Effective lighting of roads and sidewalks is one of the prerequisites for safety at night on city streets, in the courtyards of high-rise buildings and private houses. In addition, lanterns also perform an aesthetic function. Recently, street LED lamps on poles have been doing an excellent job with all the listed tasks, while providing cost savings and quick payback. This article will tell you about the features of the new generation flashlights.
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- 1 LED pole lamps: the advantages of LED lamps
- 2 Street LED lamps on poles: types and their characteristics
- 3 Varieties of street poles for lamps: choosing the best option
- 4 Varieties of outdoor DRL lamps on poles
- 5 Console outdoor LED luminaire: device features and purpose
- 6 Price of outdoor console LED lamps for poles
LED lamps on poles: the advantages of LED lamps
The main function of street lamps is to provide high-quality bright lighting with the greatest range of rays. It is LED lamps as street lamps on poles that are now rapidly gaining leadership in the ranking, which is due to a list of advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:
- efficiency, which is manifested in the fact that a lamp made of LEDs, in comparison with incandescent lamps, consumes 20 times less electricity when creating equivalent lighting;
- shockproof, resistance to vibration and temperature extremes. LED or LED-lamps are successfully used not only for indoor, but also for outdoor lighting;
- the crystal structure of the diode prevents its destruction and rapid burnout, therefore the service life reaches one hundred thousand hours or more. If we take into account that on average a lamp works about four hours a day, then taking into account the warranty resource, it can last more than 60 years;
- LED street lights on poles are not a source of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, when exposed to rays from LED lamps, objects do not heat up, which means that this prevents destruction in the form of faded paints, burnout of objects and walls.
The main disadvantages of street lamps on poles
The main disadvantage of LED products intended for street lighting is their high cost in comparison with other products belonging to this functional group.It should be noted that the lineup includes copies of street LED lamps for poles, the price of which is low, but at the same time they are of lower quality, and their service life is short.
A negative feature of these devices is also the fact that diode lamps are prohibited for installation in capsules or closed-type lanterns due to the lack of ventilation in them. If the diode heats up to 60 ° C, then it will fail pretty soon. In this case, the LED becomes cloudy, that is, it degrades. The emitted light loses its brightness, which no longer meets the original specifications.
Useful advice! When purchasing LED pole lighting fixtures, preference should be given to manufacturers known in the industry. This list includes companies such as Nichia, Philips, Osram and Cree. The products of these companies have excellent luminous flux values Lumen / Watt. Moreover, these products correspond to our climatic conditions.
The disadvantage of LED lamps is the light spectrum of the lamp, which depends on the temperature, and it is adjusted accordingly with the main purpose - for domestic or industrial needs.

When buying LED street lighting fixtures, preference should be given to manufacturers of well-known brands.
Also, LEDs are not recommended for use in places where humidity and temperature are excessively high. Nevertheless, lamps of this type are very popular, therefore they are widely used in domestic and industrial environments. They are especially relevant in modern street lighting.
LED street lamps on poles: types and their characteristics
The main types of LED-type street lamps are the following devices: lanterns, spotlights and decorative lamps. The most common in this list are lanterns, so we will dwell on a more detailed description of this type separately.
Floodlights as street lighting are most widely used in industrial environments. They are installed in spacious areas of enterprises, in parking lots, stadiums and are used to illuminate buildings of administrative institutions. Most often, floodlights are used as industrial street lamps for poles.
In everyday life, small-sized weak LED floodlights are used from the products of this category. With their help, they illuminate adjacent territories and estates. Devices can emit white or colored light. The floodlights are mounted at different angles of light emission. As a rule, lamps with a power of 90 to 400 W are installed in them.

The main types LED street lights types are: lanterns, spotlights and decorative lamps
Sets of various LED cords are used as decorative lamps:
- Duraflex is a flexible and waterproof LED cord. This circuit is a series of bright diodes, which are encapsulated in a special case with a high level of tightness and strength. The cord is lightweight, which has a positive effect on the installation and maintenance of the lamp - such specimens are placed to illuminate trees, poles and houses.
- Duralight is an LED-cord that is similar in characteristics and device to duraflex and is used for the same purposes. Differs in a higher degree of flexibility.
- Grids and rulers are one-piece structures of LED lamps with an increased level of durability, which are used in decorating building facades, stage design, advertising banners and poles.
Features and characteristics of street lamps on poles
The use of street LED pole lights is very widespread.They provide lighting for highways, highways, gas stations and streets in populated areas. Less powerful specimens are used in the yards of residential buildings and budgetary organizations, in parks. Lanterns used for these purposes differ in design and in the nature of the light that they emit.

The main function of street lamps is to provide high-quality bright lighting with the greatest range of rays.
Useful advice! It is better to entrust the preparation of the project, the choice of a specific type of lighting and its installation to specialists. They will perform all the necessary range of work. In addition, reliable contractors must provide warranty and post-warranty service.
In order to illuminate roads and highways, reflector lamps on poles are used, providing a versatile light distribution. For this purpose, lamps with a power of up to 400 W are installed in the lamps. In devices used on poles located at gas stations, adjacent territories, in parks, squares, courtyards of private houses and in summer cottages, lamps with diffused light with a power of up to 150 watts are mounted. This combination provides a "wide luminous intensity curve", which is the uniform distribution of illumination over a certain area.
Varieties of street poles for lamps: choosing the best option
Poles for fixing luminaires on the street are made from various materials. Their various types can be found on city streets or highways. The most popular ones are as follows:
- pillars made of wood, the length of which is from 6.5 to 11 m, and the diameter is from 14 to 24 cm;
- reinforced concrete structures with a length of 4 to 11 m, a diameter of 10-40 cm;
- metal supports, cast or assembled from cast iron, aluminum or galvanized steel, their height starts from 1.5 m, and other parameters depend on the purpose of the structure;
- plastic products;
- pillars made of composite materials.
The main requirement for supports is the following: they must be strong and withstand wind, humidity and temperature changes. According to experts, the best option is street LED luminaires on metal lighting poles, since they are durable and durable. The features of the pillars, which have a tapering structure at the top and a hollow inner part, make them both lightweight and strong, which simplifies installation work and reduces installation costs.
Of all the options, the most popular are street luminaires on round galvanized steel posts, the length of which varies from 3 to 12 meters. Such supports are widely used in parks, streets, highways and other places. Higher structures (over 12 meters) are installed at train stations, stadiums, as well as on highways, bridges and spacious squares.
In private estates, lamps are often mounted on fence posts. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a reliable foundation, since an increased load on the fence posts is expected. Lamps for this option can be chosen of any kind.
Varieties of outdoor DRL lamps on poles
The predecessor of LED lamps are DRL devices, which stand for high pressure mercury arc phosphor lamp. Such devices are in many ways inferior to diode devices in a number of characteristics, but in many respects they surpassed their predecessors - incandescent lamps. In addition, it should be noted that the price of a street lamp with DRL lamps is much more attractive than the cost of its LED counterparts. Luminaires with DRL lamps, depending on the scope of application, are divided into two main types: cantilever and crowning (or floor lamp type).
Useful advice! To avoid damage, the body of console lamps must be equipped with impact-resistant glass, which is necessary to protect the light elements.
Console lamps get their name from the external drop-shaped appearance. They are fixed at an angle of 15 ° in relation to the horizontal surface. Most often for street lighting they use cantilever street lamps on 250 W DRL poles. In some cases, depending on the illuminated area, lamps with a power of 125 and 400 W can be installed. The price of the product depends on this indicator.
Crowning, or floor lamps, are street lamps familiar to many - balls on poles. For their production, frosted or transparent glass is used, as well as polycarbonate. The basis for such devices are various decorative pillars or cabinets. The height of such a structure, as a rule, does not exceed five meters.
Floor lamps are also produced in the form of an inverted cone equipped with a light diffusion device. This type of lamp is considered decorative. It is used as lighting and decoration in personal plots and in small parks and squares. The power of the DRL lamps is 125 or 150 W.
Console outdoor LED luminaire: features of the device and its purpose
One of the most common types of lamps is console. Their design assumes one rigid mount. The main fixing element is the bracket, sometimes its function is performed directly by the body of the lantern itself. Cantilever street lamps are installed on poles - and not only. They are mounted on masts, on supports in the form of a floor lamp, as well as on various engineering and architectural structures.
For the manufacture of the case, reinforced polymer, cast aluminum or steel are used. Metal parts are coated with a special paint that prevents corrosion. Accordingly, the price of an outdoor console lamp for poles depends on the material of manufacture and additional equipment. The bracket is made with a hole having a diameter of 46-60 mm. In the middle of the case, as a rule, there is a ballast, a power supply and directly LED lamps.
The body of the lighting device is equipped with a mechanism that helps to remove heat from the diode lamps, and its optical part contains reflectors, a light scattering device and optics for distributing light in the desired direction.
Related article:
LED floodlights for street lighting: a safe life in bright light
Technical parameters and connection features. Advantages and disadvantages. Scope of application, types, criteria for a successful choice.
Typically, this type of light is used in humid and dusty environments, such as on motorways. Therefore, they must be equipped with additional equipment corresponding to the degree of protection at least IP65. Often, manufacturing companies proceed from specific customer requests, on the basis of which the price of outdoor console lamps for poles is formed.
Price of outdoor console LED lamps for poles
The cost of LED lamps includes many factors, including materials of manufacture and their quality, individual parts, and the presence of additional protective equipment. Each customer chooses his own, the most affordable option. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately determine in advance the model that must meet the requirements and budget.

The cost of installing street lighting will depend on the number of lanterns or spotlights and their type
Despite the fact that the price of street lighting fixtures for poles with LED lamps is quite high compared to other types, they are very popular products due to their payback in just a couple of years of operation. In the future, these devices allow significant savings.
When calculating the total cost of installing LED street lighting on poles, you need to take into account the costs of purchasing such elements:
- lanterns or spotlights;
- poles, supports or fasteners for the fence;
- foundation for pillars;
- communications for power transmission.
Accordingly, the cost of installing this type of street lighting will depend on the number of lamps or spotlights and their type, and the cost of each of them will depend on the light sources used.
Important! Poles used for street lighting must withstand a wind load of 160 km / h.

The cost of LED console lights includes many factors, including materials of manufacture and their quality.
Street lamps on poles: price lamps and installation work
Manufacturers form the cost of the lamps and shades themselves taking into account the following factors:
- the power of the LED lamp - the higher this indicator, the, accordingly, the product is more expensive;
- color temperature - cold light bulbs cost more than warm light bulbs;
- the size of the plafond - the smaller the product, the cheaper it is;
- shape and material of the shade - curly models have a higher price.
For example, the price of a 100 W LED street lamp for poles will be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a 400 W lamp. The price of products also depends on the components, manufacturing technology and their dimensions. The cost of one lamp will be significantly less if you buy lighting fixtures in bulk In addition, suppliers usually make good discounts on the condition that they purchase a complete set of equipment required for installation.
Delivery should be included in the list of costs. To transport these devices, in order to avoid damage, it is better to use special transport. If the delivery is carried out by the supplier or manufacturer, then he is responsible for the safety of the goods. Therefore, most often, transportation is included in the cost of a set of products.
The total price of street lamps for poles also includes the cost of design and installation work. It is better to entrust them to professionals. There are special firms engaged in this type of activity. They can be found on the Internet, but before that, it is recommended to make inquiries, consult with experienced builders and read comments on specialized sites and forums.
Modern LED lamps are rapidly gaining leadership over other lighting products. Moreover, their initial high cost is compensated by a quick payback and further significant savings. The devices are characterized by a wide range of applications, economy, reliability and durability. They can work both on electricity and on solar panels. Street lamps on poles are often equipped with photo relaywhich guarantees additional savings. The range of products is very wide, including products from the owner of a famous brand, as well as exclusive and designer models.