This article discusses in detail the properties and features of such a device as an ultraviolet lamp for home use: a complete classification of existing devices, the purpose of lamps, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as recommendations for choosing a useful device for the home or making it yourself.

Home UV lamp: device selection

Recirculators are closed-type lamps that can be used in the presence of people

Home UV Lamp: Applications

In moderate doses, the human body needs ultraviolet radiation, which promotes the production of vitamin D. Under normal conditions, it is enough to sunbathe to make up for the deficiency of this vitamin in the body. But in winter there is not much sun. However, it is enough to buy an ultraviolet lamp for home use to solve this problem.

In the cold season, ultraviolet irradiators effectively eliminate vitamin D deficiency in the body. Of course, home appliances are not capable of becoming a full-fledged replacement for the sun, nevertheless, they bring considerable benefit, having a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening it. Lamps are widely used for preventive purposes in order to prevent the development of rickets in young children.

Open-type UV lamps are often used in healthcare facilities

Open-type UV lamps are often used in healthcare facilities

Experts strongly recommend buying an ultraviolet lamp for the home for families with frequently ill children. This device is intended for local therapeutic prevention of diseases, as well as for disinfection of living quarters. For local processing, special tubes are used, included in the standard set of lamps.

Note! Some types of lamps may cause a slight tan to the skin.Of course, you cannot achieve a full tan with a home UV lamp, as is usually the case in tanning salons. Therefore, the likelihood of developing cancer is excluded.

Why is it profitable to buy a germicidal lamp for your home?

Quartz ultraviolet lamps are devices made of quartz glass. It transmits exclusively rays in the ultraviolet spectrum.

The bactericidal properties of ultraviolet rays are far from the only advantage of such lamps. The devices are widely used for various purposes:

  • disinfection of premises;
UV lamp for drying nails during manicure procedure

UV lamp for drying nails during manicure procedure

  • drying nails after the manicure procedure;
  • giving the skin an attractive tanned tint;
  • disease prevention.

The manufacturer's instructions that come with the lamp detail:

  • properties of each of the nozzles;
  • features of the use of attachments;
  • the permissible time of exposure to UV rays to achieve a certain effect;
  • radiation spectrum of the device.

Doctors recommend buying a germicidal lamp for prevention and treatment:

  • SARS, colds, flu;
  • inflammation of the ears, throat, nose;
  • diseases of the skin (psoriasis, eczema);
  • bedsores and ulcerative skin damage;
  • joint diseases;
  • wounds that are difficult to heal;
  • rickets;
  • neuritis;
  • gynecological diseases (as prescribed by a doctor).
UV lamps can be used to treat and prevent various diseases in both adults and children.

UV lamps can be used to treat and prevent various diseases in both adults and children.

Where to buy an ultraviolet lamp and how to choose an appropriate device

Despite the positive effects of ultraviolet rays, their effects on humans should be moderate. Therefore, you should choose a device that suits your needs.

Note! Depending on the material from which the glass bulb is made, the following types of ultraviolet lamps are distinguished: amalgam, bactericidal and quartz.

There are several classifications of UV devices. The first thing to pay attention to is the principle of ozone formation, since not all devices are allowed to be turned on in the presence of people.

According to the principle of ozone formation, there are:

  1. Ozone lamps - in the room where the device is turned on, ozone is formed as a result of the interaction between oxygen and UV rays. High concentrations of this element are harmful to humans. For this reason, the rooms where quartzization occurs must be frequently ventilated.
  2. Ozone-free lamps - the bulb of the device is made of quartz glass with a special protective coating, due to which ozone is not released during irradiation.
Ozone formation by UV rays and oxygen

Ozone formation by UV rays and oxygen

Classification of UV lamps for home

On sale you can find portable models that can be easily transferred from one room to another. Stationary devices are most often used in medical institutions for the disinfection of premises. Such structures are large in size.

According to their purpose (principle of operation), ultraviolet lamps are:

  1. Closed - designed to handle a specific object. They are also called recirculators. These lamps can be turned on in the presence of people.
  2. Open - ultraviolet light from a working lamp is scattered throughout the room. At this time, neither people nor animals should be in the room. These ultraviolet lamps are used to disinfect premises.
  3. Specialized - devices can have both household and medical purposes. They are used as physical therapy for the treatment of diseases, including colds. Equipped with goggles. These lamps can also be used to tan the skin.

For home use, specialized ultraviolet devices are most often used. By the type of attachment, there are quartz lamps of the table and floor type, as well as hinged ones.

Schematic diagram of the device of a closed ultraviolet lamp

Schematic diagram of the device of a closed ultraviolet lamp

Principle of operation of ultraviolet lamps

The strongest radiation is possessed by a device equipped with a quartz bulb. This irradiator produces ozone, which has antimicrobial effects.

Note! Ultraviolet rays (100-320 nm) are capable of killing all living microorganisms.

Ultraviolet radiation is capable of destroying microorganisms such as:

  • insects;
  • mold spores;
  • ectoparasite eggs;
  • bacteria that are dormant;
  • dust mites.

The only drawback is that the disinfection treatment is carried out only superficially. The rays are not able to penetrate deep into the plaster on the walls, furniture upholstery. To combat various types of parasites, a certain level and time of exposure are required.

Water filter with built-in UV lamp

Water filter with built-in UV lamp

It takes the least time to kill sticks and cocci. Much more time needs to be spent on the elimination of the simplest microorganisms, spore varieties of bacteria and fungi. The quartzing procedure is effectively used to combat the bird flu virus. It takes at least 20 minutes to completely sterilize the room.

But don't overdo it with disinfection. Neighborhood in the form of bacteria is necessary to some extent for humans. The immune system of young children develops through the independent fight against infections and microbes. If a child grows up in a completely sterile environment, getting to kindergarten or school, he will definitely get sick. Moreover, this will happen more often than if his growing up took place in the natural environment.

Things are different if mold appears in the house or someone from the family is sick. In this case, you should definitely buy an ultraviolet lamp for disinfection of premises.

How to choose the right germicidal lamp for your home

To determine the choice of the device, it is necessary to figure out for what purpose the lamp will be used.

Compact UV lamp used to disinfect the inside of a cabinet

Compact UV lamp used to disinfect the inside of a cabinet

If there is a need to purchase a germicidal lamp for disinfecting a room, it is worth stopping at an open-type device, but with some reservation. The purchase of this device will be advisable if it is possible to eliminate plants, animals and people from the treated premises. As a result of processing, microorganisms will be killed on all surfaces, so you can safely process housing in which there is a sick adult or child. Of course, in their absence.

Note! Open devices that can work in the presence of people are necessarily equipped with a protective screen.

On sale there are ultraviolet lamps for disinfection of confined spaces, as well as surfaces. For example, refrigerators or the inside of a closet. When choosing a lamp, be sure to consider the size of the room where the processing will be carried out. The choice of a mobile or stationary structure (wall) depends on whether the lamp is supposed to be moved.

The manufacturer's brand, the availability of warranty service, and the technical characteristics of the lamp are of no small importance. Before purchasing a device, it will be useful to read consumer reviews.

Ultraviolet Shoe Dryer

Ultraviolet Shoe Dryer

If you buy a small lamp, complete with attachments for treating ears, nose and throat, you can use it to process the room, after removing all tubes. However, the area of ​​action will not exceed 3 m. This will be enough to disinfect a bathroom or a crib, but not the entire room.

Features of germicidal lamps operating in the presence of people

Amalgam germicidal lamps are a new generation of devices. They have replaced liquid mercury with a solid coating. Amalgam is an alloy composed of bismuth, indium and mercury. When the device is switched on, the current heats up the amalgam, as a result of which the mercury evaporates and emits radiation. Ozone is not released during this process, but the bactericidal efficiency of the lamps is very high.

Note! The mercury in the bulb is in a bound state, so if the lamp is accidentally damaged, the people around it will not suffer much. To eliminate the consequences, it is enough to sweep and discard the fragments, and also rinse the area around the device with water. The split of a burning lamp is more dangerous, but it does not have serious consequences for human life and health. In this case, the debris is removed, and the room is well ventilated.

Germicidal lamps with amalgam coating

Germicidal lamps with amalgam coating

Amalgam-coated bulbs are not prone to darkening over time, so lamps remain efficient and stable throughout their life. For comparison, you can take a conventional germicidal lamp with mercury or quartz. Gradually, in the process of operation, their flasks become coated with a deposit, which is why the maximum service life is 8000 hours. While the amalgam lamp is capable of continuously working for 16,000 hours.

Characteristics of germicidal ultraviolet lamps for home

Standard germicidal lamps are classified as gas-discharge devices. They are distinguished from quartz glass by the material for making the flask - instead of quartz glass, they use uviol. It blocks the aggressive radiation that forms ozone. They are distinguished from amalgam lamps by the presence of free mercury. This type of device is absolutely safe for the treatment of apartments, but less efficient than quartz lamps.

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The absence of ozone makes germicidal lamps completely safe for the respiratory system. There are no strict restrictions on the duration of their operation. In medical institutions, the continuous use of these devices is allowed, but with one caveat: a protective casing must be present in the design so that the luminous flux does not damage people's eyesight.

If a lamp is required solely for the elimination of pathogens and no home treatment is planned, an amalgam or bactericidal lamp is better suited than a quartz version of the device.

When using UV lamps, be sure to wear safety glasses.

When using UV lamps, be sure to wear safety glasses.

When in a room with a working device, it is imperative to use protective glasses, since ultraviolet radiation can cause burns on the eye cornea. The negative effect manifests itself only over time, affecting visual acuity.

Properties and characteristics of ultraviolet lamps for plants

Conventional indoor disinfection UV lamps are not suitable for indoor plants or seedlings. When processing a room with an open structure, all plants must be removed, since an excess of ultraviolet radiation can kill them.

Note! Manufacturers produce LED ultraviolet lamps designed to process flowers in apartments where they lack sunlight.

For processing plants, special devices with radiation are required, the wavelength of which is in the range of 315-380 nm. Such waves activate the process of photosynthesis. Ultraviolet light with a length of 280-315 nm contributes to the development of cold resistance in plants.Given this difference, when buying a device, you should carefully study the instructions for the possibility of adjusting parameters such as wavelength and radiation power.

For plants, special lamps with a radiation wavelength of 315-380 nm are used.

For plants, special lamps with a radiation wavelength of 315-380 nm are used.

To eliminate pests on indoor plants, it is recommended to turn on the irradiator intended for domestic use for 3-5 minutes.

For the care of plants, energy-saving, fluorescent, aquarium, sodium, metal halide and ultraviolet lamps are used. However, LED devices have some advantages in comparison with them:

  • low power;
  • the intensity of moisture evaporation decreases, due to which the time interval between waterings increases;
  • low level of heat generation;
  • one lamp can combine different shades, which allows efficient treatment of several phytoactive zones simultaneously.

There are no powerful devices on sale, but you can make such a lamp yourself at home.

Operation and specificity of UV lamps for water

UV filters for water disinfection are a reservoir, a lamp and a nozzle. When liquid enters the container, the lamp turns on and the water is treated with ultraviolet light. The purified liquid enters the outside through pipes. It is the lamp that is responsible for the destruction of microorganisms that pose a danger to human health. Under the influence of rays, the chromosomes of harmful microorganisms are destroyed.

Scheme of the operation of a UV unit for water purification

Scheme of the operation of a UV unit for water purification

Note! Before using the UV filter, the water must be mechanically cleaned.

In order to acquire the optimal device, you must first perform a water analysis, focusing on the following points:

  1. The number and types of microorganisms - to eliminate certain bacteria requires its own dose of ultraviolet radiation. Using water analysis, you can calculate this indicator.
  2. Water flow rate - you need to find out the maximum and minimum values ​​for choosing a device and its further setting.
  3. Temperature level - on sale you can find two types of lamps, one of which is designed for water with a temperature of no more than 85 ° C, and the second for water with a temperature in the range of 16-20 ° C.

It is also important to pay attention to how much ultraviolet light is required for complete cleansing. This value is called transparency - it reflects the amount of ultraviolet light that can pass through the liquid. This value depends on the substances contained in the water.

Appliance with an ultraviolet lamp connected to the water supply system

Appliance with an ultraviolet lamp connected to the water supply system

The lamp needs to be replaced regularly as its performance diminishes over time due to wear. The average service life of this element is 1400 hours.

Choosing and buying an ultraviolet lamp for children

The child's body requires a special attitude, since it has not yet fully matured. Therefore, the choice of an ultraviolet emitter must be careful. The most popular models on the market are the Solnyshko germicidal lamps.

Regular use of "Solnyshko" quartz lamps can significantly strengthen the immune system, compensate for vitamin D deficiency in the body, eliminate inflammation in the joints and disturbances in the work of the vascular and respiratory systems, and heal skin and infectious diseases.

Note! Solnyshko lamps can be used for sunburn, baldness treatment, as well as for combating dust mites.

In addition, air recirculators, for example, ORBB-30x2 or RZT-300, are popular with consumers. These lamps are classified as closed appliances, so people can be in the treated room with the appliance turned on.Protection is provided by a metal casing with an ozone-free lamp inside.

The Solnyshko quartz lamp is one of the most popular UV devices for children.

The "Solnyshko" quartz lamp is one of the most popular UV devices for children.

Closed devices have a fan that sucks air out of the room. The air currents, passing through the structure along the lamp, are cleared and returned back to the room.

Recirculators have a wide range of applications:

  • household premises;
  • offices;
  • children's playrooms;
  • school classes;
  • rooms where a lot of people congregate (train stations);
  • audiences and shops;
  • warehouse type premises;
  • smoking rooms;
  • public toilets;
  • virology laboratories and hospitals.

Note! Recirculators have another useful function - cleaning the air from allergens. For this, a filter is provided in the device, where plant pollen, dust particles and small debris settle.

Medical irradiator-recirculator Armed CH-111-115 with plastic case

Medical irradiator-recirculator Armed CH-111-115 with plastic case

Model range of ultraviolet lamps "Solnyshko"

When buying an UFO (ultraviolet irradiator) of the Solnyshko trademark, you need to take into account the modification, since each model of the line has its own properties.

Model range of UFO "Solnyshko":

  • OUFK 1 is a device with small dimensions and low power. Suitable for quartzing children of any age. To fully process the room, the device must be rearranged from one place to another. It will take about 20 minutes to disinfect a 12 m² room;
  • OUFC 2 - the device is characterized by stable operation due to the increase in power. The area coverage is also increasing. This model is intended for adults. It is not recommended to use it for children under the age of 3 years;
  • OUFK 3 - this modification can be called a mini-solarium, since UFO provides an effective tan. The disinfection procedure of the premises is carried out very quickly. A 12 m² room will be cleaned in 12 minutes;
  • OUFK 4 - the main purpose of this model is sanitary cleaning of premises from viruses and infections. The lamp emits rays that are in the C spectrum, which allows you to destroy various influenza viruses. It is allowed to use the device for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, however, in metered doses and with the correct power adjustment. It is strictly forbidden to use the device for children under the age of 3 years.
The process of local irradiation of a child using a Sun lamp

The process of local irradiation of a child using the "Sun" lamp

Advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet lamps "Sun" for children

Taking into account the low price, the Ural Federal District "Solnyshko" have many advantages, including:

  • treatment of many diseases;
  • removal of acute pain syndrome;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • destruction of viruses and microbes.

Note! The standard equipment includes tubes for the ears, nose, throat, and treatment of gynecological diseases.

There are also many disadvantages of these devices:

  • impractical hazardous housing - the lamp housing is made of metal. There is no grounding in the device, and the placement of the power cables and the board is made close to the walls. Disassembly and assembly is extremely difficult;
  • there is no timer - since the requirements for the duration of procedures are extremely stringent, the absence of a timer makes the lamp inconvenient to use. Even small errors in the dosage of ultraviolet radiation can lead to drying out of the mucous membranes and intensification of the disease with renewed vigor;
Bactericidal devices produced under the brand name Solnyshko have both advantages and disadvantages.

The bactericidal devices produced under the brand name "Solnyshko" have both advantages and disadvantages.

  • influence on electrical equipment - when using the lamp, significant interference is created for the operation of the computer and TV. In some cases, certain devices stop working. Most often, these difficulties are the result of old wiring.

Lamps "Sun" can harm the mucous membranes, so you need to strictly adhere to the instructions for use. Since the set contains only one pair of glasses, and you cannot buy them separately, this nuance can be attributed to another drawback of these devices.

How much do UV lamps for home use cost?

The average price of home-use UV lamps ranges from 12,000 to 30,000 rubles. There are also more expensive models.

Note! In this range, only quartzites are indicated. The cost of home tanning salons is much higher.

Average price of UFO for home:

Name price, rub.
OUFC 1 2652
OUFC 2 2750
OUFC 3 3890
OUFC 4 4750
ORBB-30x2 7750
RZT-300 4125


Making an ultraviolet lamp: how to make a device at home

At home, you can make a mini-quartzizer for processing small utility rooms. To do this, you need a 125 W DRL lamp (for a pantry or a small room) or more (for large rooms, for example, a cellar).

The lamp must be wrapped in a rag or bag and, wearing goggles and gloves, break it with a hammer. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the internal elements.

The correct choice of an ultraviolet lamp depends on the purpose for which the device is purchased.

The correct choice of an ultraviolet lamp depends on the purpose for which the device is purchased.

The DRL lamp contains mercury inside. After the outer bulb is removed, a sealed tube remains. It is she who will act as a quartz lamp. This element must be connected in series to an incandescent lamp or to a choke. For assembly, you can use any table lamp... The most convenient option is a model with a clothespin, which allows you to direct the ultraviolet rays in the desired direction.

It is not difficult to create a homemade device, but remember that its use is dangerous for the retina of the eyes and skin. The treatment of the room with an ultraviolet lamp made at home should be carried out in the complete absence of people, plants and animals. For this reason, it is better not to risk it and purchase a finished device in a store with detailed instructions for safe use.