Tomato juice is considered one of the most popular among children and adults, because tomatoes contain many vitamins. In addition, tomato juice is used to prepare a large number of dishes, sauces and marinades. Some even use the drink to preserve other vegetables. Many people understand that juice bought in a store cannot be compared with natural homemade juice, for the preparation of which a tomato juicer is needed.

Juicers for tomatoes differ not only in size and functionality, but also in the volume of processed raw materials
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The main types of tomato juicers
Juicers differ not only in size or function, but also depending on how much raw material needs to be processed. On this basis, the following types of juicers are distinguished:
- household;
- professional;
- industrial.
Industrial juicers are designed to handle large amounts of food. They are mainly suitable for industries producing juice from several thousand kilograms of tomatoes or other vegetables, berries and fruits. Professional devices will be able to process significantly less vegetables than industrial ones, but at the same time more than household ones. It is professional models that are designed to harvest large volumes of juice for the winter.
Checked! A household apple and tomato juicer can be very powerful, but nevertheless it is designed to make a small amount of juice. It is ideal for every day to prepare freshly squeezed drinks for lunch, breakfast or dinner.
To understand which juicer is better, you need to study the characteristics of each type of device. The devices are divided according to the method of obtaining juice:
- The Tomato Auger Juicer is a device with a built-in shaft that grinds the products. In the apparatus, the ground liquid is forced through a sieve, and juice is released.
- The centrifugal juicer separates the juice by grinding the fruit with a movable grater, which works under the influence of centrifugal force.
Every year, manufacturers are trying to modernize devices, endowing them with additional functions that are usually not enough in previous models. To understand which tomato juicer is better in a particular case, you need to determine the main purpose of use in advance. As practice shows, the buyer does not use most of the additional functions, but their presence significantly increases the final cost of the goods.
According to reviews, electric tomato juicers are also endowed with such additional options that are very useful to users. For example, most buyers note that it is very convenient when the nets or grilles of the device are independently peeled from the tomato skin. A self-cooling function is also considered useful, which does not allow the device to overheat and fail prematurely. But even these functions are considered relevant only when it is required to process a large number of products at one time.
How to choose a juicer: how the devices differ from each other
Tomato juice has a special thick consistency, which is achieved by removing the seeds and skin. It is from the density that its taste and other qualities will depend. So, if tomato juice in a juicer separates too much from the pulp and turns out to be liquid at the exit, then it will taste watery and unsaturated.
Important! The juice must contain grated pulp, but without solid particles. The consistency of the final product should be liquid, but not watery.
If you use a centrifugal juicer to extract juice, there is a possibility of obtaining an unsaturated product with insufficient pulp content. Another disadvantage is that the tomato pulp quickly clogs the sieve, which is quite long and difficult to clean. For these reasons, as a rule, the centrifugal version of the juicer is not recommended to be chosen for processing tomatoes.
An electric tomato auger juicer is considered to be the best option for producing tomato juice. Here the shaft can be positioned in two ways:
- horizontal;
- vertical.
In retail outlets, there are also combined tomato juicers equipped with two shafts moving in different directions. It is these models that are considered the best juicers for tomatoes, because thanks to the two shafts, the productivity of the device increases, as well as the speed of processing vegetables.
In appearance, the tomato screw juicer is very similar to a standard meat grinder. Tomatoes are finely ground in the appliance, and the liquid is squeezed out through a sieve. The pulp and grains are well ground and grind, as a result of which a rich, tasty and high-quality juice is obtained at the exit.
Electric and manual auger juicers for tomatoes: features, pros and cons
As already mentioned, the auger apparatus looks very much like a standard meat grinder. The only difference is the presence of a tapered screw. A large number of step-by-step instructions and videos are available on the network, which contain information on how to make a tomato juicer from a meat grinder with your own hands. The main rule during manufacturing is to choose a nozzle suitable for the device, which can be purchased separately.
Before making tomato juice in a juicer, you need to cut up the tomatoes. During the operation of the device, the juice and cake begin to separate from each other.Excess solid particles cannot pass through the grate and enter a separate bowl, and the liquid flows out through a special cone into a pre-installed container. This is how a manual tomato juicer works. In electric models, the grater that grinds vegetables rotates with the help of a running motor, and the juice usually flows into a glass, which is supplied with the device.

Auger juicer looks like an ordinary meat grinder
The main advantages of the auger device:
- getting pure juice without seeds and peels at the outlet;
- high productivity, allowing you to get the maximum amount of finished product.
Like any other device, manual and electric auger juicers for tomatoes have some disadvantages:
- Limited production of models, which complicates the selection and purchase. The shortage of such devices has been especially severe in the past few years.
- Quite a complex process of cleaning the grate from jammed pulp. Sometimes cleaning has to be done manually during the recycling process because the passages are heavily clogged.
- Those who use a manual tomato juicer are familiar with situations where, due to the pressure when setting, vegetables burst and smear the surrounding surfaces with juice. This is especially felt if the bookmark bowl is not large enough.
To avoid some troubles, it is recommended to choose devices equipped with recessed bookmark containers. And if a device with a small bowl is already available, it is best to pre-cut the tomato into 3-4 pieces, depending on the size.
How does a centrifugal tomato juicer work and what is a press
The operating principle of the centrifugal electric tomato juicer is as follows:
- tomatoes fall on a metal grater, which begins the grinding process;
- under the action of the high speed of rotation of the centrifuge, tomatoes form a mushy mass;
- a semi-finished product in the form of nectar goes into a special compartment;
- the resulting pulp is separated from the liquid that comes out of the juicer.
Useful advice! Centrifuge liquid juice is a great option for making tomato marinade for preserving other vegetables. In addition to tomatoes, it can be used for pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, garlic or blue ones.
As a result of the operation of the device, a juice is obtained in which there are no impurities. Among the disadvantages of the device, it is worth highlighting that it is not designed for high performance. As a result, it turns out that the consumption of tomatoes is quite large, but there is very little juice and it has a liquid consistency. In addition, as evidenced by reviews, electric tomato juicers of this type differ in that the product heats up strongly in them, which is why most of the nutrients and vitamins are lost, and the finished product lacks a pleasant density. Other disadvantages of the device:
- inside the centrifuge, the juice reacts with oxygen, which causes the oxidation of the first and the loss of some of the nutrients;
- high consumption of the product requires additional purchase costs.
In general, we can say that the result of the squeeze is not tomato juice, but actually loose and liquid nectar, which has fewer useful properties. It is for these reasons that a centrifugal device is rarely purchased for winter harvesting.
The manual juicer is also used to extract tomato juice. In this case, the chopping of vegetables takes place under the influence of pressure from above. Besides the fact that you can crush tomatoes, berries and fruits containing seeds are suitable for processing.Most often, the press is used to work with grapes and pomegranates.
The preparation of natural juice is carried out using the method of cold pressing, resulting in a thick product rich in vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the body. The main advantage of the press is that you can process a large amount of vegetables at one time, because the reservoir of the device is designed for several tens of liters. Such models are especially popular with gardeners who harvest large crops on the site.
Manual, mechanical and electric tomato juicers
Devices that work according to the manual, mechanical or electrical principle are distinguished. A manual juicer is considered to be the easiest to use, because no electricity is required to obtain juice, which is especially important in summer cottages where there is often no light or there are constant power outages.
The most popular in this category are pressing tools, for example, the SVR-01 and SVR-02 models. The devices are containers with a screw press located inside the housing. The handle that drives the device is located at the top of the device. The construction is based on a stainless steel body, so the juicer is lightweight, but at the same time it is suitable for processing large quantities of tomatoes. However, you need to be prepared that in the process of work you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.
A mechanical manual tomato juicer is also a simple design, the main components of which are:
- screw shaft;
- handle;
- suction cups for installation;
- a mouth for loading vegetables or fruits;
- juice outlet tube.
This is the principle behind the Motor Sich SBCH-1 model, as well as the Healthy Juicer, Tomato Juicer juicers, which are among the most common mechanical auger devices. The devices are driven by a handle that launches the shaft, which acts as a kind of press that grinds and grinds the fruits.

Juicers for tomatoes are divided into devices that operate on a manual, mechanical or electrical principle.
The resulting mass is pushed to the sieve under high pressure, after which the juice supply begins. The principle of operation of a mechanical tomato juicer is based on the cold pressing method, which allows you to get a saturated product at the output, where all the important elements have been preserved.
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Varieties of products and their characteristics. Tips for choosing a juicer. Rating of the best devices this year.
Electric juicers are mainly represented by screw devices, the shaft of which is driven by a built-in electric motor. A distinctive feature of the electric tomato juicers is their high productivity, which allows you to process a large number of vegetables at a time and spend a relatively short period of time on it. So, most models have a screw that can spin up to a speed of 200 rpm. In this case, the power can be small, for example, 250 W.
Checked! Even the smallest electric screw juicer is designed to process 40-50 kg of tomatoes per hour. It is the simplest to use such a device, but it is important to pay attention to the presence of an automatic cake removal system.
If you are wondering which juicer for tomatoes is better - electric or mechanical, then it is worth considering that each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages.When choosing a quality product and competent work, it will be possible to get a healthy and rich juice using either one or another device option.
What is a tomato juicer meat grinder
Not every housewife has the opportunity to store all the necessary appliances in the kitchen, especially if the room is small. In this case, universal devices come to the rescue. For example, a tomato juicer attachment for a meat grinder will allow you to always have at hand two devices necessary in the kitchen. Moreover, in recent years more and more manufacturers are offering such kits for purchase.
Some firms claim that all the necessary appliances in the kitchen can be replaced with one food processor. But, as practice shows, most housewives use only a certain set of functions, ignoring a variety of nozzles and flasks, which play the role of unnecessary parts that take up space in cabinets. And the meat grinder, as you know, has made it possible to get high-quality minced meat for many years. That is why the manufacturers decided to combine the two devices into one, especially since they are linked by a common principle of operation.
Among other models, the most often purchased is an electric meat grinder with a screw-type tomato juicer, with which you can get both good tomato juice and high-quality homemade minced meat. Here, as in a conventional juicer, the work is done thanks to an electric drive that rotates the internal working units.
It is interesting! The tomato juicer attachment can be installed on many modern electric mincer models. Sometimes they are included, and sometimes you need to purchase them yourself. When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that the nozzle fits the already purchased model of the meat grinder.
The ZMM 1208 SUA device from Zelmer is considered popular in this category, in which a large number of knives for preparing minced meat and a separate attachment for processing tomatoes and berries are presented. But this versatility also affects the cost of the device, the minimum price of the model is from 12,500 rubles.
How to choose a juicer: what parameters matter
To figure out which tomato juicers are best, you first need to study the characteristics of the models you like. Among the most important parameters are the following:
- Device weight. Everything here will depend on the principle of operation and the type of device. For home use, it is recommended to select options weighing no more than 5-7 kg.
- The size of the containers. This applies to the container for both vegetables and the finished product. If the device is purchased for the purpose of daily juice production for a family of four, a volume of 0.5-1 liters will be sufficient. If the device is necessary for winter blanks, it is better to choose models with the most spacious compartments.
- Reversible function. Thanks to this function, it is possible to obtain the most homogeneous mass of optimal consistency at the outlet.
- Power. For home use, electric juicers with a capacity of 0.25-1.5 kW are suitable. Some people prefer more powerful appliances (up to 2 kW), especially if they need to process large volumes of vegetables every year. The more powerful the device, the faster it will be able to cope with a large number of tomatoes.
- Self-cleaning system. The function is available mainly in more expensive models with a price of 7 thousand rubles. Thanks to this option, the device does not need to be disassembled and cleaned independently during the juice extraction process.
What else is important to consider when buying a household appliance for processing tomatoes
Before buying, it is recommended to take into account the peculiarities of most of the models presented on trading floors. In any case, you need to understand that a hand-held device will have a lower cost than an electric one, but during operation you will need to spend more time and effort. In addition, whichever model is chosen, you need to ensure that the case is securely attached to the tabletop and does not travel during operation. It is better if the juicer has a rubberized bottom and silicone legs. You should also pay attention to the quality of the case, which takes on a rather heavy load.
Most consumers recommend purchasing (this is confirmed by numerous reviews) tomato juicers made of plastic. It is this material that does not oxidize when interacting with juice, as a result of which the shelf life of a fresh unprocessed product is extended, reaching 12-24 hours. But the cutting elements, sieves and grates must necessarily be made of high-quality metal.
Helpful information! Structures made of stainless steel are distinguished by an increased service life - up to 10-15 years and more. Plastic models are usually given a 1-3 year warranty, but in this case, everything will depend on a competent and careful approach to operation.
It is important to pay attention not only to the material, but also to the build quality, because all gaps or slots contribute to the ingress of moisture into the device, which will negatively affect the time it will work without repair.
Other points that are important when working with the device:
- Neck diameter. With a large inlet, there is no need to cut vegetables into small pieces before spinning. Devices designed for loading a large tomato are gaining more and more popularity.
- Availability of additional attachments. Tomato juicers with additional components allow you to squeeze vegetable oil, prepare desserts and even baby food mixes.
Safety is considered an equally important criterion. This is especially true when choosing a juicer equipped with an electric motor. It is better to select options where the neck for feeding tomatoes is characterized by a narrow elongated shape, which eliminates the possibility of injury to the fingers. The presence of an automatic relay will stop the engine if it starts to overheat due to prolonged operation. This eliminates the possibility of premature failure of the device.
Review of models and rating of tomato juicers
Choosing the best tomato juicer today is quite difficult, because each manufacturer offers a large number of models and modifications. Updated versions are released annually, with many convenient and useful functions. Nevertheless, both new and old versions of juicers differ in their set of advantages and disadvantages, which it is better to familiarize with before buying. Therefore, before purchasing a device, you should study the reviews, consider the models and only then buy the most suitable option.
The main purpose of the domestic juicer SVR-1 produced by the Farmer is to extract juice from tomatoes, apples, berries and other fruits by using the cold pressing method. This allows you to maximize the preservation of vitamins and other useful micro- and macroelements contained in vegetables and fruits. In addition to the main purpose, the device is also used to obtain wax from honeycombs, milk from pine nuts, as well as for cooking pressed homemade meat. The design of the device is simple, it consists of elements such as:
- screw press;
- body;
- plate.
The screw is manually activated, and for ease of use, the plate has recesses and a groove used to drain and collect juice.All parts of the device that come into contact with juice are made of stainless steel intended for food use. Parts do not corrode or oxidize. Other product characteristics:
- average productivity - 15 l / h;
- container volume - 5 liters;
- weight - 10 kg;
- manufacturer's warranty - 10 years;
- parameters: 36x29.5x46 cm.
The model is considered the best press-type tomato juicer in this price segment, its cost is only 5,000 rubles. For the convenience of work, a separate outlet for juice and cake is provided.

The manufacturer of the press juicer RawMID Dream Juicer Press JDP-01 guarantees up to 99% juice from the total mass of tomatoes
RawMID Dream Juicer Press JDP-01 is a press juicer, the body of which is made with the combined use of stainless steel and plastic. Differs in instant juice extraction. Suitable not only for tomatoes, but also for other vegetables and fruits. If the model is used for squeezing tomatoes, the manufacturer guarantees up to 99% juice. The warranty period is 10 years.
Unlike the previous model, it is characterized by a significantly higher cost - 14 thousand rubles. The case weighs 13.5 kg, but at the same time it has a rather compact size, so that the device is easy to place even in a small kitchen. Another advantage of the device is its simple design, which makes it easy to wash the remnants of the cake from the parts.
Best Electric Tomato Juicer Korean Manufacturer Hurom HU-100
The Hurom HU-100 vertical screw juicer, due to the presence of a special filter, provides the highest quality processing of tomatoes. Devices in white and silver metallic cases are available for purchase. The presence of a handle-holder makes it easy to transport the model and use it both in the country and at home. The complete set is represented by two capacious containers for juice and pulp. The volume of each is 1 liter. The flask is securely fixed to the body using latches.
First of all, the device was designed specifically for obtaining tomato juice, but at the same time, the juicer copes with the processing of berries with the same success: strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries. It is also suitable for obtaining grape juice.

The versatility of the Hurom HU-100 juicer allows you to use it both for daily use and for harvesting juice for the winter
You need to know this! An important plus is that the HU-100 model is considered an electric juicer for sifting out tomato seeds. For small berries and fruits, it can also be used, however, if you plan to crush apricots, then the seeds are still recommended to be removed.
Other important advantages of the device are:
- the presence of a nozzle for obtaining citrus fruit juice;
- the ability to squeeze juice from hard fruits;
- versatility, allowing the model to be used both for daily use and for processing a large number of products.
Main characteristics electric juicer:
- spinning principle - single-screw, vertical;
- body material - plastic;
- power - 150 W;
- motor type - single-phase induction alternating current;
- cleaning brush available;
- rotation speed - 80 rpm;
- automatic ejection of pulp.
The South Korean manufacturer gives a 7-year guarantee for the smooth operation of the motor, and 2 years for components. But a large number of advantages is reflected in the price of the device, which is about 34-38 thousand rubles.
Review of inexpensive models of tomato juicers
Electric Belarusian tomato juicers have been in demand among summer residents and gardeners for many decades. The Zhuravinka models received the greatest number of positive reviews.The devices relate to centrifugal juicers using a perforated centrifuge, the so-called "sieve", which is driven by a motor.
The bottom of the sieve is a disc grater that grinds fruits and berries into pulp. The finished mass under the influence of centrifugal force rests against the walls, after which the juice begins to squeeze out. Among the most popular modifications of "Zhuravinka" stand out:
- SVSP-301M. The device allows you to squeeze out half a liter of juice from tomatoes, berries or hard fruits without a large stone in a minute.
- SVSP-301MB. Improved model, which is a complete food processor. Here, in addition to the juicer, there is a function of small and large shredders, which allows you to both cut vegetables into slices and grind them into porridge.
- SVSP-102. Works in the juicer mode for tomatoes and other fruits, as well as in the shredder mode. The main advantage is the large receiving chute, which allows you not to bother with chopping products.
All models of the Belarusian manufacturer have a built-in asynchronous single-phase motor, which allows the juicer to operate smoothly for an hour without cooling. The power of the old models is 120 W, the more modern ones differ in the power of 160-300 W. The cost, depending on the option, varies from 2500 to 4500 thousand rubles.
As evidenced by reviews, screw juicers for tomatoes of the budget segment are very popular. Many compliments go to the VES 3005, which features a horizontal auger. At the exit, it is possible to get 80% of the drink, which retains almost the entire volume of useful microelements.
Due to the fact that the attachment can be installed in two different ways, the juicer is suitable for both soft and hard foods. The body is made of safe food grade plastic. The price in retail outlets varies, but nevertheless does not rise above 4 thousand rubles. Key benefits:

At the bottom of the sieve of the Zhuravinka juicer there is a disc grater that grinds the fruits into pulp
- ease of use;
- convenient and spacious funnel for loading tomatoes;
- small size;
- automatic ejection of pulp;
- large juice tank - 1.2 liters;
- power - 400 W.
As for the shortcomings, here many highlight the rather noisy operation of the device. In general, with the help of a juicer, you can quickly get a large amount of homemade juice.
Slightly salted tomato juice is loved not only by adults, but also by children, because, in addition to its pleasant taste, the drink has a beneficial effect on the body: it removes toxins and rejuvenates the skin. The purchased high-quality tomato juicer allows you to get juice every day during the harvest, as well as prepare the necessary supplies for the winter.