Previously, organizing a full-fledged double bed in a small apartment was almost an impossible task. Modern industry produces universal folding beds that solve the problem of a lack of free space in an apartment. The convertible double bed is a popular trend. In order to make the right choice of such a design, you need to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics.
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- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of transforming beds: photo
- 2 Varieties of folding transforming beds
- 3 What materials are transforming furniture made of: prices
- 4 The principle of the lifting mechanism for the transformer bed
- 5 Transforming furniture: photos and recommendations for choosing an installation site
Advantages and disadvantages of transforming beds: photo
Furniture of this type resembles an ordinary stationary bed with two berths. However, it differs from standard options in the presence of a special mechanism through which it is transformed into another type of furniture. These beds can be folded into wardrobes, tables, and sofas. Such furniture has many advantages that are worth paying attention to.
The main advantage of such furniture is, of course, its compactness. A convertible double bed for a small apartment saves a significant amount of space.
Helpful information! The assembled structure frees up space that can be used for other purposes during the day.
The transformation of furniture does not require much effort and is done very quickly. Many buyers are attracted by the functionality of such designs. In the daytime, they can perform completely different functions, for example, used as a wardrobe or a sofa. Convertible bed prices may vary depending on brand, material and other factors.
It is also worth noting the visual appeal of such furniture. It has a modern design and fits seamlessly into any interior, regardless of its style. The variety of models from different brands expands the operational scope of transformers.
Thus, if there is a small bedroom, a transformer of this type will be an excellent solution that allows you to save useful space during the day.To find out what a similar design looks like in various interiors, it is recommended to carefully study the photos. Before purchasing such furniture, you must also familiarize yourself with the negative aspects of its use.
Double bed-transformer: the main disadvantages
Like any other furniture, such designs have some drawbacks that you should pay attention to. The study of the cons allows you to determine the feasibility of purchasing such furniture. Many people refuse to buy transformers, as they are quite expensive.
The price of transforming beds depends on many factors. This indicator is influenced by the material of manufacture, design features and dimensions of the furniture. High-quality models are not cheap, so before buying them, you need to carefully study the prices of different manufacturers.
Another disadvantage of such furniture is that the features of its design impose certain restrictions on the choice of installation site. A reliable, solid surface is required for mounting the transformer. The wall must be solid to withstand the load exerted on it.
The use of a folding bed differs from the use of traditional furniture. The need for constant unfolding of the structure leads to certain inconveniences.
The disadvantages of such furniture are easily offset by its advantages. Functionality and space saving are the two most important points that modern furniture must meet.
Varieties of folding transforming beds
The classic option for such furniture is a wardrobe that converts into a bed. In addition to this solution, there are many modifications that have a different functional belonging. The modern market offers models that can be folded into tables, sofas, etc.
If necessary, in some products, the number of berths can be adjusted. For example, a convertible bed from a double to a single design can be converted by means of a special mechanism.
Note! If desired, you can purchase a 3 in 1 transformer. Such models, depending on the need, can be folded into different pieces of furniture.
Double wardrobes (transformers) are easy to use. A special mechanism built into them makes it easy to lift and hide in sideboard sleeping area. Experts recommend purchasing this type of furniture for living rooms. When unfolded, it is not only used for sleeping, but also serves as a recreation area.
When assembled, such furniture is transformed into a spacious wardrobe, which is used to store clothes and bedding. For this purpose, the bed is equipped with spacious compartments.
The lifting transforming bed is equipped with a vertical folding mechanism. The cabinet design has some features that should be studied. Such furniture is equipped with drawers and spacious upper shelves. It should be noted that transformers can be part of a stationary wall equipped according to the principle of multifunctionality. In addition, such designs are compatible with modular walls.
The empty niche space used for such a bed is filled with folding shelves or drawers. In some cases, a plasma panel is installed in this area. The bottom of double models most often includes drawers that are fixed by means of special hinge mechanisms.
Transformers modifications: wall-bed and structure with a table
The wall bed is used when the room is divided into functional areas. This option is usually used in studio apartments, as they need a competent distribution of the usable area. The folding wall is a sleeping place, which is removed into the partition in the daytime.
It should be noted that this type of furniture is recommended not only for studios, but also for individual rooms. Most often, such a sleeping place can be found in children's rooms. A double wall-bed (transformer) in the unfolded state is a complete resting place, which in some cases is complemented by a table top. The main functions of this furniture are space zoning and saving usable space.
Models that transform into a table, if necessary, allow you to get a full dining area. In order to fold the bed, you need to put it against the wall. In the vertical position, the sleeping place makes the room brighter and freer.
The bottom of the structure usually matches the style of the furniture in the room. When choosing a folding double bed-transformer, you must focus on the material from which it is made, as well as on the features of its design. The sleeping place should correspond to the style in which the room is decorated.
Helpful information! The mechanism through which the transformation takes place must work smoothly. This is also taken into account when selecting a specific model.
In the event that bed unfolded, the table is located under its frame. Such furniture can be installed in children's rooms, as well as in offices that are used for work.
Convertible bed with sofa: design features
Some bed modifications can be converted to sofas. This solution has many benefits. At night, a similar design unfolds, which makes it possible to get two full berths. During the day, the furniture transforms into a sofa, which is a seating area.
Convertible double beds with a sofa are most often placed in living rooms. Such a room needs a competent distribution of space and the arrangement of an area that is used for rest during the day. Folding furniture is popular with couples with small children, as in this case there is a need for additional free space.
Individual models differ from each other in many features, among which the following can be noted: the company that made the structure, dimensions, cost, as well as structural features and design. The service life of sofa beds can also be different, so you need to pay attention to this point.
Before purchasing a built-in double convertible bed with a sofa, you need to study the reviews on various modifications. Photos also allow you to find out if a particular model is suitable for a particular interior.
High-quality structures have a frame made of metal. The solid base guarantees long-term use of the furniture. Such designs have legs equipped with a height adjustment mechanism.
How to choose a double sofa bed (transformer)
In order to protect yourself from purchasing products that do not meet the declared quality, it is recommended to carefully study the information about the manufacturer. All modern transformers are divided into two categories:
- foreign;
- domestic.
As a rule, the cost of domestic modifications is lower, but the quality in this case may not correspond to the wishes of buyers. Among domestic models, affordable, high-quality beds that fold into sofas are also often found.
Related article:
Convertible bed for a small apartment: we select a convenient option
Types of designs and design options, photos of products in modern interiors, average purchase prices.
If desired, you can purchase a multifunctional design. In the modern folding furniture market, it is easy to find various modifications of transformers. Double wardrobe-bed-sofa must be certified, as this document guarantees the quality of the product.
Note! Experts do not recommend self-installation of such structures. It is better to entrust this work to professionals who have some experience in assembling transformers. This is especially true for models that are distinguished by a complex design and versatility.
It is important to remember that the mass of the sofa bed must correspond to the power of the mechanism with which it is lifted. Photos of double sofa beds (transformers) allow you to be convinced of the advantages of such designs and imagine how a certain model will look in the interior of a living room or bedroom.
What materials are transforming furniture made of: prices
When choosing a double design, transforming using a special mechanism, you need to focus on the material from which it is made. The technical characteristics of the transformer, as well as the operational period, depend on this indicator. For the manufacture of such furniture, materials are most often used:
- natural wood;
- Chipboard;
- MDF;
- metal;
- plastic.
How much is a double bed made of wood? The price of such models will not satisfy every buyer. Natural wood has high strength and resistance to wear, so its cost is quite high. You can buy such a structure for 50-150 thousand rubles. (depending on the configuration). There are also cheaper options, but they do not have such presentability and reliability.
Different tree species are used to make transforming beds. It can be beech, pine, alder or birch. One of the most important advantages of such structures is their environmental friendliness. It should also be noted that such furniture has a limited palette of colors, which is determined by the natural appearance of the wood.
The most popular are the designs that are made of chipboard and MDF. The demand for them is dictated by the democratic cost. The price of a double bed-transformer of this type is much lower than its cost from analogs made of natural wood. The most budget models can be purchased for only 10-15 thousand rubles.
The technical characteristics of chipboard and MDF are lower (as well as environmental qualities). Experts do not recommend buying such designs if there are people with allergies in the family.
Metal transformers are of the highest strength. Such models are resistant to wear and tear, and their service life can reach 10 years or more. Of the minuses of such designs, it is worth noting that they are quite difficult to integrate into the interior of the room. It is more difficult to install a double transformer bed with your own hands in this case, since the metal frame has a large mass.
Plastic transformers are affordable and resistant to moisture, as well as they are immune to ultraviolet radiation. Of the minuses, it should be noted that the strength of such structures is not very good.
Note! Plastic beds are best used in children's rooms. To organize a sleeping place for adults, it is recommended to choose a structure made of a more durable material.
The principle of the lifting mechanism for the transformer bed
The lifting mechanism is the main structural element of transforming furniture. Any model like this includes it. Thus, experts recommend studying the principle of this mechanism. It is worth remembering one important rule right away: the complexity of the mechanism is directly proportional to its reliability.
All systems of double built-in transforming beds are divided into three large groups, depending on the principle of operation. Consider what types of lifting mechanisms exist, and also note their differences, advantages and disadvantages:
- manual;
- spring;
- piston.
Manual. This mechanism has both advantages and disadvantages. Due to the simplicity of the execution of its individual elements, the operational life of the structure increases. However, in order to unfold the bed or, conversely, assemble it, it will take some effort. After lifting the berth, it must be fixed in an upright position. For this, a special hook is provided in the design.
Spring loaded. Various models can be equipped with such a mechanism. Classic as well as round convertible double beds, functioning due to the spring system, are distinguished by their reliability. This is due to the simplicity of the execution of such a mechanism. The spring system expands the possibilities of the furniture.
In this case, the bed can be converted not only into a wardrobe, but also into a sofa. Thus, the spring mechanism is a good alternative to the manual one. How much does this type of convertible bed cost? The prices for spring modifications do not differ much from the cost of manual versions.

Manual lifting mechanism requires some effort
Piston. The most complex version of the mechanism, which takes into account the use of a system of pistons operating by gas lifts. It should be noted that in this case there is no need to make an effort to transform the bed.
When choosing a piston design, it is recommended to pay attention to the serviceability of the system. To do this, it must be tested on site before purchasing. These beds are most often installed in children's rooms.
Transforming furniture: photos and recommendations for choosing an installation site
This type of product is compact and ergonomic. However, even in this case, it is necessary to understand the principles of its location, because this furniture is not always an appropriate solution. Transformers installed in the wrong place can ruin the interior.
A folding double transforming bed and other modifications of folding furniture are recommended when the rooms in the apartment are small. Installing a structure of this type in a bedroom or a nursery not only saves usable space, but also equips two or more functional areas within one segment of the room.
Modern furniture of this type is actively used in studio apartments. In this case, it is much more problematic to perform the children's area. Standard double folding structures in studio apartments are most common.
Note! Such furniture is popular not only in residential premises, but also in offices.
The workplace in the office can be equipped in such a way that it also serves as a recreation area. Many manufacturers produce standardized models of folding office furniture (for example, Ikea). In this case, convertible double beds are practically not used.
These designs are also used for other premises. The sleeping place can be arranged on the loggia. For living rooms, this type of furniture is also quite often used. When choosing the location of the bed, you must focus on the interior of the room. For example, it is strongly discouraged to pile up furniture by placing it too close to each other.
Before buying this or that bed model, which is transformed into a wardrobe, sofa or table, you should familiarize yourself with the main factors that determine the quality of these products and pricing. First of all, you need to consider what material the furniture is made of. It is also important to determine the type of lifting mechanism and the type of design. Design also plays an important role, since not all transformers are universal in this regard.