Residents of private houses and apartments are often faced with the problem of poor-quality tap water, in which even the naked eye can see the admixture of sand or the formation of other suspensions. In addition to visible sediment, a variety of mechanical, chemical and organic compounds can also be present in the water, which significantly reduce the quality of the water. The main water filter, which removes most of the impurities, will help to cope with the problem.
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- 1 What impurities do main filters for water purification protect from?
- 2 Why should you buy a main filter
- 3 Situations when the installation of a flow-through filter is inevitable, and some disadvantages of using
- 4 Main water filter: basic types of structures
- 5 Which is better to buy a main water filter for a dacha or apartment
- 6 Rating of the best water filters for an apartment or house from trusted manufacturers
- 7 How to install water filters and replace cartridges
What impurities do main filters for water purification protect from?
Even a new house cannot boast of perfectly clean water, because in any case, the old plumbing system is used. When a new house is inserted into the main water pipe in neighboring buildings, water with a high content of sand may start to come out of the tap. All this leads to negative consequences, because low-quality hard water with impurities of a large amount of salts can quickly render some household appliances unusable, such as dishwashers or washing machines. All plumbing fixtures in the apartment also suffer from this, which quickly become clogged and fail.
In most cases, this problem can be solved by using flow-through main filters, which are recommended for use not only in residential buildings and apartments, but also in public places: kindergartens, schools, hospitals and office buildings. Among the main types of pollution that water filters cope with, it is worth highlighting:
- Hard calcium and magnesium salts. It is these elements that cause the appearance of scale on the walls of the dishes and form a thin film on the surface in a cup of tea, coffee or just boiled water. If the content of impurities is too high, the water acquires an unpleasant taste, and a sediment forms at the bottom.
- Organic pollution. Most often observed when water is taken from the upper aquifer.Even a small amount of impurities causes an unpleasant odor and makes the water unusable. When interacting with chlorine, the formation of an organochlorine compound is possible, which is toxic.
- Particles of heavy metals. They are especially common in regions with developed industry or near metal deposits. The main negative impact is that metals can build up in the body and cause various diseases over time.
- Iron. Flow-through main water filters from iron help to extend the life of household appliances, which require a connection to the water supply.
- Chlorine. It is considered a substance for water disinfection, it is used everywhere in all regions of Russia. Often, an increased content of the substance can be observed at the exit.
- Mechanical pollution. Most often these are large particles of sand or rust. In-line flow-through water filters from rust help clean the liquid from substances resulting from damage to water pipelines.
Important! Depending on the region, the type of water intake and the quality of the water supply system, the amount of certain particles changes, therefore, running water filters should be selected separately for each specific case. Ideally, prior to installation, water analyzes should be carried out to determine the quantitative composition of substances in order to select the optimal treatment option.
Why should you buy a main filter
The main water filter for the apartment is a small cylindrical container that is installed on the water pipe. It is thanks to this feature that the device got its name. If you follow all the installation rules, then until it enters the taps and devices, all the water will be filtered and purified.
Filters mounted directly on a water pipe are called main filters. It should be borne in mind here that most apartments have two main systems - separately with hot and cold water. Therefore, you will have to install 2 filters at once. As for private cottages, they are often powered by an individual well with cold water, and hot water is obtained from some kind of heating device, be it a boiler or a gas boiler. Therefore, it is enough to purchase only one device for the home. When installing a main water filter, the following goals are mainly pursued:
- Water purification. Perfectly clean water can only be obtained from an artesian well, but in most cases water comes to dwellings from the nearest river. Even after passing through several cleaning cycles, the water will not become perfectly clean, and the presence of chlorination cannot guarantee the absence of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, flow-through filters for water purification save the situation.
- Improving the taste of water. Depending on the quality of the water supply system, water can have a large number of foreign tastes - from hydrogen sulfide and metal to bleach. After filtration, the water is tasty and suitable for cooking.
- Mitigation. Some people experience dry skin after washing or showering, caused by water contaminants. After installing a hot water filter in the bathroom, many report an overall improvement in their skin condition.
- Extending the life of household and plumbing fixtures. Various impurities and solid particles can scratch surfaces, settle on hoses and heating elements, which causes a quick failure of devices.
Main filter housings are most often made of plastic, metal or stainless steel.When choosing a material, first of all, they are guided by the type of water that needs to be filtered. It should be remembered that filters for cold water and for hot water have been developed separately, although some manufacturers are producing universal models. It is important to take into account here that you can install a device designed to purify hot water on cold water, but it is strictly forbidden to do the opposite, because the cold water filter is not designed for use at high temperatures.
Situations when the installation of a flow-through filter is inevitable, and some disadvantages of using
Plumbers distinguish such conditions under which it is strongly recommended to install flow filters for water (cold and hot):
- Poor condition of the centralized water intake. Especially if there are known cases of discharge of untreated wastewater into a reservoir or agricultural land is located nearby, for which pesticides are used.
- Outdated water treatment systems or old technical equipment that is not capable of fully cleaning.
- Bad condition of the plumbing system. In this case, rust and other elements enter the system from the surface of the damaged pipes.
- Excessive chlorine content, which is easily identified by the specific smell and taste of the water.
Important! One should not think that the water from the well is of perfect purity. Depending on the depth, the water may contain an increased content of salt, iron, manganese and even hydrogen sulphide, which eventually spoil the devices.

In the event that the centralized water supply system is not in order, the installation of a filter is inevitable
Before buying a flow-through main water filter for home, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some of its disadvantages so that there are no surprises during the application process. Among the main disadvantages are:
- Regular replacement of cartridges. The dirtier the incoming water, the more often the filters will have to be serviced.
- Complexity of installation. If you do not have at least minimal plumbing experience, you will have to attract specialists to carry out the installation both in an apartment and in a private house, which will entail additional costs.
- The need to purchase various designs for hot and cold water purification.
- Adequate installation space, especially if you want to combine different cleaning systems.
As you can see, the negative properties of the filters are much less than the positive aspects, because it is the clean water in the house that is the key to the health of the whole family.
Main water filter: basic types of structures
Depending on the number of working stages, main filters for hard water are divided into the following types:
- Single stage. Provide water purification only at the weakest level. Designed to remove coarse suspension, coarse particles, sand and rust. It is recommended to change them at least once every 6-7 months.
- Two-stage. At the exit, in contrast to the first option, better quality water is obtained, because the structure consists of a carbon carbon block and a mechanical barrier. The filter allows you to purify water from organic matter, chlorine and foreign odors.
- Three-stage. They provide the best water treatment and are considered the most efficient and modern designs.
In the rating of water filters, the highest positions are occupied by triple flow filters for drinking water. The structure is installed in a cabinet under the sink in the kitchen or bathroom, and a faucet is brought out to the surface, from which purified drinking water comes out.
In-line filters consist of three flasks equipped with replaceable cartridges, which are located on a special frame. In the standard version, the water goes through 3 stages of purification. At the first stage, mechanical filtration is performed, when mechanical impurities of 5 microns or more are separated from the water. This type of main water filter helps to get rid of rust, sand and silt. After cleaning, clear water is obtained at the outlet, purified from impurities.
Calcium and magnesium are considered beneficial elements for the body, contributing to its normal functioning. Despite this, their excess, on the contrary, negatively affects the work of the internal systems of human organs. In addition to the negative effect on the body, excess salt content makes the water hard, as a result of which scale forms on dishes, sinks and internal parts of household appliances.
To combat this problem, manufacturers have developed ion exchange resin inline water filter cartridges. Their main task is to remove magnesium and calcium ions and replace them with harmless sodium ions. The first company to develop such systems is Ecomix, which guarantees cleaning from such harmful substances:
- salts of heavy metals capable of accumulating in the body;
- iron and manganese salts, which are the main reasons for the appearance of a metallic taste and reddish plaque on surfaces;
- organic pollutants that provoke the appearance of pathogenic bacteria in the water.
Another important function performed by the triple filter is the sorption of toxic substances resulting from the interaction of organic compounds with chlorine. After the liquid passes the stage of adsorption, the unpleasant chlorinated odor disappears, carcinogenic impurities and pesticides are removed. Depending on the quality of the water, the replacement of the three-stage filter is required every 3-6 months, while all the tools necessary for this work are often included with the product. In most cases, the replacement does not take more than half an hour.
Other types of main filters for hard water
First of all, main filters are designed for mechanical water purification. There are filters for fine and coarse cleaning for cold and hot water, which are able to remove large and small impurities from tap water, for example, clay, industrial waste, scale, rust particles, insoluble calcium salts. Mechanical flow filters are distinguished by their high flow capacity - up to 100 l per minute. In this case, the designs are also designed for the high pressure that forms inside the flask. Continuous cleaning prevents rust and limescale build-up on pipes and plumbing surfaces.
A flow-through main coarse filter for water is installed to remove large mechanical particles. After installing such a structure, the life of equipment designed for the consumption and heating of water, as well as all plumbing fixtures, is extended. In addition, if a coarse filter is installed, it will be possible to operate the fine cleaning system longer.
Helpful information! The main feature of the hot water filter is not only the material of the body, but also the quality of the cartridges, consisting of polymers designed for high temperatures.
The main element of the coarse filter is a fine mesh made of metal. Depending on the model, the device is equipped with several rows of nets that allow for two or three stages of cleaning.If you correctly install a coarse water filter, it can serve for several years, the main thing is to rinse the mesh in time so that it does not clog up and does not disable the entire water supply system.
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Flow-through main water filter: how to choose and install the device
Varieties of devices. Features of installation and operation. The most popular manufacturing companies. How to install a filter.
To provide fine cleaning, various types of backfills are most often used, which are designed to filter out the smallest particles, including bacteria. The type of adsorbent is selected depending on the characteristics of the water, but briquetted activated carbon is most often used.
The key component in the main filter for softening water is sodium polyphosphate. Immediately after undergoing processing, it is not recommended to use water for food without boiling. The most popular options are magnetic pulse softeners.
The main advantage is considered to be no need for additional maintenance. Magnetic softeners are mounted on a running water supply system, while it is permissible to install it after a coarse filter or directly in front of a water-consuming household appliances supply unit. These types of filters are classified as universal and are recommended for use with water of any quality. The presence of a magnetic field in the filter helps to fight the formation of limescale, which consists of calcium and magnesium salts. After the destruction of salt in the water, you can see a small sediment, but it is completely harmless for water heaters and other appliances that use water.
What is a granular feed cleaning system and reverse osmosis filter
A granular filter is a versatile device that not only softens water, but also cleans it from chlorine, salts, metals and biological impurities. The device is characterized by a cylinder-shaped body, the dimensions of which vary depending on the required filter performance. It is often offered for installation both in a private house and in an apartment in a multi-storey building.
Even after a three-stage water filter is installed, there is no 100% guarantee that all viruses and bacteria, as well as dangerous heavy metal salts, will be removed from the liquid. If you really want to get fully purified water, it is recommended to install reverse osmosis systems, which, although they are distinguished by a higher price, result in really safe water.
The dimensions of such a filter will not exceed the parameters of the other listed options, in addition, its installation is carried out in a similar way. Unlike even the highest quality three-cartridge filter, the design is additionally equipped with a reverse osmosis membrane, which is guaranteed to remove up to 99% of contaminants of various origins, including viral or bacterial. If we consider in detail the operation of the reverse osmosis system, then we can distinguish 5, and sometimes 6 stages through which water passes:
- standard mechanical filtration to remove large particles;
- passing through a granular activated carbon cartridge when chlorine and organics are removed;
- fine cleaning and sorption thanks to briquetted activated carbon, the filtration degree reaches 1 micron;
- membrane cleaning, which removes the remaining 99% of impurities;
- mineralization;
- deodorization.
The mineralization stage is considered mandatory. After the membrane cleaning, both harmful and useful substances are removed, which must be subsequently renewed.For this, filters are used containing natural minerals, passing through which the water is saturated with elements necessary for the body. Also, at this stage, the taste of water improves. Deodorization is not found in all systems, and is a post-filter made of activated coconut charcoal, which fills the water with a sweetish taste.
Which is better to buy a main water filter for a dacha or apartment
To understand which water filter to choose in a private house or apartment, first of all, you should know that in different cases a different source of fluid intake is used. There is no clear difference when choosing a design for a house or apartment as a whole. The only thing to consider is the approximate water consumption depending on the number of people and its initial quality.

First of all, the choice of a filter should depend on the composition of the water that it will purify.
Useful advice! If you order a filter with installation from a trusted company, then before advising on a specific option for purchase, they will offer to conduct a free analysis of the liquid to determine its quality and calculate the amount of unnecessary or dangerous impurities. After such research, it will be much easier to choose the right filter.
As practice shows, in the country, as in a private house, even with an equal number of people, the indicator of water consumption will be several times higher. This is due to the fact that water is consumed not only for standard household needs, but also for irrigation and filling the pool. Therefore, in this case, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the filter performance, which depends not only on the initial quality of the water, but also on the type of cartridge used.
In an apartment, the installation of a flow-through main filter for water (cold or hot) is performed in such a way that it is easy to replace the cartridge if necessary. As a rule, the structure is located in a niche where the main riser is located. If there is more than one riser in the apartment, purchase several autonomous flow filters. In this situation, it is possible to install devices with lower performance, because the load is distributed on them.
In a private house, most often there is one plumbing, on which the purifier is mounted. In this case, it is better to give preference to the more productive option, but again with an eye on the quality of water coming from a well, well or other source. You also need to monitor the pressure level in the pumping system, which should be in the range from 2.5 to 6 atmospheres.
Important! When installing a main filter for water from iron and other impurities in a private house, you need to ensure that the temperature in the room where the device is located is not lower than 5 ° C. At lower temperatures, the liquid inside the filter may freeze.
Rating of the best water filters for an apartment or house from trusted manufacturers
The quality of filtration will primarily depend on the type of cartridge for the main filter. If you need to get rid of large particles, designs with polypropylene cartridges are suitable. For smaller inclusions, a carbon block or other fine cleaning options are used.
Among the large assortment of products, Aquaphor filters, made of reinforced plastic and stainless steel, stand out. Steel body of main filters "Aquaphor" is able to withstand liquids of any temperature and does not deteriorate due to pressure drops. As for the plastic case, it is designed to operate in a temperature range of 5-40 ° C. Among the main models of the company are the following:
- "Viking";
- "Gross 20";
- "Viking Mini".
If the filter is intended for filtration of hot water, then the housing is made of either heat-resistant opaque plastic or stainless steel. Cartridges are mainly made of polymers, which do not lose their properties after prolonged contact with hot water. It should be understood that hot water needs to be filtered especially carefully, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of harmful impurities. All main water filters "Aquaphor" provide fast and high-quality filtration at a rate of 10 to 25 l / min.
Main filters "Geyser" are represented by popular models "Typhoon" and "1G Fur", designed for loads up to 40 atmospheres. The company offers 3 different sizes of models, and the universal cartridge "Aragon 3" is used for cleaning both hot and cold water. Fine cleaning systems "Geyser" are water filters that look like multi-case ultrafiltration units that remove not only hardness, but also dissolved organic matter, including bacteria. Due to the high cost and high quality of drinking water, they are recommended to be placed only directly under the sink to remove good drinking water.
How to install water filters and replace cartridges
If you have confidence in your abilities and a minimal understanding of the operation of the water supply system, you can install the device yourself. This requires a drill, screwdriver and sealant tape. Before connecting the water filter, you should turn off the main water supply valve to the house and relieve the pressure in the system by simply opening one of the taps for a while.
After that, it is necessary to select the attachment point of the structure and designate the place of joining with the highway. The filter is connected by using couplings of the required size and flexible hose. FUM tape is used to seal the valves. The device is mounted on ordinary self-tapping screws. It is important to install in such a way as not to create high pressure in the line.
After completing the installation, you need to check the operation of the system and eliminate possible leaks. Next, you need to open the tap and drain the water for 5 minutes. Be sure to remember the date of the start of operation in order to change the cartridge in time. To replace, you just need to turn off the water, unscrew the filter and get the used cartridge. Then a new one is installed in its place, and the filter is reassembled. The main types of cartridges are:
- Granular with activated carbon. They provide a high level of cleaning, but have a low throughput.
- Coal briquetted. They are characterized by a low degree of purification, but high throughput.
- Polyphosphate. Extend the life of household appliances.
- Emollients. Remove salts.
- Mechanical stress cartridges. Purifies water from large particles.
Despite the fact that the purchase of a filter and its installation requires a certain investment, its advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Clean tap water is not only a guarantee of good health, but also a way to extend the life of household and plumbing fixtures, which cost a lot. It is important to choose the right filter and install it in a convenient location.