From this article you can find out how the meter readings for electricity are transmitted: you can transfer data on energy consumption in various ways, all of them are discussed in the text. The features of each method of transferring information from the metering equipment are also described: the sequence of the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for electricity consumers. Data transmission system in various ways on the example of the company Energosbyt Plus.

Transfer readings electricity meter in several ways
- 1 Electricity meter readings: transfer information in different ways
- 2 How to transfer meter readings for light in the telephone mode
- 3 A reliable way to transmit energy readings: at the company office
- 4 How to submit an electric meter reading when paying receipts
- 5 How to transfer readings for light to power supply using a box for receiving data
- 6 How to submit electricity credentials over the Internet
- 7 How to transfer meter readings for electricity to power supply: an example of a current scheme
Electricity meter readings: transfer information in different ways
Residents of apartments and private houses are given the opportunity to live with the maintenance of comfortable conditions, namely, water and electricity supply, gasification. At the same time, they are obliged to timely pay utility bills and report the readings of metering devices confirming the expense.
There are many ways to send meter readings for electricity. Subscribers can choose the right option that will save time and effort without having to worry about being late.
How to take readings from an electricity meter
The board or display of any meter for electrical energy displays information about how many kilowatts of electricity the consumer has spent. The current standards and rules oblige subscribers to independently take and transfer readings for electricity every month.
Useful advice! It is recommended to perform this procedure on the same day prior to paying utility bills.
The procedure for removing data from the electricity meter:
- Arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pen.
- Make sure that the meter is in good working order and that the readings are correct.
- Transfer data from a scoreboard or display to paper. For conventional devices with one tariff, this data represents only one indicator. Two-tariff devices need to take two indicators: the number of kilowatt / hours spent per night and per day. In three-tariff meters, respectively, 3 values are needed: indicators for electricity consumed at night, during the day and during a period called half-peak.
- Below, write down the data obtained for the previous calculation period. These numerical values will be less than the current counter values.
- Calculate the difference between the current and previous readings.
- The result is multiplied by the cost of 1 kW of electricity according to the tariff assigned to the given area.
- Add up the amounts due for all tariffs.
For three-digit counters (devices with 3 digits before the decimal point and 1 after the decimal point), the maximum value is 1000 kWh. Four-digit devices (meters with 4 digits to the decimal point) can display a maximum of 10,000 kWh. After reaching these values, the accounting equipment is reset to zero.
How to check the electricity meter for correct readings
Before submitting meter readings for light, you need to make sure that it works correctly. A surface check consists of a visual inspection of the device for any problems:
- The numbers on the display should be clear and legible.
- No blinking on the electronic display.
- No damage to the outside of the device.
- The integrity of the filling.
Note! For a full check, you will need additional tools and devices: a calculator, a stopwatch, a 100 W incandescent lamp and a multimeter.

The first digit after T shows in which zone of the day the electricity is counted at the time of viewing (1 - in the zone of day, 2 - in the zone of night). The second digit after T shows the meter readings that must be transferred to the receipt when paying (1 - day, 2 - night)
A complete check of the counter looks like this:
- Check if the device is connected correctly.
- Checking the disc for arbitrary rotational movements.
- Calculation of errors in measurements.
- Checking the degree of magnetization.
It should be noted that checking the level of magnetization of devices can have certain difficulties. Devices Mercury, Energomera and Neva are sealed with anti-magnetic seals-stickers that change color under the influence of a magnet. Checking the level of magnetization of such devices will ultimately lead to a fine when employees come to check the meter without removing it and see the state of the sticker. Therefore, you should be careful when performing this procedure.
Final Stage of Light Reading: Transfer Data
Consumers of electrical energy are provided with a variety of ways to transfer accounting information from devices. The list includes both traditional methods and modern ones, involving the use of telecommunication technologies.
Subscribers can send meter readings for light by:
- entering digital values from the device into a receipt intended for payment of electrical energy;
- transmission of testimony by telephone to the appropriate organization;
- transmission of information via the Internet (a special Internet resource is used or the user's personal account on the website of the energy supplying company);
- visiting the housing office or one of the offices of the energy supply company.
Note! The transmission of readings from metering devices should be carried out within the established time frames, i.e. by the 26th of each month.
How to transfer meter readings for light in the telephone mode
You can transfer meter data for electricity using a phone in different ways. For these purposes, the following can be used:
- call center;
- connection with the operator;
- SMS message.
All of them have both advantages and weaknesses, however, they allow you to transfer accounting information in a timely manner without having to stand in line.
How to transfer light meter readings through a call center
Telephone communication allows you to easily transfer indicators of the amount of electricity consumed. To do this, you need to contact the call center. The contact phone number can usually be found on the receipt. It is located in its upper right corner.
By dialing the specified contact phone number, the consumer is given the opportunity to listen to the successive recommendations of the answering machine. Following these instructions of the informant, you can transfer the readings for the light in the telephone mode. The duration of such a session is short - only a few minutes.
Thanks to this number, everyone can contact the help desk within 24 hours in order to transfer personal data on energy consumption, which saves time and nerves.
How to transmit electricity meter readings through an operator
You can send the data displayed on the meter using the operator in the telephone mode. To do this, you need to contact the power supply company. It is also allowed to use the SBC number.
This method, in addition to the obvious advantages, also has disadvantages. In practice, consumers of electrical energy have to face the following problems:
- often a lot of time is spent on dialing;
- long wait on the line before you can get a connection with the operator;
- high probability of errors in recordings during voice transmission of information.
Note! In order to control the transmitted indicators, employees calibrate the electricity meters, the verification time is set by the metering equipment manufacturer. Information about this is contained in the passport of the electric meter.
The cost of checking electricity meters:
Verification service name | price, rub. |
Single Phase Induction Type Meter | 285 |
Single Phase Electronic Meter | 530 |
Three-phase electronic device | 690 |
Three-phase induction type device | 470 |
Expedited procedure 1 business day | +100% |
Expedited procedure 3 working days | +50% |
Expedited procedure 5 working days | +25% |
How to transfer readings of electricity meters via SMS
Today, many consumers are interested in how to send the readings of electricity meters via SMS, because almost all energy supplying companies provide this opportunity. It uses short text messages sent from mobile phones.
This method involves the transfer of electricity readings on a personal account using a text message. For these purposes, there is a special number, as well as a scheme for entering information. Each tariff has its own procedure, which is indicated in the memo. It is found on your electricity bill.
Consumers living in settlements located far from the city can transmit electricity readings on their personal account via SMS. Also, this method will be beneficial to citizens who are deprived of the ability to connect to the Internet. The service for the population is provided free of charge.
Note! At the same time, subscribers do not need to call the operator to send readings, data can be transferred for electricity at any time, because SMS messages are received around the clock.
A reliable way to transmit energy readings: at the company office
Energy supply companies also accept light data; you can give readings for electrical energy in one of the offices. This method of sending accounting information is considered one of the most reliable, since the consumer submits the data directly to the electricity supplier. The procedure can be used to pay electricity costs not only for the previous month, but also for a period called inter-settlement.
Where to submit electricity meter data: an overview of power sales organizations
Each electricity consumer can transfer readings for light to the power supply in one of the offices of the company to which his district is assigned.
List of energy sales organizations:
Company name | Service areas |
Atomenergosbyt | Nuclear sector enterprises |
Oboronenergosbyt | Consumers of the Russian Ministry of Defense |
Borisoglebsk ESP | Borisoglebsk (Voronezh region) |
Voronezh power supply company | Territory of the Voronezh region |
Sverdlovenergosbyt | Territory of the Sverdlovsk region |
Orenburgenergosbyt | Territory of the Orenburg region |
Tambov power supply company | Territory of the Tambov region |
Komi power supply company | Komi Republic |
Kola energy sales company | Territory of the Murmansk region |
Mezhregionenergo | Companies of the Gazprom Group |
Marienergosbyt | Mari El Republic. |
Tatenergosbyt | Republic of Tatarstan |
Mordovian energy sales company | The Republic of Mordovia |
Power supply company of Bashkorostan | Republic of Bashkortostan |
GREENN Energosbyt | Territory of the Voronezh region |
Rusenergosbyt | Subjects of the Russian Federation (18 subjects) |
Energoservice | Territory of St. Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation |
Nizhnovatomenergosbyt | Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Rostov Regions and etc. |
Mosenergosbyt | Large deliveries to Russia |
Kolanregionenergosbyt | Territory of the Murmansk region |
Power supply company of the Moscow region | Territory of the Moscow region |
Regional power supply company | Territory of Zheleznogorsk and region |
Note! Each organization listed in the table allows transmit meter readings electricity through one of its offices in the city. The metrics presentation scheme may vary, but overall it is standard and simple.
How to submit an electric meter reading when paying receipts
Previously, it was possible to submit data for light by means of the post office during the transfer of evidence. Today, such methods are considered outdated, therefore post offices are not used to transfer information on accounting devices and pay for notices. Instead, at the moment when the payment for electrical energy is made, the post office employees enter the data into special automated forms.
Holders of plastic cards have other ways of transferring data around the world. The transfer of meter readings is carried out through the ATM at the time when the receipt is paid. The computer prompts the subscriber to sequentially follow clearly prescribed instructions that are displayed on the ATM display. In the process, informative electricity accounting data are filled in.
The advantage of this method is that the electricity consumer simultaneously performs two tasks with minimal effort: transfers meter readings and pays utility bills without charging an additional commission.
Related article:
Electricity meter readings: how to remove data from metering devices
How to remove data from single-rate and multi-rate devices for electricity metering. Priority and basic rules for the transfer of evidence.
How to transfer readings for light to power supply using a box for receiving data
Consumers can, when accounting for electricity readings, submit information using special boxes designed for these purposes. The boxes are owned by energy supply companies and allow data transfer.
To use this method, you must fill out the appropriate column on a paper form or enter the meter readings in the tear-off spine of the receipt. After that, you just need to drop the document into a special box.
Note! For convenience, testimony boxes are placed in public places. Most often, bins for collecting accounting information can be found in post offices, shops or power supply company offices.
How to submit electricity credentials over the Internet
Modern technologies make it possible to electronically keep records of electricity readings; in this case, information on meters can be transmitted in several ways:
- by email;
- through the user's personal account on the Internet resource of the energy supply company;
- using specialized Internet services.
Using e-mail and personal account
When transmitting meter readings over the world, a personal account, like e-mail, allows electricity consumers to inform energy suppliers about the kilowatts spent without leaving home.
To transmit data by email, you need to know the email address of the energy supply company. A letter should be sent to it with the following information:
- apartment number;
- personal account of the consumer of electrical energy;
- readings of the meter.
Messages received by the e-mail address are processed automatically. In this case, specialized software is used, which requires refusing to enter unnecessary words, signs and symbols. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of the input of readings for the light, sending information with an error means making data processing impossible.
The function of sending meter readings using a personal account can be used by any electricity consumer who has the skills to use a computer. By visiting the official website of the electricity supplier, you can easily send data. To do this, you need to correctly fill in all the proposed fields.
Useful advice! The personal account page allows you to perform other useful tasks. Users can view statistics, pay utility bills online, and receive news.
Using the Internet service to transfer readings
Automated data transfer services allow you to send electricity meter readings without wasting time and a personal visit. To do this, you need to visit the site of the center.
After that, the user is prompted to perform the following actions:
- Press the button "Transfer meter readings".
- When the corresponding page opens, you must enter the client account number (9 digits). It is written in the upper right corner on the payment slip. To proceed to the execution of further actions, you must click the button with the inscription "Press".
- In the field that appears, one of the suggested values should be displayed from the column with the numbers of metering devices, which is placed on the receipt. It is imperative to make sure that the exact characters, including spaces, are entered.After that it is necessary to confirm the correctness of the entered information by pressing the "Yes" button.
- A table will appear on the screen for entering the readings of the meter. It is necessary to enter the indicators opposite the suitable counter. Here the user can view the information that was entered earlier.
- To confirm the action done, you need to click the "Yes" button. After that, the data will be sent and processed further.

In the personal account of the automated service, you can see the statistics of electricity use for the past periods
Note! Such services provide users with the ability to print a table with data. In addition, you can correct incorrectly entered information on the same day or on one of the following. It should be noted that the correction of the data on the day of entry allows the change in indicators to a smaller and larger side. On other days, these values can only be increased.
How to transfer meter readings for electricity to power supply: an example of a current scheme
After the cancellation of specialized boxes for the transmission of information, energy sales began to experience difficulties in servicing subscribers. To get rid of long queues, a new scheme was developed to save consumers time.
This process has been streamlined. Today it includes several channels for self-transmission of readings on accounting equipment instead of canceling branded boxes. In addition to developing new channels for transmitting information, this scheme includes dividing the process by dates. This allows for load balancing and efficient optimization.
Data transfer scheme on the example of JSC "Energosbyt plus"
Proposed methods for transmitting electric meter readings to Energosbyt plus, JSC:
- Transfer of information through a receipt - the method is positioned as the most convenient and involves the transfer of readings during payment of utility bills in housing and communal services. The procedure is available throughout the month at FSUE Russian Post or at Sberbank of Russia. To do this, the consumer of electricity must independently fill in the readings in the receipt and transfer it.
- Data submission through the terminal of Sberbank of Russia OJSC - the organization's terminals allow transmitting readings within a month, as well as pay for them.
- Sending indicators using Internet resources - for these purposes, the user's personal account or special services can be used. The service is available from the 18th day of any month to the 26th day of the same month.
- Transfer of information through information and payment terminals or information kiosks - these devices are installed in the offices of Energosbyt Plus, OJSC, engaged in service and sales. The procedure can be performed throughout the month.
- Sending data via SMS - the service is available to all subscribers of cellular operators. Short numbers are provided to consumers specifically for these purposes.
- Transfer of readings over the telephone - the operation is performed from the 10th to the 26th day of each month.
All data transmission methods indicated in the article are suitable for informing energy supply companies. Such a system allows each owner of an apartment or private house to choose the most convenient way for him transmit meter readings... Moreover, the subscriber can independently plan his schedule, taking into account the proposed dates.