Water can have a devastating effect on almost all types of building materials, damaging their appearance and technical characteristics. To avoid such an effect when it comes to rainwater entering the facade of the house, special drainage systems are used. Consider what are the advantages of metal roof gutters: prices, varieties and features of this type.
- 1 What are the elements of an organized roof drain
- 2 How to properly install roof gutters depending on the type of roof
- 3 Which gutter is better: plastic or metal
- 4 Metal roof gutters: prices for various types of structures
- 5 Do-it-yourself installation of a metal roof drain
- 6 DIY roof gutter installation: video instruction
What elements does it consist of organized roof drain
No matter what material the drainage system consists of, it includes several elements, each of which has its own purpose and should ideally suit the conditions in which it is used. Briefly, the constituent parts can be listed as follows:
- gutter;
- funnels;
- pipes;
- stubs;
- knees and twists;
- nets to prevent debris from entering the drainpipes;
- all kinds of fasteners: clamps, pins, pipe connectors, brackets.
Galvanized steel gutters are the most popular, since in terms of strength and reliability they are quite capable of meeting the requirements of the average user. At the same time, due to the possibility of applying a polymer coating, they have a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose the right option for any home. And although copper structures are still more reliable, galvanized gutters remain the undisputed leaders.
How to properly install roof gutters depending on the type of roof
Before installing the drain, you need to figure out what type of roof you have to work with, and what installation nuances will have to be observed. So, for example, in the case of a flat roof, it is permissible to use special drain funnels, which are installed directly into the openings of the floors. The water that gets into them goes down through the tubes and enters the storm sewer system.

It is impossible to install an external drainage system on buildings with a flat roof, therefore they are equipped with drain funnels
However, it will be necessary to take care of such a drainage system in advance, so that even at the stage of building a flat roof, it would be possible to provide special slopes to the drainage points. They will allow rainwater to flow directly into the funnel. If there is a parapet on the roof, then the drainage of water will be carried out directly through it with the help of horizontal roof outlets - scrapers. Passing through them, water enters the pipes.
Helpful advice! The internal drainage system is extremely effective, especially when it comes to building a house in a region with a cold climate. This allows you to get rid of the most common problem - freezing water inside the drainage system.
The drainage system for inclined roofs looks completely different and more familiar. In this case, an external gutter is used, which includes gutters that are responsible for conducting rainwater to the pipes.
Which gutter is better: plastic or metal
The main competitor of metal gutters is plastic structures, which have a much lower cost, which means they attract buyers who want to save money. Consider which option is preferable: plastic or metal gutter? And is it worth saving on the purchase of such an important system as a drainage system?
The first thing that consumers are interested in is how much plastic systems are inferior to metal ones in strength, and whether this difference will cause an early failure if they choose a cheaper option. Here you should pay attention to the features of the fasteners. So, clamps designed for fastening a metal gutter are able to withstand a static load of up to 180 kg. In addition, in this case, a rigid fastening system is used, which means the immobility of all structural elements.

The price of gutters directly depends on the quality of the plastic, its resistance to temperature extremes and color retention
The elements of the plastic gutter are attached rather freely, since this material is prone to expansion as a result of temperature. Simply put, in cold or warm weather, pipes and gutters will change their size, so an attempt to firmly fix it will very soon lead to deformation of the entire gutter system.
Thus, metal gutters are undeniably stronger and more reliable than plastic ones.
Another important criterion is the resistance of materials to external factors. Plastic gutters are resistant in themselves and will not rust. Corrosive processes, in principle, are not capable of occurring, which makes this material an ideal option if installation in an aggressive environment is required. For example, this solution is perfect for a house located on the coast, where there is high humidity and salt content in the air.
By itself, the metal is much more sensitive to external factors, however, due to the presence of a polymer coating, the properties are almost equal. True, the owners of metal gutters will have to constantly monitor that there are no scratches on the elements of the systems. If even the slightest damage is found, it must be repaired immediately. But with proper care, the operational life of such drains is more than a dozen years.
Features of installation of plastic and metal roof gutters
Despite the fact that, in general, the order of fixing the elements is maintained regardless of the material of the gutter, the fixing method is still different:
- to connect the plastic elements, special adhesives are used, which allow them to be inseparably fastened together. This method is used for plugs, funnels, etc .;

When installing the drain, you need to take into account the material of the pipes, the method of assembling the system and the type of fasteners
- if it is necessary to fasten metal elements, then no adhesives can cope with this task. In this case, you have to resort to using special locks or flexible petals.
There is an opinion that the process of installing metal systems is somewhat simpler in comparison with plastic ones. However, it is impossible to say for sure. Much depends on the type of roof you have to work with, as well as the quality of the purchased elements.
Metal roof gutters: prices for various types of structures
The price of metal gutters is influenced by the diameter and length of the pipe, as well as the type and quality of the metal used. So, for example, if the area of the slope does not exceed 50 m², gutters with a width of 100 mm and pipes with a diameter of 75 mm will be sufficient. For roofs from 50 to 100 m², the recommended dimensions will be slightly different - 125 and 87 mm, respectively. For large houses with a roof area of more than 100 m², gutters and pipes smaller than 150 and 100 mm in diameter simply cannot do the job.
It is also worth calculating in advance the required number of fasteners, since they have different costs and, in total, can constitute a significant part of all the costs of arranging the system. The recommended step for the location of the brackets is 50-60 cm. And to fix one pipe, 2-3 clamps are required, provided that it is solid. If the pipe is composite, then a separate clamp is required for each part.
Metal roof gutters: price for products from various manufacturers
Today there are several of the most popular systems that are in high demand when it comes to furnishing private homes. And among these offers, each buyer can find an option that suits him in terms of quality and cost. Let's take a look at the best ones.
Metal gutters of Aquasystems are an average cost option. The price for 1 running meter is 366 rubles. At the same time, users note the excellent quality of the products and leave mostly positive reviews.
Ruukki is a metal gutter, the price of which will seem unreasonably high to many. It cannot be said that this statement is not substantiated, given the fact that 1 lm. will cost about 594 rubles. However, those who are not used to saving money and like to receive the appropriate quality for their money will certainly appreciate this option properly.
As an alternative to the expensive Ruukki, you can consider the Vegastok gutters. Their cost is only about 147 rubles per lm. So this is a great option for those who do not plan to spend seriously and prefer to opt for the budget option.
As you can see from the above examples, you can buy metal roof gutters at very different prices. And it is difficult to say unequivocally how much this will affect its operation. Much depends on the quality of the installation, as well as compliance with all recommendations for the care of the system. In some cases, even the simplest and cheapest gutter can serve for decades. And sometimes you have to deal with the fact that expensive and high-quality elements were damaged during the installation process, which eventually led to their malfunction.
It is for this reason that it is recommended that you think carefully before starting your own installation. Of course, the cost of installing a gutter may seem excessively high, given the simplicity of the process itself. However, it is important to understand what the price for the job includes.
Related article:
Plastic roof gutters: prices, characteristics, manufacturers review
Review of popular manufacturers. How to install a drain with your own hands. Heating systems for gutters and gutters.
The installation of the drain must be done properly, taking into account all the subtleties and features of a particular roof.
Helpful advice! If desired, the gutters can be made independently, using metal sheets for this, and bending their edges accordingly. You can use a bending machine to bend right angles.
Do-it-yourself installation of a metal roof drain
Is it worthwhile to install a roof gutter with your own hands is a controversial issue, since on the one hand it is an excellent opportunity to save money by refusing to call the master. But at the same time, this significantly increases the risk of damage to individual elements of the system or their incorrect installation, which will lead to additional costs. Therefore, it is possible to independently carry out all the work only if you have the proper experience and skills in this area.
Helpful advice! Since the gutter is attached to the roof at a high height, it is extremely important to adhere to safety precautions and the rules for the use of ladders, scaffolds and forests.
Features of independent arrangement of systems of various types
In order for the drainage system to function fully, it is not enough just to fix each component in the place where it should be located. It is important to know in advance what slope the gutter should have, as well as the load that the system will be subjected to in case of rain. So, the slope of the gutter gutter should be 2.5-3 mm / m, and the number of funnels and pipes should be such that each of them falls on at least 10 m of the gutter.
For self-assembly, the easiest way is to use a suspended type of structure, which provides for fastening the gutter to special hooks located along the eaves. This option is preferable, since wall gutters, which are used on seam roofs, are the task of professionals who cover the roof of a house.
Although some self-construction owners also practice self-installation of such systems. But it is important to remember that in this case, the installation of gutters must necessarily be carried out before a layer of waterproofing material and the roofing itself are laid on the roof.
The installation of the brackets must be started at the edges, observing the required level of inclination. Then, to facilitate the process, a string is pulled between the extreme elements, which allows you to immediately attach all intermediate fasteners without resorting to repeated measurements.
Considering the fact that in winter and spring the load on the gutter can be very large due to ice and snow, regardless of the characteristics of each option for mounting the system, it is better that the step between the brackets is small. If this is not possible, then experts recommend taking care of the presence of additional measures to strengthen the gutters.
One of the best ways to reduce the load on gutters is to install a heating system. In this case, a special cable is laid that melts the snow and ice, allowing the sediment to drain down.
How to make a roof drain with your own hands: step-by-step instruction
You can start installing the system only after all the necessary measurements and calculations have been carried out. Having all the necessary data, the constituent elements of the system need to be laid out on the ground in order to prepare them for connection to each other.
First of all, you should take care of the placement of the funnels.For this, holes are cut in the gutters, the edges of which are bent in such a way as to prevent debris and fallen leaves from catching.
Ideally, to trim the elements of the drainage system, you need to use special scissors that are designed to work with thin metal. This keeps the thin polymer coating intact.
Helpful advice! It is not recommended to use an abrasive disc for cutting holes, as this leads to overheating of the edges, which can lead to corrosion. But if you still used this method, the edges must be protected by covering them with a layer of primer or paint.
The assembly of the structure, in particular the installation of the funnels and their fixation in the gutter, is also carried out on the ground. After that, the already assembled structure is hung on the brackets and securely fixed. At the same stage, it is necessary to fix the protective nets inside the drain holes, which serve to prevent foreign objects from entering the system.
Using special connectors, corners are attached. However, two separate brackets are still used to hold them, which increase the strength of the structure. At the same time, it is very important to take care of the reliability of each connection in order to prevent possible leakage. To do this, you should adhere to these simple rules:
- each next part of the gutter must be inserted into the previous one with an overlap of 20-30 mm;
- to provide additional tightness allow special sealants or rubber seals;
- the distance from the blind area to the drain elbow should be at least 30 cm.
Considering the fact that rectangular metal roof gutters are the most popular, you should pay attention to the method of fastening the constituent elements together. For this purpose, special rivets are used. With their help, the auxiliary parts of the system are also attached: corners and plugs.
Helpful advice! In order to make sure that the downpipe is evenly placed, you can use a plumb line.
If you do not take into account the features of the site, the table shows that the most economical building is a house built using frame technology.
DIY roof drain installation: video-instruction
In order for the water flowing from the roof of the house not to harm the foundation and not erode the adjacent territory, it is necessary to buy a drain. Metal or plastic is a personal decision of each home owner, which he makes based on the advantages and disadvantages of a particular system. But it is important to understand that regardless of what choice is made, high-quality installation is a guarantee of a long service life of the drain and the safety of the drain, roof and facade of the house.