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Aquarium sealant: reliable and irreplaceable assistant
Aquarium sealant is a loyal and reliable companion for any aquarist. With the help of special glue, you can eliminate any leaks in the tank, install glass partitions in it, and create hills at the bottom. There are special requirements for aquarium sealant. The composition should be free from components that can negatively affect fish and plants. You can learn about which sealant to choose for an aquarium in this article.
Aquarium sealant - an indispensable tool for aquarists
The aquarium adhesive that is used to repair the tank, to supplement it with partitions, terraces and various elevations must meet certain requirements. It is necessary that the glass sealant is environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful compounds that can negatively affect the health of fish and aquatic plants. The glue must be free of antibacterial, antifungal additives, fungicides, acids, alkalis. When interacting with water, it should not emit toxic substances that will be detrimental to all living things.
The aquarium product must be flexible, reliable and safe.
Important!For an aquarium, it is best to use a clean silicone sealant.
The aquarium adhesive should be fairly elastic. It is required that under the action of water pressure, especially in large-capacity tanks, the seams do not diverge, do not crack, as this can cause a violation of the integrity of the structure in the event of its repair. The composition must withstand stretching well without losing its tightness. The adhesive must have the highest adhesion to aquarium glass and plexiglass.
You need to choose a glue that is durable. The composition will be exposed to air and water environment, extreme stress for many years. The sealant must have good moisture resistance, withstand the difference between the temperature inside and outside the container, and the effect of ultraviolet rays. The material must be characterized by increased adhesion to glass.
Why use aquarium sealant: types of adhesive
Those who wish to have fish in their home often purchase ready-made aquariums. Many experienced aquarists choose to create these designs themselves. As a result, you can craft a unique reservoir of the right size and shape that will satisfy personal preferences and at the same time save money.
The sealant is used to glue the walls of the aquarium together.
A sealant is also needed when the question arises of how to glue the aquarium. During operation, sometimes cracks appear on the glass or depressurization of butt joints occurs. Adhesive is also required for mounting various decorative elements in the tank, which can be attached to the walls or bottom of the aquarium.
There are several sealant options available for different situations. The adhesive can be one-component or two-component. The first option is immediately ready for use, and the second must be prepared by mixing the components.
There are different types of sealants for gluing glass surfaces, which differ in chemical composition. For this purpose, acrylic, silicone, bituminous, polyurethane and thiokol compounds are used. The first option is characterized by low adhesion, insufficient water resistance, but low cost. Acrylic compound is not the best choice for aquariums, as it cannot provide the necessary sealing of butt joints.
Helpful advice!Acrylic sealant can be used to seal small exterior cracks in glass to protect the structure from further deterioration.
Aquarists use sealants to create unique aquariums
Bituminous, polyurethane and thiokol sealants have good elasticity, adhesion to glass, and water resistance. However, these adhesives contain components that have a negative impact on the health and life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. The best option is aquarium silicone glue.
Main characteristics of silicone sealant
Silicone aquarium sealant must be moisture resistant, highly elastic, and fast setting and air-setting. Softness, flexibility and strength of the connection are provided by the presence of silicon in the composition of the substance. The glue, due to its performance properties, does not form cracks and defects on the glass under the influence of the load on the seam.
The basis of aquarium silicone sealant is artificial rubber, which is characterized by a high temperature regime. Thanks to the adhesive part, a secure connection between the surface and the bonding agent is achieved. The plasticizer in the silicone provides increased elasticity of the sealant. A vulcanizer and a strength enhancer help transform the viscous mass into a plastic dry substance.
Aquarium silicone sealant must be soft, durable and flexible
The sealant also contains a coloring pigment, depending on which the adhesive can be white, black or transparent. The latter option is more preferable from the point of view of environmental safety, since there are no artificial pigments in the composition. The transparent silicone sanitary sealant will give your aquarium a weightless look. However, such a seam will quickly stain under the influence of feed. Plaque and adherent algae will be visible on the joint surface. This adhesive is best used for small aquariums.
Important!To make a large tank decorative, it is advisable to use a black sealant for the aquarium, but remember that it can affect the quality of the water.
Varieties of silicone sealant for aquarium
Aquarium silicone can be acidic or neutral. The first option is often used in construction and finishing works.It is widely used for gluing aquarium and terrarium elements. The disadvantages of this composition include an unpleasant vinegar odor and a long drying period of the substance. Until the glue is completely dry and the smell disappears, the container should be empty. After a few days, it is filled with water, periodically changing it several times. The aquarium is then ready for use.
Aquarium silicone sealant can be neutral or acidic
Neutral silicone for aquariums has the best adhesive properties. It is odorless like an acidic compound. When working with glue, you do not need to use personal protective equipment. The composition dries quickly, which is achieved within 20 minutes. After 24 hours, the aquarium can be used.
However, the cost of neutral silicone is much higher than that of an analogue. This glue does not like staining. The paint will roll off the surface after application. They should also not cover the old layer. The surface must first be cleaned and degreased. The color of the silicone sealant (neutral composition) is transparent.
Helpful advice!For an aquarium, it is allowed to use silicone glue for plumbing or utensils, which does not contain antimicrobial and fungicidal additives.
Useful tips for buying aquarium glue
The purchase of a glue sealant for an aquarium should be treated with great responsibility. The choice of low-quality adhesive material can not only cause the rapid destruction of the butt joints, but also negatively affect the life of the inhabitants of the tank.
Aquarium glue must be chosen carefully and carefully.
Products should be purchased in specialized stores, where sellers can provide a certificate for the product and give a guarantee for it. It is better not to buy glue for aquariums in questionable retail outlets.
It is imperative to pay attention to the shelf life of the aquarium silicone sealant. If the period of its operation is running out, the material will not have sufficient pristine qualities, like fresh products.
Important!Use fresh, unpacked sealant for the aquarium. A started balloon is no longer a guarantee of a high-quality, sealed and durable connection.
Aquarium sealants are made in the form of one-component and two-component formulations. In the first case, the glue is placed in a standard 310 ml cartridge or in a 600 ml tube. Two-component formulations are available as a dual cartridge with components A and B.
The adhesive sealant must be of high quality, trusted manufacturer
The sealant label indicates the tensile strength, which is 0.8-5.7 N / mm2. The larger the aquarium, the stronger you will need a compound that can withstand the pressure of water that will act on the walls of the tank. The packaging also indicates the consumption of silicone sealant.
For an aquarium, it is preferable to use neutral silicone adhesives that do not contain chemical dyes. Pay attention to the packaging. It should clearly indicate the purpose of the material: "for the aquarium". You should not purchase a universal composition, which mainly contains antifungal substances that negatively affect the inhabitants of the aquarium.
It is also required to refuse products in questionable packaging. It could be a fake product. Often, tubes are filled with construction silicone, which is supplied in containers. Unscrupulous sellers often add organic oils to increase the volume of the composition, which negatively affects the quality of the adhesive mixture. You should also not purchase sealants for which the packaging indicates that the material has improved physicochemical properties.
Review of popular manufacturers of silicone for aquarium
A wide range of adhesives for aquariums from different manufacturers is available in retail outlets. The brands Tytan, Krass, Okyanus Kimya, Soudal, and Moment enjoy the greatest recognition among aquarists.
Moment "Herment" is highly resistant to ultraviolet light, air and water
The Polish manufacturer Tytan offers a wide range of adhesives for aquariums. Food grade silicone sealant is distinguished by the highest quality, the best adhesive properties, moisture resistance, and increased sealing. This composition can be pasted over a large tank. The seams are characterized by elasticity, resistance to adverse external factors, reliability and durability. Among the disadvantages of Tytan sealants, one can single out their high cost, which averages 350 rubles. for a tube.
Another famous Polish company is Krass. The adhesive products are of satisfactory quality, which is offset by the low cost of the material. Such formulations have a limited scope. It is advisable to use silicone sealant for gluing small aquariums or for constructing partitions inside the tank. For large structures, it is not recommended to use such silicone, since high-quality sealing of the joints will not be ensured.
The Turkish company Okyanus Kimya offers a high-quality silicone-based sealant, which is designed for various construction and finishing works, including for an aquarium. The products have a good price-quality ratio. When using this brand of sealant, a reliable, strong, elastic and durable connection is provided.
Krass sealant is suitable for gluing small aquariums or partitions inside the tank
When asked which sealant for aquariums is better, you should pay attention to the products of the Belgian brand Soudal. Adhesives are characterized by high quality, increased adhesion to the glass surface. Such sealants make it possible to obtain a reliable and durable seam.
Henkel offers a series of quality silicone compounds "Moment", which are ideal for aquariums and terrariums. This material is able to withstand even contact with sea water. The composition provides reliable sealing of butt joints, even those that may be subject to vibration.
Directions of application. Characteristics of silicone, acrylic, polyurethane compounds. How to apply. How much the sealant dries.
How to choose an aquarium sealant: the best silicone glue options
According to numerous reviews of aquarists on the Internet who are discussing the question of how to glue aquariums, there are several of the most popular silicone-based sealants.
The most popular is the absolutely pure Soudal AQ silicone. The one-component substance is safe for living inhabitants of the aquarium. It does not contain toxic substances and other harmful components. This silicone adhesive is specially designed for aquariums. Among the distinguishing features of Soudal silicone sealant for aquariums are good elasticity, moisture resistance, fast drying speed, ease of use and a long storage period. You can buy such glue for 415 rubles.
Dow Corning Silicone Sealant is non-toxic, resilient and resilient enough
Chemlux 9013 is a fast-acting one-component acidic vulcanizing base sealant characterized by high strength, durability, good elasticity, tightness, long shelf life of an open bottle. Despite the unpleasant sour smell, this glue composition can be used to paste over huge aquariums, the volume of which can reach 3 thousand liters. How much does a sealant cost? The cost of the glue is 350 rubles.
When thinking about how to glue your aquarium, you should pay attention to the neutral version of Dow Corning 7093. It is a one-component transparent, non-toxic adhesive that is free from unpleasant odors. The composition is distinguished by good elasticity and moderate elasticity, due to which maximum strength, durability and tightness of the joint are achieved. The cost of this sealant is on average 320 rubles.
Which aquarium sealant is best: popular brands
The universal one-component Penosil composition is popular among aquarists. It has a good texture so it does not run off when applied. It's easy to work with. The material is characterized by good elasticity, strength after drying, resistance to water and direct sunlight. The disadvantages include an unpleasant smell of the glue mass and a long period of complete drying. The price of the material is 260 rubles.
Penosil sealant is easy to work with due to its good texture
The material is resistant to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Such a seam does not collapse over time under the influence of the water and air environment, due to which it is durable. How much does silicone cost? The cost of the glue is 280 rubles.
One of the best silicone sealants is Moment Herment, which is ideal for aquariums and terrariums. It is characterized by good elasticity, increased resistance to the negative effects of water and air, and ultraviolet radiation. The composition reliably seals butt joints, which can be subject to slight vibrations without compromising their integrity. The price of a sealant for the aquarium is 290 rubles. for a tube.
The soft-elastic silicone rubber "Kim Tek" has good properties. The substance is resistant to any adverse factors. It is actively used for aquariums, terrariums and any glass structures. You can buy such a silicone for 290 rubles.
The cheapest option is Krass Silicone Universal Sealant, which can be used on aquariums. It contains many additives that significantly impair its adhesive qualities. However, such a one-component formulation has satisfactory elasticity. Due to the presence of an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to leave the container pasted over with a sealant for at least a day in a well-ventilated place. You can buy such a sealant for 240 rubles.
Krass silicone sealant can be purchased for only 240 rubles
How to use silicone sealant: instructions for a beginner master
This section discusses how to use silicone sealant. In order to glue a glass aquarium yourself, you must follow the following sequence of steps. The first step is to prepare the workplace. For this, the flat surface is covered with cellophane. The glass elements of the future aquarium are pasted over with masking tape, stepping back from the edge a few millimeters to protect the surface from contamination. The joint areas should be degreased. For this, alcohol or acetone is used.
A thin layer of sealant is applied to the edges of the products. The elements fit together. Details are fixed for the time specified in the instructions for the adhesive. If air bubbles form at the junction, they must be eliminated by adding sealant and tightening the walls of the structure. You can also remove air with a rubber roller, which must be passed along the seam. If a problem is found after the silicone has dried, the air bubbles are pierced with a needle. If significant surface defects are detected, you will have to glue it again.
Without waiting for the glue to dry completely, use a scraper to remove its excess on the outer and inner parts of the seam.
Helpful advice!If the sealant has already set, you can use table vinegar to remove it by dampening a sponge and rubbing it gently.
Degrease the aquarium joints before applying the sealant.
How long does silicone sanitary sealant dry? Full adhesion of the glue occurs after 24 hours, after which the fixing tie is removed from the structure. The container is filled with water in order to check the tightness of all connections.
Important!The sealant is applied only to dry, grease-free surfaces, which will guarantee a reliable and durable connection.
If the aquarium is damaged, it can be repaired with sealant. Before gluing the aquarium, the damaged surface is dried and degreased with alcohol. A silicone adhesive is applied to the crack and smoothed out with a rubber trowel. Further, the time required for drying is maintained, after which the structure is suitable for further operation.
Among the wide range of sealants, it is important to choose the right adhesive for the aquarium, which will not only provide a strong, high-quality, reliable and durable connection, but also will not have a negative effect on its inhabitants.