between the inner glasses is kept to a minimum, which can cause fogging. The size of the gap is no more than 3 cm, which significantly affects the thermal insulation of the window, reducing its level.

Helpful advice! It is not advisable to install a single-chamber glass unit in a residential area. Such structures do not retain heat well. Such savings are highly questionable. The low price of these products does not at all justify the low technical parameters that the buyer ultimately receives.

Why do PVC windows sweat?: how the level of quality of materials affects the operation of windows

Many finishing materials have a low level of vapor permeability. In some cases, it may be completely absent. This finishing property is necessary so that water vapor is discharged outside the room and does not accumulate on the glass in the form of condensation.

A primer is widely used as a finishing material before installing double-glazed windows. Its use has a detrimental effect on the level of vapor permeability of the coating.Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers, despite the manufacturer's approval, also have a bad effect on this indicator.

The use of low-quality finishing materials can result in condensation on slopes and window frames.

The use of low-quality finishing materials may result in condensation on the slopes and window frames.

It is worth noting that double-glazed windows sweat more than windows with wooden frames. This is due to the fact that natural material has good carrying capacity, in contrast to plastic. Through the pores that wood has, unnecessary moisture is pulled out of the room and enters the street.

Initially, poor quality sealing material serves as the basis for the rapid appearance of cracks through which heat leaks. As a result, the constantly accumulating condensate provokes the development of fungal spores. Similar problems with insulation arise when the norms for installing windows are violated, improperly taking measurements from the frame, as well as poor fixing of double-glazed windows.

Why do plastic windows sweat from the inside: the influence of operating conditions on a glass unit

Temperature fluctuations can cause condensation. To understand the mechanism according to which this process takes place, and to understand why plastic windows fog up, you will need to consider the basic laws of physics. When water evaporates, its particles rise into the air and remain in the form of vapor in one of its warm layers.

During the cold season, there are significant temperature changes that can provoke the appearance of condensation on the windows

During the cold season, there are significant temperature changes that can provoke the appearance of condensation on the windows

In nature, this process looks like this:

  1. The water evaporates and rises.
  2. Upon reaching cold levels in the atmosphere, moisture converts into droplets.
  3. Accumulating, water forms into rain clouds.

Indoors, moisture acts differently. The air in the rooms is about the same temperature, so the drops rush to cold surfaces. In the bathroom, condensation forms on the tiles, and in living rooms - on the windows. From the street, a stream of air acts on the windows, which cools the glass. If the room temperature does not reach the optimum level, the windows are unable to warm up. That is why windows fog up in the winter season.

Related article:

How to switch windows to winter mode without the help of specialists

A step-by-step description of the technology, an overview of the features of the fittings and work with it. Rules for adjusting structures.


Why do wooden windows sweat and PVC structures: the factor of exposure to temperature and moisture

If fogging occurs only in winter, the main reason for this is frost outside. The interaction of warm and cold air currents provokes the formation of condensation. This problem can most often be associated with the operation of single-chamber windows, prone to freezing. If the temperature drops dramatically at night, ice may form on the glass. Under the influence of heat, it begins to melt, causing an abundant appearance of water on the window.

Helpful advice! To prevent the windows from sweating, experts recommend monitoring the level of humidity in the room and adhering to the optimal level.

In winter, the weather is changeable, thaws are replaced by wet snow, so the air is saturated with moisture. If there are cracks and cracks in the windows, cold dampness from the street can penetrate through them, which contributes to dew loss.

The optimum air temperature in a living space is in the range of 18-23 ° C. If the heating system fails, the air near the window will not be able to warm up. Therefore, glass under the influence of frost from the outside will become an excellent basis for the formation of condensation.

If the window frame has good permeability, glass fogs up less often

If the window frame has good permeability - glass fogs up less often

Sometimes plastic windows fog up due to increased humidity in the premises. The optimal indicator for living rooms is 40-50%. If the permissible level is exceeded, natural vapors in the air are converted into droplets and accumulate where heat does not pass.Poor ventilation enhances this process.

How to determine the humidity level of a dwelling:

Air humidity, % Moisture degree
20 critically low
30-40 low
40-55 optimal
60-65 overpriced
70-75 high
80< critically high

Why windows sweat: violation of operating conditions

When construction and repairs are completed, homeowners often wonder why the windows in a wooden house sweat immediately after commissioning. The fact is that at many stages of the building arrangement, wet finishing works are carried out. As a result, the treated surfaces transfer excess moisture to the air in the room for some time. The duration of this period depends on the material from which the walls are made. To eliminate fogging in this case, it is advisable to ventilate the rooms more often. This will allow the materials to dry out.

Only a few months after the completion of the repair will excess moisture pass, which can cause condensation on the windows

Only a few months after the completion of the repair will excess moisture pass, which can cause condensation on the windows

One of the common reasons why windows on the balcony in an apartment or in a private house sweat is poor-quality installation work, in particular, improper use of foam. This is because after installing the glass unit in the opening, all the gaps are filled with foam and masked with decorative strips. This approach has a lot of disadvantages, since the material for filling the cracks wears out rather quickly. As a result, dampness and precipitation will easily enter the room.

The use of a wide window sill can worsen the operating conditions of the room. In most cases, radiators are installed directly under the windows. If the window sill is too wide, it will interfere with natural ventilation, which can be one of the reasons why windows fog up in the room. In this case, the battery will serve as a source of heat, which, due to the wide window sill, will not be able to heat cold glass.

In a room with wide window sills heat flows from the batteries rise directly to the ceiling, bypassing the double-glazed windows. As a result, the cold space in the window area will attract particles of water vapor.

With proper installation of windows and radiators, the glass will always be dry

With proper installation of windows and radiators, glass will always be dry

Helpful advice! If the window sills in the room are narrow, and the temperature is kept at the optimal level, then you can find out why the plastic window inside the house is sweating in another way. To do this, you need to check the presence of protective screens. These elements can cause dew to fall out. By getting rid of them, you can improve the microclimate.

For what reason the plastic window is sweating inside: problems with ventilation and ventilation

To find out what causes plastic windows to sweat, you need to make sure that the ventilation system in the house is organized correctly and works accordingly. This type of communications draws moist air from rooms and instead fills them with fresh and dry air. Thus, a comfortable indoor microclimate is maintained. In addition, the optimal air composition in living rooms is maintained.

If there is no ventilation system in the house, it is not surprising that even with high quality installed plastic windows sweat. In living quarters, there are many sources of moisture, which needs to disappear somewhere, so condensation inevitably accumulates on the glass. If ventilation is not arranged in a timely manner, the windows will be constantly covered with water. Even with sufficient heating, the rooms will be damp and cold.

Unsatisfactory operation of the natural ventilation system in the room causes condensation to appear on the windows

Unsatisfactory operation of the natural ventilation system in the room causes condensation to appear on the windows

Sometimes the plastic windows in the apartment sweat due to insufficient ventilation.Stagnant air prevents steam from escaping outside the room, which worsens operating conditions and negatively affects the state of the glass units. This situation affects only city apartments and private houses located in disadvantaged areas.

Such zones include areas where:

  • there are roads with active car traffic (high concentration of exhaust gases);
  • open area with strong winds (risk of permanent diseases due to drafts);
  • production facilities are located in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings (toxic emissions into the atmosphere).

All of the above factors can cause irregular ventilation of the home. As a result, rooms accumulate moisture over several days. The best way out of the situation would be to buy double-glazed windows with a special design. Products with the ability to ventilate air through slots partially solve the problem. On sale you can find double-glazed windows equipped with fittings that allow you to turn the handle by 45 °. Thanks to this, the sash can be installed so that a small ventilation gap is formed between it and the frame, which will provide the necessary ventilation and prevent significant heat loss.

One way to get rid of condensation is to systematically ventilate the premises.

One way to get rid of condensation is to systematically ventilate the premises.

Why do windows in an apartment sweat: additional influence from the inside

In the process of life, the human body, like the body of any living creature, emits moisture. It is released into the air through sweat or breath. If there are many people and pets living in a compact apartment, a large amount of water vapor will be present in the air.

Excess fluid can enter the air from other sources:

  • aquariums;
  • water in plumbing fixtures;
  • drying wet linen indoors;
  • indoor flowers;
  • humidifiers with purification function;
  • decorative fountains;
  • cooking food.
Indoor plants can be sources of high air humidity in an apartment, which can be measured using special devices

Indoor plants can be sources of high air humidity in an apartment, which can be measured using special appliances

Note! Most of all, the windows sweat in the house of those people who are actively involved in household chores, and also rarely ventilate the premises. During household chores and exercise, the body's moisture production increases.

The amount of water vapor in everyday life:

Source of moisture The amount of fluid released, g / h
Indoor plant 5-15
The body of a person at rest 40-50
The body of a person doing household chores 90-100
Free surface of water (aquarium, basin filled with water) 200
Washing machine and dishwasher 300
Household affairs (washing dishes, cleaning, cooking) 1000
Bathroom / shower 2500


During repairs, a large amount of moisture gets into the air. Condensation formation on windows can result from the following procedures:

  • laying tiles;
  • wall decoration with wallpaper;
  • staining;
  • applying putty on surfaces, etc.

Depending on the type of work and the properties of the materials, drying of the surface can take several days, and in some cases even weeks. In new buildings, repairs take years. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to find the source of excess moisture and know what to do if the windows are sweating in each of the cases that you may have to face.

The windows in the apartment are sweating: what to doif there is condensation on the glasses

Irregular airing, the presence of a large number of plants or a spacious aquarium in the interior, the absence of a hood, poor construction and finishing materials are far from all the reasons explaining why plastic windows inside a glass unit sweat. What to do in each case depends on the source of the problem. Only by eliminating it, you can get rid of condensation forever.

The moisture that the aquarium emits is deposited on the glass unit, resulting in condensation

The moisture that the aquarium emits is deposited on the glass unit, resulting in condensation

Owners of private houses are much less likely to face the problem of wet glass. This is due to the possibility of arranging good ventilation, the constant opening of the front doors and the presence of attics. All this contributes to the removal of excess moisture. With apartments, things are much more complicated, so it is worth considering in more detail the options applicable to this type of housing.

What to do if sweat windows: what to dowhen air exchange is disrupted

Airing the rooms every day will help to partially establish air exchange in the rooms. With this simple and effortless procedure, you can reduce the amount of moisture entering your home as a result of:

  • drying wet clothes in the room;
  • long-term use of the stove for cooking;
  • growing indoor plants in large numbers;
  • active physical exercise.

It is not necessary to keep windows open for hours to achieve the desired result. It is enough to air the room twice a day for 15 minutes.

Cooking always causes high air humidity, for this reason condensation forms on the glass surface

Cooking always causes high air humidity, for this reason condensation forms on the glass surface

What to do to prevent plastic windows from sweating: how to fix the problem with a wide window sill

The wide window sill prevents heat penetration from the radiators to the glass. This problem is very common, so many apartment owners are interested in what to do to prevent the windows from sweating in such conditions.

Experts offer two solutions:

  1. Cut back window sill size.
  2. Install the convection grill.

It is far from always possible to use the first option, since not every room will look aesthetically pleasing with a narrow window sill. Alternatively, use a convection grille. This element is mounted above the battery. The convection grill allows hot air streams to pass to cold glasses, preventing condensation from settling.

To install the convection grill you will need:

  • a grill that will provide ventilation;
Installing convection grilles in the windowsill avoids the problem of high humidity and, as a result, fogging of windows

Installing convection grilles in the windowsill avoids the problem of high humidity and, as a result, fogging of windows

  • milling machine;
  • silicone for fixing;
  • tape measure for taking measurements.

Many window sills that come with double-glazed windows are equipped with such gratings made of brass, polymers or stainless steel. If such a grill is not available, it can be ordered from the store. It is better to entrust the installation of this element to professionals. If the work is done independently, the main thing is to ensure that the distance between the edge of the window sill and the lattice does not exceed 3 cm.

What to do if windows in the house sweat: what to doto strengthen the tightness

If single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed in the house, it is better to replace them with two-chamber structures. Such products are filled with air inside, they are sealed and have improved characteristics. The cooling of single-chamber structures is much faster, so the owners of such apartments often face the problem of fogging and freezing.

If the tightness is violated in the near-window space, an area of ​​low temperature is formed, due to which not only the windows, but also the slopes and the window sill fog up

If the tightness is violated in the near-window space, an area of ​​low temperature is formed, due to which not only the windows, but also the slopes and the window sill fog up

The more glass parts a plastic window has, the lower the thermal permeability of the structure. If the glass is constantly covered with condensation, you need to not only figure out what to do to keep the windows from sweating, but also figure out what characteristics deserve attention when buying a new product. This will eliminate the occurrence of a problem in the future.

Selection criteria for high-quality double-glazed windows:

  1. Distance between window panes (no more than 20 mm).
  2. Glass type (marked K or I, soft or hard coated).
  3. Glass thickness (at least 6 mm).
  4. Spacer material (steel, fiberglass, plastic).
  5. Sealant for fixing the frame (thiokol - improves physical performance, butyl - increases insulating characteristics).

Note!A high-quality window should not have optical distortions, chips, cracks, and moisture inside the structure. With the help of a rail, it is very easy to find out if a product is deformed by measuring it diagonally. For a window with a width of 1.5 m, the permissible discrepancy is 0.3 cm.This indicator for structures with a width of 2.5 m is 0.4 cm.

The choice of a high-quality double-glazed window will avoid the problem of condensation on it

The choice of a high-quality double-glazed window will avoid the problem of condensation on it

How to eliminate condensation if plastic windows sweat: what to do at high humidity

During the cooking process, a considerable amount of moisture is released, some of which settles on the windows in the form of condensation. The use of kettles, pans, pots, ovens, as well as heating water in electrical appliances - all this contributes to an increase in water vapor in the air. Bathroom operation is also accompanied by the release of a large amount of moisture, but this problem is most acutely felt in the kitchen.

To balance the process of increased vaporization, which is typical for the kitchen, you need to remove excess moisture from the air. To do this, it is enough to install a high-quality hood above the hob in the room. But even if this technique is available, ventilation must be performed.

When using the stove, it is advisable to close the doors in the kitchen so that the steam saturated with smells does not enter the living rooms. If this is not done, food microparticles will contaminate glass surfaces in the room, settle on windows, and absorb into clothing, decoration and furniture.

To eliminate the problem of fogging the windows in the kitchen, you need to install a high-quality hood above the hob

To eliminate the problem of fogging the windows in the kitchen, you need to install a high-quality hood above the hob

If the fogging of windows occurs in the living room due to the presence of dense vegetation, it is advisable to free the window sill from flowers as much as possible or move them away from batteries and other heating devices. Exposure to heat stimulates an increased production of moisture by plants, which also obstruct natural light from the street. It also does not hurt to remove from radiators and fireplace a decorative fountain and aquarium, if present in the room.

What to do if plastic windows sweat due to installation errors

Poor quality fittings can cause many problems. When choosing a window structure in a store, you should not save on filling it. Cheap fittings will provoke the appearance of mold, the fight against which will entail additional costs.

All window locking mechanisms must ideally support the design parameters. If the handle does not fix properly in the closed position, you should think about replacing the hardware. The same goes for the hinges. Their fastening must be strong in order to exclude the appearance of gaps. The sashes must be carefully leaning against the frame.

Most often, improper installation of slopes is the cause of mold.

Most often, improper installation of slopes is the cause of mold.

If replacing the hardware does not change the state of affairs, it is worth considering reinstalling the window. It is better to entrust the installation work to the hands of experienced and qualified specialists. Thus, the probability of errors associated with incorrect measurements, weak fastening of structural elements and compaction of slopes with foam is eliminated.

Useful advice! Using the services of a company engaged in the professional installation of windows, you can not only count on a high-quality result, but also get a guarantee for the work performed. In addition, the specialists of such a company can give comprehensive advice on the operation and maintenance of a glass unit.

How to adjust the sash if plastic window sweats: what to do when switching to winter mode

In some modifications of metal-plastic windows, the function of changing the seasonal modes is provided. In other words, the sashes can be installed in a specific position in accordance with the weather conditions outside. This allows you to control the degree of ventilation of the room, as well as to one degree or another retain heat.

The doors installed in summer mode do not fit too tightly to the frame. This is enough for the fresh air to circulate freely. At the same time, the window provides protection from dirt and dust, as well as heat. The design, adjusted for winter mode, prevents cold and drafts from entering the room.

Transfer of plastic windows to winter mode will eliminate their fogging

Transfer of plastic windows to winter mode will eliminate their fogging

It is very easy to check the presence of this function. If there are holes in the side of the sash in the form of an asterisk or a hexagon, it means that the manufacturer has provided the ability to adjust the modes. You can do this procedure yourself. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the fittings.

There are many nuances that affect the operation of windows. If condensation appears on the double-glazed windows in the house, you can independently identify the cause of this problem. To do this, it is enough to check the performance of the room and the quality of the installation of the structure itself.

In order to eliminate the risk of moisture on the glass in the future, it is advisable to maintain an optimal level of humidity and temperature in the room, as well as timely clean the ventilation holes and hoods in the kitchen. All this will allow you not to worry about the condition of the windows and protect the house from mold and dampness.