Like any other room, the bathroom should be decorated not only comfortably, but also beautifully. After taking care of all the intricacies of the interior, you can give the room the desired appearance, as well as the stylistic direction. The skirting board for the bathroom plays a significant role in this matter. Let's consider how to choose this small but necessary element, what material it is made from and how to fix it correctly on your own.
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- 1 Bathroom skirting board: features of selection and operation
- 2 Varieties of ceiling fillets for the bathroom
- 3 Varieties of bathroom skirting boards
- 4 Bathroom skirting board design: how to choose the best color scheme
- 5 Features of mounting a plinth in the bathroom
- 6 Price of plastic skirting board for floor, ceiling and bathroom bowl
Bathroom skirting board: features of selection and operation
Skirting boards are used to decorate transitions from ceiling to wall or wall to floor. Fillets are also used to fill the gap between the bath bowl and the wall. Their main task is to hide unsightly transitions and give the interior a complete appearance, as well as prevent unwanted exposure to moisture at the joints of finishing materials.
Many people think that the only option is to buy a plastic floor plinth for the ceiling, but in fact, different materials are used for this purpose. This allows skirting boards to differ not only in appearance, but also in technical characteristics.
The main requirement for the plinth in the bathtub on the floor, on the ceiling, as well as at the junction of the bathtub bowl and the wall is resistance to water and steam. This is due to the specifics of the use of this room. However, this is far from all that is needed. Let's consider how to choose the most suitable option.
Requirements for bathroom skirting boards:
- 100% waterproofness of the material is required to eliminate the risk of moisture getting under the coating and, as a result, the formation of a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms;
- the material should not be subject to the decay process, since otherwise the plinth will very soon begin to rot at the joints;
- also required resistance to corrosive processes;
- since the bathroom requires careful cleaning, it is considered imperative that the material from which it is made plinth, was completely resistant to household chemicals. So you can maintain the proper level of cleanliness in the room;
- if you plan to carry out the installation yourself, then it is better to choose a model that does not provide for too complex installation work. Otherwise, you will have to turn to professionals or the result of the work will not meet your expectations.
Varieties of ceiling fillets for the bathroom
The ceiling plinth is no less in demand than the floor plinth, as it also performs protective and decorative functions. However, do not forget that constant contact with water and rising steam can have a negative effect if the material does not have sufficient resistance to such effects. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to use wooden curbs, which can deform under the influence of moisture, because a plastic plinth for a ceiling does a much better job.
One of the most popular ways to solve this problem is to install a foam baseboard. This option is somewhat cheaper than a plastic skirting board for the bathroom and at the same time it can be easily attached independently, but it looks quite satisfactory. The only thing to consider is that this material is very fragile and requires careful handling during transportation and installation.
A more expensive, but significantly superior in performance, option is polyurethane fillets. Such skirting boards have increased plasticity, due to which they allow you to design any uneven surfaces, as well as protrusions. Like foam, this material is completely resistant to water and steam, and a special glue is used to fix it.
Another option is to install PVC fillets. Such a skirting board will perfectly match panels made of the same material. And the color scheme is usually matched to the color of the ceiling covering, although such panels do not differ in excessive variety.
A plastic ceiling plinth is a win-win option in the design of any interior, since the color solutions of such fillets are not limited by anything and it is not difficult to choose an option that will ideally match the color of the bathroom walls.
Varieties of bathroom skirting boards
Due to the high humidity in the bathroom, wooden skirting boards are not used in this room. Tiled or plastic will become much more functional bathroom curb, especially since the walls are often decorated with the same material and it becomes easier to maintain the stylistic combination. Although there are other options that perfectly hide the joint between the floor and the wall.
In any case, when deciding which plinth to choose for the floor, first of all, you need to be guided by the aesthetic compliance, as well as the technical characteristics of a particular material.
Ceramic skirting board for the floor: installation and operation features
Ceramic skirting boards are ideal if you decide to use tiles for your walls. Of course, its installation is much more difficult than in the case of using plastic panels, but this option looks more expensive and more spectacular. The colors and widths are practically unlimited and you can easily buy the ceramic skirting board that suits you.
As for the operational life of such an option, it is largely determined by the observance of the operating conditions. This material is not subject to deformation, and therefore the only real threat to it is mechanical stress. That is, the main thing is to avoid hitting the baseboard and not to drop heavy objects, as this can cause cracks and chips.
The main problem that arises in the event of damage to the integrity of the ceramic plinth for a bathroom is a violation of the tightness of the coating.As a result of water entering the crevice, mold can form and fungus can develop.
Note! Depending on the model chosen, the ceramic skirting board is installed in different ways: over the tiles or between the floor and the tiles. In the first case, a model called "boot" is used, and in the second, ordinary flat skirting boards.
Plastic skirting board for the floor: features and benefits
In terms of technical characteristics, the plastic skirting board is in no way inferior to the ceramic one. It looks, of course, much simpler and cheaper, but its price is much more affordable, the fastening process is simpler, and the resistance to water and steam is no worse.
Even a beginner can figure out how to attach a plastic baseboard to the floor. In some models, there is a special elastic on the back of each panel, which ensures the most tight fit of the plinth to the wall. Fastening can be carried out both before and after the walls. Experts say that the use of the second method will have a positive effect on the operational life of the tile, although it will negatively affect the possibility of further dismantling the baseboard itself.
Although the white baseboard for the bathroom is considered the traditional option, some reviews claim that using colored options has its advantages. So, they get dirty less and do not tend to turn yellow over time, which is a significant advantage in high humidity conditions.
Therefore, before making a purchase, it is recommended to read reviews in order to find out in more detail what problems may arise in the process of using this or that option, as well as once again familiarize yourself with how to fix floor plastic skirting boards yourself.
Other skirting board materials for bathroom decoration
Since ensuring the tightness of all joints is a prerequisite for decorating a "wet" room, you will need to give preference to the most moisture-resistant models. You can buy a ceramic plinth for a bathroom, plastic fillets, or choose from other equally interesting options.
If you are ready to seriously spend money on decorating your own bathroom, then a marble plinth in the bathroom on the floor is ideal. In terms of service life, it surpasses even ceramic, not to mention all the others. Nevertheless, such a choice is fraught not only with serious financial costs, but also with difficulties in choosing a combination with wall and floor coverings. Since the color palette of marble is very limited, you need to take care of the match in advance.
Among the skirting boards in the bathroom for the bath, perhaps the most popular and cheapest option is a self-adhesive silicone skirting board. Made of polymer, it has a low cost and the easiest fastening technology. And with all this, it adequately copes with its main task - protecting the joint from moisture, and also gives the interior a neat and complete appearance.
The main disadvantages of this option are the limited choice of colors and designs, as well as a short service life. In most cases, such a cheap option is enough for 1-2 years of use, after which it must be replaced.
Acrylic bathroom skirting board is highly resistant to any external factors and is usually used when the bowl itself is made of the same material. The panels are installed according to standard technology, and you can buy an acrylic plinth for a bathroom at an affordable price.
Useful advice! You should not save too much on the purchase and installation of bath skirting boards. Otherwise, you may soon encounter such unpleasant phenomena as fungus and mold.This will incur repeated replacement costs.
Bathroom skirting board design: how to choose the best color scheme
In order for the skirting boards in the bathroom to maintain the harmony of the interior, and not distort it, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules in choosing.
White skirting boards are ideal for any finish. You can also choose panels that match the color of the walls, ceiling or floor. In this case, the neutral edging will not be conspicuous and will not violate the integrity of the interior.
Before deciding on the width of the curb, be sure to evaluate the available area of the room. The sizes of floor plastic skirting boards are different and here it is worth adhering to the following rules: wide models are permissible only in the case of a sufficiently spacious bathroom, which is not overly loaded with furniture. It is also desirable that the ceilings be quite high. In all other cases, it is better to give preference to narrower and more modest models.
Useful advice! The skirting board of the same color as the walls will help to visually raise the ceiling. This can expand the space a bit if the bathroom is very small.
Features of mounting a plinth in the bathroom
Installing a skirting board is an easy task that anyone can handle. Nevertheless, the process requires attention, as well as compliance with some rules:
- do not delay the installation of skirting boards. Especially when it comes to silicone or plastic bathroom curbs. The newer and cleaner the surface you are working with, the more likely it is to install properly. However, in any case, the surface must be cleaned and prepared;
- be sure to pay attention to what the manufacturers of the glue or liquid nails you use write on the packaging. This will help you avoid mistakes during installation and glue the panels with high quality;
- any excess glue that gets on the surface next to or on the front of the skirting board must be wiped off immediately. As a rule, such compositions set rather quickly and most likely after a few minutes it will be problematic to remove the drops;
- if you decide to buy a plastic skirting board for the floor or bathroom decoration, take care of additional protection of the joints using a sealant for this. You can see in detail how to do this in the video of installing a plastic skirting board;
- while gluing the panels, keep them pressed to the surface for as long as suggested by the manufacturer of the adhesive to allow the adhesive to dry.
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How to fix different types of bathroom floor skirting boards
Another argument in favor of buying a plastic bathroom curb is the simple installation procedure. Fixing the plinth to the bathroom on the floor is not much different from carrying out work in any other room. Depending on the model chosen, the panels will be glued or fastened with self-tapping screws. However, in any case, before installation, care must be taken to clean the surfaces and wipe them thoroughly.
Since floor panels are generally standard sizes, you will need to adjust the length of the plastic skirting board to match the size of your room. However, when calculating the required amount of material, be sure to leave a margin that will allow you to correct mistakes if they are made in the process of fitting corners.
You always need to start fastening from the corner, using special elements for this purpose, or simply by cutting off the existing panels at the desired angle. It will be useful to watch a video on how to fix plastic skirting boards to the floor, where all the technology is clearly demonstrated.
Useful advice! If you have a need to lay wires in the bathroom, you can consider skirting boards specially designed for this purpose, which serve not only for interior decoration, but also reliably protect the wires laid inside from moisture.
Fastening a ceramic border for a bathroom should begin with measurements and cutting of elements of the required length using a grinder with a fine dusting of a diamond disc. If you use something else to cut, you risk damaging the glaze and getting an uneven cut.
Docking of two elements is done using the measurement method. To do this, one of the pieces is applied to the wall and a mark is made at the lower and upper edges. Then, moving along the wall, we rearrange the tiles in accordance with the mark, marking each new corner. So, we simultaneously mark both the joint on the wall and the line of intersection of the tile with the floor.
All that is required of you after the markup is done is to carefully trim those elements that need it. If you make an even cut, then the gaps will be almost invisible. Moreover, at the end of the work, the joints are processed with grout matched to the color tiles.
Price of plastic skirting board for floor, ceiling and bathroom bowl
Since the cost of a material is an important factor influencing its popularity, consider the main price boundaries that you will have to face if you decide to buy a plastic skirting board for your bathroom. First of all, it is worth noting that the price depends on what the panels are intended for, the manufacturer, and also on what size the panels are. Floor plastic skirting boards are traditionally sold in two-meter fillets, although the price is still calculated per linear meter.
So, the simplest model of plinth in the bathroom on the floor will cost you from 37 to 90 rubles per 1 running meter. Considering that the bathroom is a small room, in general, the costs will not be so great. The best way to accurately determine the size, price of a plastic skirting board for the floor is to visit a hardware store and visually examine the suitable models. However, you can make a purchase on the Internet, but you run the risk of making a mistake with the color much more.

Self-adhesive border tape for decorating joints in the bathroom
The self-adhesive plastic skirting board for the bathroom is also not too expensive option, which at the same time allows you to perfectly close the gaps between the wall and the bowl. It is sold in the form of a tape in a roll, on the reverse side of which butyl glue is pre-applied. The cost of such a bay with a length of 3 m is only 110 rubles.
Useful advice! To prevent the self-adhesive tape from peeling off, the surface on which it will be attached must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
Prices for ceiling plastic skirting boards start at 28 rubles and can increase significantly in accordance with the technical characteristics, as well as the external design of the panels. The cost of some of the most beautiful models can exceed 200 rubles per running meter.
The price of installing a plastic skirting board is not high, but many still prefer to do all the work on their own, without asking for help from professionals. Such savings are quite justified, especially considering the fact that on the Internet there are many thematic videos of installing plastic skirting boards with your own hands.
As you can see, the installation of skirting boards in the bathroom is of great functional importance, regardless of what type of panels we are talking about: ceiling, floor or designed to close the gap between the bath bowl and the wall. In any case, before buying bathroom skirting boards, familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options and only then make a purchase.