To obtain freshly squeezed juice, a juicer is used, which is a screw or centrifugal unit. The devices not only differ in the spinning technology, but also provide different quality of the finished product. To figure out which juicer is better: screw or centrifugal, you should study the distinctive characteristics of each device and the features of its operation.

The screw and centrifugal juicers are distinguished by the features of operation and the technology of pressing
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- 1 Which juicer is better for home use: universal requirements for the device
- 2 What are the best juicers: important nuances
- 3 Which juicer is better: types of devices
- 4 Which is better: a screw or centrifugal juicer, useful tips
- 5 Which is better: a juicer or a juicer, expert and consumer reviews
- 6 Rating of screw-type juicers for fruit processing
- 7 Best centrifugal juicers
Which juicer is better for home use: universal requirements for the device
When choosing a juicer, there is a certain list of universal requirements that the device must meet, regardless of its type and model.
Priority is given to spin quality. The best home juicer should get the most out of your processed foods. The quality of the extraction is evidenced by the state of the cake. It should be crushed and slightly damp. The maximum efficiency and productivity are shown by juicers with practically dry waste. If at the end of the operation process of the device there are intact pieces of fruit and juice in the cake, it can be concluded that the juicer does not perform well the function assigned to it.
Important! For convenient operation, an important criterion is the noise level during the operation of the device. You should choose juicers with a minimum value of 30-60 dB. Such devices can be used at any time of the day without the risk of disturbing households and neighbors.
The dimensions of the juicer are of no small importance. For everyday use, it is better to give preference to compact options that do not need constant disassembly and assembly, since they take up little free storage space. Bulky models are suitable for processing large quantities of fruits or vegetables. After completion of the work, the unit is disassembled into its constituent elements and hides in the cabinet.
What are the best juicers: important nuances
In deciding which juicer is better, consumer reviews play an important role. They indicate the importance of ease of disassembly and assembly of the device, ease of cleaning. The total time that must be spent on preparing a freshly squeezed drink depends on the laboriousness of these manipulations. The cleaning speed of the device is influenced by the material of the body and working elements.
If there are plastic parts in the appliance, they will be colored in the color of the processed fruit. Aluminum is prone to oxidation. The best option is stainless steel devices, which are also characterized by durability, strength and resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.
Note! Convenience during cleaning is influenced by the shape of the neck and containers. It is faster and easier to wash wide containers that are not equipped with various partitions.
Additional convenience in operation is created by models with a display on which the operating mode of the device is set depending on the type of fruit being processed, as well as a juicer with a speed controller. Thanks to this equipment, the possibility of making mistakes when using the device is excluded.
When choosing a high-quality and durable device, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of a specific type of juicer, which has proven itself from the best side in the kitchen appliances market. The best high quality products are offered by Kuvіngs, Kenwood, Bosch, Phіlips, Moulіnex and Bоrk.
Which juicer is better: types of devices
There are two types of juicers - screw and centrifugal. Which is the best unit to choose can be decided after examining the strengths and weaknesses of each type of device.
The classic device for squeezing juice is a centrifugal juicer, the principle of which is based on the use of centrifugal force. The fruits are loaded into a special container, which fall on a special grater located in the lower part of the separator, where they are crushed to a puree consistency.
The resulting mass under the action of centrifugal force, which arises as a result of the rapid rotation of the centrifuge, is thrown onto the side walls of the separator, which are presented in the form of a fine mesh. Through many holes the juice flows into the receiving container, and the cake is discharged into a special container. This is done automatically.
The separator can be either conical or cylindrical. In the first case, the device is able to provide a degree of extraction up to 70%, while the cake is discharged into a special container automatically. Thanks to the cylindrical separator, the juicer is able to squeeze out up to 95% of the juice from the processed fruit. The cake from such devices is removed manually, which reduces the level of their productivity.
Centrifugal juicers are simple and easy to use. This is achieved due to the presence of a wide loading mouth, which eliminates the need for preliminary crushing of the fruit to be processed. This is an important criterion when deciding which juicer is best for apples.
Important! The centrifugal juicer operates at high speeds, which reach 10-12 thousand rpm. This speed ensures fast processing of large quantities of products in a matter of minutes, which contributes to high productivity of the device.
The juicer can operate continuously for 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to take a break.However, there are models that can work without stopping until the fruit processing process is completed.
The advantages of centrifugal juicers also include a wide range of devices and their affordable cost.
The main disadvantages of centrifugal juicers
The main disadvantage of the juicer is hidden behind its main advantage. Due to the operation of the device at high speeds, its high productivity is achieved, which, however, negatively affects the quality of freshly squeezed juice. The fruits are processed in a separator under the action of centrifugal force, which entails active interaction of the product with oxygen. This leads to the oxidation of the drink, which loses its beneficial properties, which is the main difference between a centrifugal juicer and a screw juicer.
Of the negative consequences, it is also worth noting the heating of the juice, which occurs as a result of the high speed of rotation of the centrifuge. When choosing a screw or centrifugal juicer, you should be aware that the resulting drink, when using the latter, remains usable for only 20-25 minutes after preparation.
Note! If you do not drink freshly squeezed juice obtained using a centrifugal device for 5-10 minutes, vitamin C will completely disappear from it.
The centrifugal juicer is best suited for the processing of hard fruits. The result is a clear, liquid juice without pulp. When processing soft, fleshy fruits with a large amount of fibers, a lot of moist cake is formed, which is already used for recycling. This leads to a large consumption of products to obtain a sufficient amount of pure juice.
The centrifugal juicer is not suitable for processing greens. It does a poor job with berries, vegetables and fruits, grains, seeds and small bones, since during the squeezing process, the smallest particles will clog the cells of the separator mesh, contributing to its rapid wear, complicating the effective operation of equipment. The unit must be periodically turned off, disassembled, washed out the mesh, which is a rather laborious process due to the presence of the smallest holes on it.
Centrifugal juicers are high-power devices reaching a value of 200-1500 W, as a result of which a lot of electricity is consumed during the operation of the device. This is especially noticeable when processing a large number of products. The high power and speed of rotation of the drum entails the formation of an increased level of noise when using the juicer, which can create some discomfort for households.
Which juicer is better to choose: features of the auger units
Considering the question of which juicer to choose - centrifugal or screw, you should pay attention to the features of the latter type of device.
An auger juicer is similar to a traditional meat grinder. The process of squeezing the juice from the fruits is carried out using a rotating screw auger, which helps to push them through a sieve with fine meshes. This technology allows you to process fruits and vegetables of different hardness. Depending on this, you can get a drink of different consistency, including with a high content of pulp. The cake is almost dry. This indicates a high degree of extraction of the device, which is 95%.
Another difference between the screw and centrifugal juicers is that the former easily handles the processing of berries, fleshy fruits, herbs and cereals.The meshes in the metal mesh are of such size, due to which the juice, together with the pulp, enters the receiving container, while the skin and small bones are diverted into the container for cake.
The motor power of electric auger devices is 150-1000 W. This contributes to the almost silent operation of the product. The noise level reaches 30-50 dB. Such a juicer consumes less energy compared to a centrifugal machine. In addition, as a result of the operation of the device at low speeds, a more stable operation of the device is provided, which is less likely to fail and lasts for a longer period of time.
Which juicer is better: auger or centrifugal, other differences between the units
The auger juicer operates at low speeds of 40-100 rpm, resulting in a cold squeezing of the juice. This technology allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins in the finished drink. Freshly squeezed juice can be consumed for several hours. It can be placed in the refrigerator and stored for about a day. During this time, it will be beneficial to your health, which is a significant difference between a screw and a centrifugal juicer.
Using a screw juicer, you can not only make juice, but also make smoothies, sorbet. Due to the presence of special attachments, the machine can process frozen fruits, cook nut butter, squeeze oil out of seeds, which is the difference between a screw juicer and a centrifugal one.
Most models of auger devices are equipped with a reversing function, which causes the shaft to rotate in the opposite direction. This option protects the internal mechanism from wear, as pressure is reduced on it in the event of a failure of the spin system. The reverse function contributes to increased productivity and efficient operation of the unit.
Screw juicers are presented in various variations, where the units differ in the principle of operation, position of the working mechanism and equipment.
What is the best electric juicer-meat grinder: types of devices
There are mechanical and electrical models. The first type of devices is controlled manually, and the second - using an electric motor.
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Auger juicers: maximum nutrients in every glass
Varieties of devices depending on the principle of operation and the variant of the auger location. Popular models of juicers.
The screw auger can be positioned horizontally and vertically. The latter type of device can be considered universal, since it can handle the processing of any product. The vertical unit has more compact dimensions. Due to the fact that the processing mechanism can grip and squeeze the fruit itself, the need to use a pusher is eliminated, which is not the case with horizontal models. This is accompanied by increased productivity of the vertical juicers.
One of the main advantages of horizontal juice machines is that some models have two augers. This contributes to increasing the efficiency and productivity of devices, expanding the range of processed products. The use of such a device makes it obvious the answer to the question of which apple juicer is better. The unit can also be used as a coffee grinder for grinding beans and a meat grinder for making minced meat.
Another difference between the screw and centrifugal juicers is the long process of squeezing the juice first, which is associated with the operation of the device at low speeds.Such units are equipped with a rather narrow neck, so the fruits should be cut into pieces before processing, which increases the time of the juice preparation process.
The drink turns out to be quite concentrated and rich, with a lot of pulp, especially if pulpy, ripe fruits are processed. As a result of such a juice consistency, additional filtering will be required to obtain a more liquid product.
Useful advice! The auger is not recommended for processing large quantities of fruit. This is due to the fact that the continuous operation time of the unit is no more than 30 minutes.
Which is better: a screw or centrifugal juicer, useful tips
Considering the pros and cons of screw and centrifugal juicers, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which unit is better. It all depends on the specific circumstances: how often the device will be used, what fruits will be processed, what kind of juice should be obtained at the exit.
Which juicer is better - auger or centrifugal? Consumer reviews claim that for home everyday use, the latter option can be purchased, which allows you to prepare clarified juice, which should be consumed immediately. It will be more watery and foamy.
The auger dispenses drinks with a high content of nutrients, which can be stored for a long period. This makes the unit indispensable during the juice harvesting period. A freshly squeezed product turns out to be denser, richer and thicker, but many do not like to use it in this form.
Considering the question of how the screw juicer differs from the centrifugal juicer in terms of versatility, we can conclude that the first type of devices is characterized by multifunctionality. This is due to the possibility of processing different types of fruits and products of different hardness by the unit. Thanks to the equipment with additional attachments, it is possible to prepare not only juice, but also smoothies, sorbet, nut butter and pasta.
Which is better: a juicer or a juicer, expert and consumer reviews
When processing the crop, each housewife has a question, which is better - a juicer or a juicer. The answer lies in the purpose of each unit. To obtain freshly squeezed juice and use it immediately, a juicer is used. In order to preserve a drink for the winter, it is most convenient to use a juicer, despite the fact that another type of device is able to cope with this task.
The difference lies in the way the devices work. A screw or centrifugal juicer for apples and other fruits processes them. The result is a ready-made juice that needs to be boiled before being rolled into jars for storage.
In a juicer, the process of extracting juice from the fruit takes place under the influence of hot steam generated when the water is heated. The device consists of three containers inserted into one another. Water is poured into the lower pan. Fruits are laid in the upper container (in the form of a sieve). Juice flows into a medium saucepan, which is discharged through a straw directly into a sterilized jar and rolled up. This eliminates the need for preliminary preparation of juice, bringing it to a boil, pouring into cans and canning.
As numerous reviews prove, the juice cooker is able to cope with any fruit, regardless of their hardness, density and meatiness.
Useful advice! The fruits do not need to be pre-crushed, peeled or cored, it is enough to rinse them and put them in a container.
When the process is complete, the juicer is easy to clean.It is characterized by a low level of wear: since the device has a simple design, the components are not subjected to friction and stress during operation.

The principle of operation of a juicer is to extract juice from fruits under the influence of hot steam
Rating of screw-type juicers for fruit processing
They significantly help in compiling a rating and finding an answer to the question of which auger juicer is better - reviews and numerous reviews.
Among the auger juicers, the most popular is the Korean model Kuvings NS-950, which has a stylish design. The power of the device is 300 W, which allows you to process vegetables and fruits, as well as ice and nuts. The rotation speed of the stainless steel shaft reaches 80 rpm, which contributes to the high productivity of the device. The model is represented by a vertical device, so the processed fruits are immediately captured by the auger and crushed with the release of juice.
Such a juicer is capable of making not only juice, but also smoothies, mousse, puree and frappe, which becomes possible thanks to additional attachments. The model is characterized by small dimensions. The unit works almost silently. You can buy a reliable assistant for 20 thousand rubles.
Many people are interested in what is the best juicer for apples. User reviews claim that for this purpose it is worth purchasing a Gemlux GL-SJ-73P vertical auger juicer with a power of 240 W and a shaft speed of 60 rpm. Thanks to the wide mouth, the fruits can be placed whole, which greatly speeds up the juicing process. The model is multifunctional, it allows you to get pure juice, smoothies and sorbet. This is done due to the presence of three cones in the package to the device. You can buy such a model for 8 thousand rubles.

Multifunctional screw juicer Gеmlux GL-SJ-73P allows you to prepare not only juice, but also sorbet, smoothies
What is the best home juicer? Consumer reviews indicate that Midеa MC-JS1103 is popular among budget options. The power of the device is 120 W, the rotational speed of the auger is 65 rpm, which is quite enough for processing apples, tomatoes and other fruits. The model is equipped with a reversing function, the Anti-drop system. To prevent sliding on the surface during operation, the model has rubberized legs. You can buy such a juicer for only 4.7 thousand rubles.
Best centrifugal juicers
When choosing a unit for obtaining juice, it is worth studying reviews on the forums. What is the best juicer for apples and other fruits? Domestic models of Neptune and Salyut devices are very popular among consumers. The first type of unit has a power of 400 watts. The rotational speed of the separator reaches 1380 rpm, which determines the high productivity of the device.
The unit operates with a spin efficiency of 55-60%. The device is capable of processing up to 60 kg of fruits in 1 hour. The juicer has a small neck diameter, which requires large pieces of fruit to be cut into pieces.
Note! When choosing which juicer is better - Salute or Neptune, you should pay attention to the high productivity of the latter, which can process up to 120 kg of hard fruits in 1 hour. It has small dimensions. Due to the wide neck, the need to cut the fruit for processing is eliminated.
The disadvantages of both juicers include a high noise level during operation. The price of such units is in the range of 3.5-3.8 thousand rubles.
If we talk about which juicer is better for a summer residence and at home, it is worth highlighting the RJ-M908 model. The power of the device is 800 W. The casing and the mesh of the separator are made of stainless steel, which contributes to the reliability and durability of the device. The juicer is equipped with 5 speeds, which are selected based on the type of fruit being processed.
It can squeeze juice out of both hard and soft foods. Thanks to the wide inlet, the whole fruit can be lowered, which speeds up the juicing process. The glass for receiving a pure drink has a special shape and is equipped with a foam separator, which contributes to obtaining a clean product without foam. The cost of the device is 8.1 thousand rubles.
The differences between the screw and centrifugal juicers are very significant. The units are characterized by a different approach to juicing. The choice of a specific type of device is primarily determined based on the purpose of the device and the frequency of its use. Reviews on numerous forums will also help you decide on the choice of a juicer model, which it is recommended to familiarize yourself with.